The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1422: Ohno, Ogami!

I bought a bluff suit, but my reputation is cleared.


Jun Chang smiled and sighed, "It's hard work, and it's all spent."

Compared with the contribution value of hundreds of thousands of rewards at every turn, the value of hundreds of reputations is really pitiful, and even made him get back the era of the poorest ratio of the year.

"Do not worry."

The system comforts: "Prestige products are better than contribution value products, and the host can never afford to lose and cannot be fooled." 哽 噺 繓 赽 奇奇 小说 蛧 | w ~ w ~

Jun Chang rolled his eyes with a smile and said, "Did you take the rebate again?"

"I never eat rebates!"

The tone of the system is strong, so it is very confident.

Jun Chang laughed and ignored it, waving his bluff suit out.

This is a robe-like dress, but the style is quite novel, and it will not look dirt on the body.

In fact, the clothes are soiled, and it depends on who wears them. The impeccable body and appearance of the dog are all walking hangers. No matter what they wear, the thief looks good.

"call out!"

Incorporate ideas and build relationships.

For a moment, Jun Chang laughed as if his soul was immersed in a wonderful world. There were suspended crystal balls, and different breaths were revealed. There were martial arts, kendo, and dandao ... a lot.


"This is a bluff."

Jun Chang laughed and stopped in front of the ball representing martial arts, gently raised his hand to touch it, and the outside world opened his eyes suddenly. A torrential weather enveloped him instantly.




In the mountains, more than ten warriors were galloping, and one of them wondered: "Strange, why did you see the monster running over it?"

"It's already injured, it must be far away!" The leader yelled, "Tsai carefully searched!"


Just then, a warrior shouted, "Someone ahead!"


Everyone found out that a man in a robe stood in the mountains and forests, closed his eyes as if thinking, or ... fell asleep?


Monsters often appear in areas, even dare to walk away!

"Brother, judging from this guy's dress, it seems to be a rich man, or ..." A warrior smirked.

The warrior named Big Brother said solemnly: "This person's breath is not strong. In such a dangerous place, he will be eaten by a monster at any time. Should we send him out safely and give him some benefits?"

"Should be!"

His men hurriedly echoed.


"Brush! Brush!"

The crowd quickly approached the past.

Just at this moment, the young man who was always standing suddenly opened his eyes, and his whole body instantly appeared a powerful explosion!


The crowd stopped abruptly, their eyes startled.

The horrible atmosphere erupted, making them seem to be carrying 100,000 mountains!

Oh my God!

This is a super master!

Under the powerful momentum, everyone's legs didn't listen to the call, they collapsed on the ground, and some were scared directly.


Jun Chang, who had just started bluffing to serve martial arts special effects, laughed and found that there were more than ten people on his side, so he turned around and said, "Is something wrong?"

Because of the powerful martial arts blessing, just uttering two words implied unpredictability, and the group of martial arts souls were almost flying out of the body.


Great God!

"No ... no ..." Brother resisted fear, his voice trembling, "It's okay ..."


Jun Chang laughed and continued on his way.

He didn't know how strong the martial arts momentum he was releasing was now, but it was still possible to scare a group of people out of the air.


Watching the dogs left, more than ten martial artists were relieved, and some even covered their faces and began to cry, apparently frightened.



"Can this dress be changed randomly?"

On the way, Jun Chang laughed and became interested, so a lot of styles appeared in his mind. After identifying one, the robe over his body quickly blackened, and then a red cloud pattern emerged.

"Not handsome enough."

"call out!"

The bluff changed to white again, with the word 'Second Generation' on the back, and then changed to the word 'Justice' until it stepped out of the forest and turned into a brown-red short dress with the word 'Jun' printed on the chest.

The system growled: "Please, this is not a coS service!"


The upper boundary division is similar to the astral continent, but divided by regions, such as the southeast region and the northwest region.

The most central area is called the Central Region, and it is also the most prosperous area in the world.

The headquarters of Jietang, Dantang and other organizations are mostly set up in Zhongyu. Jun Chang laughs to visit. He must travel all the way from Southeast to Zhongyu. During this time, the distance is so long that it can be discussed simply by walking.

Fortunately, there are colorful glare wings.

Although this object is not super fast, it has the advantages of energy saving and emission reduction, and it has a strong thirst for continuous battery life.

Jun Chang laughed and summoned, dragging the streamer at high speed, and entered the mid-region boundary in just two months.


"The properties of heaven and earth here are stronger than those in the southeast."

Flying all the way, not only experienced the magnificent mountains and rivers of the Central Region, but also encountered many powerful martial arts, so I said with emotion: "One side has water and soil to support one person, there should be more masters here."

"what is that?"

"I'm going, it's so beautiful!"

The warriors also noticed that colorful streamers flickered in the sky, and they looked up until they were determined that the warriors were flying, and they were still a pair of colorful spots with wings, and their eyes suddenly became envious and envious.

The system said: "The host is so swaggering and careful to be robbed."


Jun Chang laughed: "I was breast-fed and it is safe and secure."


The system collapsed: "The so-called wealth is not exposed, and the host flying so high-profile in the sky will inevitably be watched by the wrongdoers."

"A little more, it will make me safer!"

"Fuck! I'm serious!"


As the camera turned around, Jun Changxiao stopped safely in front of Wushuang City. This is one of Zhongyu's large-scale cities and is also the location of Dantang's headquarters.

Standing in front of the tall city gate, the dog left whispered, "What a grand mother!"


The system was silent.

It ’s unscientific to fly so high-profile without being robbed!


Just before preparing to enter the city, a majestic general blocked the way and yelled, "Anyone who enters Wushuang City needs to provide proof of identity."

There are many rules in the city, and proof of identity is a must.

Jun Changxiao is not a troublemaker ~ ~ cooperated to bring out the permanent resident identity certificate of Yuanyuan City.

Lu Deshui not only gave him a certificate, but also all the disciples of Wan Guzong. It can be said that all of Zongzong were legal residents of Yuanyuan City.


The general said coldly: "Residents of lower cities are not eligible to enter Wushuang City."


Jun Chang smiled and shook his smile and said, "Could you be accommodating?"

The general had to check the identification of others along the way, so he waved impatiently: "Roll."

Lying down!

You are so dragged!


Jun Chang stopped laughing, and took out the pocket-sized Tonggu warship directly on the showdown. He yelled, "Open your eyes and see what this is!"


The heavy breath erupted instantly.

The general took a step back in shock, waiting to see the four characters carved on it, and blurted out: "Tonggu warship!"

The passersby who lined up to enter the city were also shocked, and looked side by side until they saw the warship and felt the strong momentum, and the expression on their faces gradually shocked.

"You ... you ..." The general was terrified in his heart, and said, "Are you ... the eternal suzerain ?!"


Zhongyu also heard of himself?

Jun Chang laughed a little bit and took out the suzerain token, proudly said: "If it is fake, replace it."

If you take this thing first, it will definitely be questioned. After all, a piece of black stone can buy hundreds of tokens, but now I am convinced, because the thick breath of the ancient warship cannot be imitated!

"It turned out to be the monarchy, disrespectful and disrespectful!" The general was never cold, and immediately became extremely enthusiastic.

Jun Chang smiled lightly and said, "Can you show me how to roll?"

"it is good!"

The general fell directly on the ground and rolled around.

Jun Chang smiled suddenly stiffly and secretly said, "He is so skilled!"

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