The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1429: True love can't be kept since ancient times, only routine can win people's


Jun Chang laughed that he would shake the six chief alchemists with medicinal herbs, and then tie their hearts with food.

The two-pronged approach is as stable as an old dog.

The medicinal materials did bring a lot of shock, but Liu Wanshi was more powerful and directly opened the big move.

Everyday home cooking in Zongmen is delicious on the earth, but now it is serious and special effects. Ask who can handle it!

Not only did the six chief alchemists not resist, they were blinded by the light.

It ’s not a dish!

Opening a table of bright jewelry!

"I go!"

Jun Chang was also shocked.

This kind of starter flashes a variety of special effects pictures, which is so shocking!

Color and fragrance are complete.

It is far from perfect to have a dish full of flowers and whistles, and the taste is the most important.

I'm coming!

After all the dishes were opened, under the special effects of the table, a bunch of scent of vegetables flew out, infiltrated into the hearts and spleens of people along with the breath, and brought a great soul shock instantly!

Including Jun Chang laughs, everyone who smells the smell of vegetables seems to enter a wonderful realm, some are in the mountains with birds and flowers, some are in the clear lake, some are in the starry night sky.

The taste alone makes people's soul out, this is the real world food!

After a little bit.

The souls of Chen Xiyao and others returned to their bodies and looked at the golden dishes on the table with a shocking look. In the end, it was difficult to suppress the emotions, and they blurted in their hearts: "Look!"


The eight chief alchemists have no culture.

Seeing the shock on their faces, Jun Chang smiled proudly, and said, "Rough tea and weak rice, hello."


Chen Xiyao and others twitched slightly.

If this is coarse tea and rice, the food we used to eat must not be described as "xiang"!

As it is said, there is no killing without trading, no harm without contrast. The dishes made by Liu Wanshi, who is full of firepower, have already conquered them from the color and taste alone.

"Six, please!"

Jun Chang said with a smile on his mouth, but first he took chopsticks to eat it first, after all, the girl's dishes made people spit coveted 3,000 feet!

Under normal circumstances, the six chief alchemists would be very polite when they came to an unfamiliar place, but at this moment, regardless of their identity and demeanour, they picked up the tableware and ate them, as if they were hungry for several days.

Clamp a piece of meat over it and gently place it in your mouth.


Just a little tasting, Chen Xiyao's body seemed to explode, and the impact of food not only made the pores erect, but even the hair was straightened!


After the other chief alchemists tasted it one by one, the hairstyles all turned into Golden Retriever models.

The most exaggerated thing is Jun Chang laughs. After tasting the food, not only the hair is straightened, but it is also blown off. The bright head can be used as a mirror.

The food penetrates the whole body and greatly stimulates the scalp, so it touches the old diseases of habitual hair loss.


After half an hour.

Jun Changxiao and Chen Xiyao walked out of the cafeteria.

The impact of the gourmet shock is not over yet, the soul is still wandering above Jiuxiao, even walking a little bit.

It's so fragrant!

So delicious!

So **** cool!

At this moment, they can only use the simplest and simplest words to describe their inner emotions.

"Monarch Sovereign!"

Chen Xiyao arched his hands and said, "The meals of Guizong are really not seen in Chen's life!"

"Rewarded and rewarded," Jun Changxiao said modestly: "This is just the most ordinary home-cooked dish, please forgive me for the shortcomings!"


Everyone was speechless.

This humbleness is a bit too much!

"of course."

Jun Chang laughed: "If six people live in my eternal ancestors, home-cooked dishes can naturally be eaten casually."


Chen Xiyao and others were excited.

There are high-quality medicinal materials that can be better used for alchemy, and delicious ones can be eaten casually. If you can still maintain calmness, you must lie to the ghost.

Jun Chang laughed and knew that it was too late, so he didn't force them to make a statement immediately. Instead, he ordered Li Qingyang to arrange a place for him and planned to cook frogs in warm water.

Next, Chen Xiyao and others were in Yaotian or the canteen every day, and their lives were simple and boring.

A month later.

Jun Chang laughed and called them to the hall, and said, "Six, we have set the time. You can leave now at any time."

"Monarch Sovereign."

Chen Xiyao arched his hand: "If he doesn't dislike it, Chen is willing to be an honorary elder in Guizong."

Previously, it was also an honorary elder, but it was a temporary worker. Now I want to be a full-time worker. For no reason, he is completely captured by high-quality medicinal materials and food.

"I'm willing to stay!"

The other five chief alchemists expressed their opinions.

"You can stay."

Jun Chang laughed with his fingers clasped together, and looked earnestly: "But I hope you can serve the ancestors wholeheartedly, not part-time!"


The crowd was suddenly silent.

Chen Xiyao said: "What does the monarchy mean?"

"Released all the honorary elders with the major gates, and officially became my master of the elixir of elixir." Jun Changxiao finally tore off the sheepskin that was worn on his body, revealing the brutal gray wolf!

Dantang doesn't restrict you from taking part-time jobs, but as long as you join me, you must be wholehearted!

These words, the dog left will certainly not start to say, now six people live in Zongmen for 30 days, naturally can open their hearts!


Jun Chang smiled earnestly: "If you really join me, you can practice martial arts related to Dan Dao, so that you can improve faster."


The six chief alchemists were tangled.

"Sovereign monarch." Chen Xiyao embarrassed, "I have an agreement with the major gates, if I retreat like this, I am afraid ..."

Jun Chang smiled and interrupted: "This is your problem, you must solve it."


"This question doesn't need to be discussed, all listen to me."


The six looked at each other with expressions.

The monarch ruled everyone to live for a month, and arranged to live and eat, that is, to intentionally make yourself dependent!


Addicted, can't quit!


Chen Xiyao compromised: "Chen is willing to oust the positions of the majors and become the master of the elixir of elixir!"

After five other people thought about it again, they expressed their willingness to be part of the Eternity.


"Fill in the entry form."


Chen Xiyao and others sighed, feeling quite aboard the thief ship.

The system said with emotion: "Since ancient times, we can't keep the true feelings, only the routine can win the hearts of the people!"

Fill out the entry form and cover it with the seal on the gate of the gate ~ ~ Since then, the chief alchemists of the eight major churches of Dantang have gathered in Wanguzong and have been appointed as the master of the church.

The day.

With a smile, Jun Chang passed on the big picture to Chen Xiyao and others. After a brief look at them, they would no longer be culturally exposed, and they would begin retreat as if they were treasured.

Such a good martial art is not finished long before it is taken out, why should it take us a month!

In fact, what Jun Changxiao started to think about was to seduce with medicinal materials and food first, but he couldn't use the thousands of shadow tricks. He never thought of the other ...


A few days later.

Van Gonzong announced that all the eight chief alchemists of Dantang have joined Van Gouzong.

The cooperation with Dantang has already caused a lot of sensation. Now eight top masters of Dandao all join a sect with no level.


The chess player, who was outside of Jidao Cave House, was holding a piece of chess, and said, "Come over the chief alchemist of Dantang, you can do it alone."


Tonggu real people laughed and said, "Nothing to do, can you be my Tonggu real disciple?"

mock up.

Look at you.

"Ding! Enveloping the eight major alchemists of Dantang, causing a sensation in the upper world, gaining 200 reputation points."

"Ding! Zongmen Reputation: 200."


After hearing the prompt, Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "As I think."

The more famous Zongmen is in the upper world, the more reputation he will be awarded. This allows him to find a new goal, so he rubs his hands and says, "If I overthrow the world hall in the future, will I give more reputation?


Tonggu, a real man who was proud of himself, suddenly covered his head and said, "Why the head hurts for no reason!"

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