The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1418: Upgrade Gongfa Pavilion

The lords who dealt with justice for the Ganganzong, learned that the murderer was the Wanzong sect, and immediately got up to leave, and the whole hall suddenly became empty.

Lingwei Zhenzong can't mess with it.

Tonggu real people's disciples can't even mess with it.

Because of the strong background, it should have been a small follow-up to the old, and was very timely contained.


Someone is upset.

That is the world hall that manages the world.

Kill the Gan Ganzong casually, and proclaim the world openly, it's just too arrogant, and it doesn't take us seriously!

Although the upper world is more cruel than the lower world, the system is relatively sound. For such things as the Emperor Zongmen, the world hall will certainly not remain indifferent.


Inside the hall, a majestic old man said angrily, "Does this gentleman often laugh and feel that there is a real ancient man standing behind him, then he can do whatever he wants in the upper world!"

"Just two years later, a sect was destroyed. If he was allowed to come, wouldn't there be chaos in the world!" Someone said angrily.


"You have to go to Tonggu to talk about it!"

A small stubborn ancestor, they naturally would not sympathize.

However, the law enforcer who finally belonged to the Ming Dynasty, your disciples killed the door and publicly announced that they were telling the world, why can't we help him?

Don't say it.

Jun Chang laughs indeed has this meaning.

Before coming to the upper world, he was unhappy with the world hall. Now that he has a big backstage, he must not give up a little face.

Moreover, I used the routine of Ganganzong twice, especially to kill someone with a knife. Wouldn't my ancient ancestors be given to the pot by the Lingwei Zhenzong if the Master arrived in time?

At that time, will you, the law enforcers, come to me for justice?

The answer is definitely not, because it is normal for a true character-level sect to destroy a sect that is okay and not influential.

In fact, there are grievances between the ancestral gates and the annihilation of the gates. As long as the trouble is not too fierce, Jietang often does not intervene. This time, it is mainly Chang Changxiao's announcement that it is provocative.

If you don't make your own statement, what do the major gates think? What about the whole world?


"Must find!"

After the unanimous agreement of Jietang, it was decided to go to Tonggu.

Your disciples have given us a problem. If you do n’t do anything to the outside world, how will you manage the upper bound in the future?

"You all."

The majestic old man said, "Who do you go to Jidao Cave?"


As soon as this remark was made, everyone was silent.

Some words have been said to have been addicted. You must be counseled when you really need to take action, not to mention, Tonggu real people were in Wanguzong two years ago.

"I go."

There was a voice outside the hall.

The crowd looked at each other, and they saw the Lingyao Emperor standing in front of the cloud.


"No comment!"

Jietang agreed.

Although they hate this woman, they have to admit that the other party is still very capable, otherwise they will not soar for thousands of years and have nine transfers and good relationships.

The day.

The Jietang side announced to the public that the investigation of the destruction of Wu Ganzong was also telling the world that we didn't sit idly by and ignore Master Chang laughed at being an ancient real person!

"Be brave!"

"We wait for the results!"



Jun Chang laughed and sat down in the hall with a little depression, because he destroyed a ancestral gate and only acquired tens of millions of black stones.

There is no other way. In order to dispel the wrath of Lingwei Zhenzong, Pei Sili can be described as selling iron, so there has been no savings in the past two years.


Wu Qianzong's various exercises and martial arts were all searched. Although the level is not as strong as systematic rewards, they can be used to redeem high martial arts from the cabinet.


Jun Chang smiled and patted his head, saying: "There is another Zongmen function that is useless, you can use it to upgrade the Gongfa Pavilion!"

Lingyun Pavilion said, skip me again!

no way.

Your role is to inject various attribute special effects into the equipment. At present, disciples of Zongmen have no new weapons and equipment, even if they are upgraded, they will not reflect the value.

The Gongfa Pavilion is different. If martial arts skills are strengthened because of upgrades, it will definitely increase the cultivation speed of everyone.

"Ding! Gongfa Pavilion successfully upgraded to Gongfa Pavilion!"

After being promoted, Jun Changxiao hurriedly focused on the new functions, and his face suddenly appeared with great joy.

There is no change in the upgraded Gongfa Pavilion, and the martial arts listed are the same as before, but the word [strengthening] is added to the prefix. It seems that martial arts is still the martial arts, but it has been improved along with the functions!

"That's great!"

Jun often smiled and grinned.

In the new version, the martial arts have not been replaced, but upgraded on the original basis, which means that the martial arts such as the Five Elements Jiantian Jue and Qiankun Jiuyin Palm that you bought previously can be used, and you do n’t have to make martial arts to exchange for new ones!

"Try it!"

Jun Chang sat down with a smile, and the five elements of Jiantianjue turned round and small. I immediately saw the extremely strong attributes of the five elements coming in from all directions, and the amount of majesty was dozens of times stronger than before!

Slump, Aniu!

The upgrade of Lingjue Pavilion is already terrifying, and the upgrade of Gongfa Pavilion is ... directly open in situ!


Because the martial arts purchased and cultivated in advance have upgraded their functions, Jun Chang laughed and evolved without re-enlightenment. What is the difference between directly unlocking the lock and flying through the wall?



In the night star of the shaping room, he dragged his tired body back to the residence to close the door, and sat on the bed as usual to run the Five Elements Jiantianjue.

Although he has a stronger Huazhao Heart Sutra, he will not forget to practice the old mind, after all, he can cultivate the power of the Five Elements.


After running for weeks, the expression on Ye Xingchen's face suddenly freezes.

After thoroughly confirming that the attributes in the converging room are dozens of times stronger than before, he was surprised: "What happened !?"

After Jun Changxiao upgraded the Gongfa Pavilion, all the attributes of the Five Elements gathered in the sky over the ancient emperors. They swarmed down and rushed to merge into the disciples, forming a rather spectacular picture.


the next day.

The disciples gathered to perform at Wuchang.


Jun Chang smiled in front of the main hall, saluting the plaque engraved with "Iron Bone", solemnly saying, "The ancestors of Zongmen manifested their spirits, so that I can wait for a better understanding of the mind!"

"So it is!"

The disciples suddenly realized.

No wonder yesterday, I suddenly had a deeper understanding and deeper application of the martial arts such as the Five Elements Jiantian Jue. It turned out that the ancestors of Zongmen helped each other in the deep!

"Thank you, Senior!"

The disciples gathered on the stage of the martial arts shouted in unison.

He Wudi naturally would not believe that Zongmen's ancestors manifested their spirits and gave themselves a better understanding of martial arts. Instead, they discouraged in their hearts: "Some seniors in Qixuan believe that Zongmen is weak in the upper world, so they use great magical powers. , Forcibly improve my comprehension? "


"It is indeed a super power to enter the realm of the Holy Lord!"

As the boss of the brain-replenishing trio, as long as he encounters violations of the martial arts, He Wudi will rely on the Seven Sages, otherwise, there is no way to explain it!


At this moment, a disciple came to report: "Lord Weizhen Sect came to see you!"


Jun Chang smiled and wondered, "Why is he here?"


Inside the hall.

Mei Xian sat down with a smile on her face, and then placed a few space rings on the table, saying: "The former monarch was not present ~ ~ It is difficult to express Mei's sincerity, so I am sending a special gift today, hoping that each other All the grudges disappeared. "

Jun Chang laughed and destroyed Jiganzong, making Jietang very upset, but it made him frightened because the reason must be related to the veins.

The upper world did not know why Wan Guzong suddenly destroyed the Gan Ganzong. Only the lord Sui Mei knew it, so after learning about it, he immediately became restless and thought about deciding to pay a little more money and strive to completely resolve the contradiction.

Understand people!

Pay attention to people!


Jun Chang smiled and was embarrassed and arched, "Then Jun just barely accepted it."

"Come here, arrange drinks!"

With the money of others, we must arrange a match.

After the dishes were ready, the dog got up and raised his glass, and smiled, "Master Mei, I wish our two cases of friendship forever!"

"Forever, everlasting!"


Jidao Cave.

Tonggu live-action sits under the old pine tree, his frown flickers suddenly.

If it wasn't for the presence of a baby girl, he would certainly be tempted to yell: "You bastard, you're causing trouble for the teacher!"

"Tongu seniors."

The Emperor Lingyao respectfully said: "It's true that the junior and your disciples are from the same mortal plane."


Tonggu real man smiled with interest: "So, you came here today to represent Jietang, not to ask me for an argument, but to come for a relationship?"


Emperor Ling Yao Road.


Tonggu real laughed and said, "It's a rare encounter with such a frank junior."

"In fact, I don't say that I have a fellowship with Jun Changxiao. I'm just a true disciple of Qing Wei, and I should call my uncle an uncle because of that respect."

Tonggu was surprised, "You are the disciple of that crazy woman?"

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