The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1389: I'm not that fellow Master, he's causing trouble I don't ...


When Lingwei Zhenzong fought against the monster, he found the true face of Jun Changxiao, but they didn't doubt it at all, instead they got the key clue from Pei Li.

"Master Pei."

The five elders looked coldly: "Why would the ancient religion know?"


The sweat on Pei Sili's forehead rushed, and finally had to be informed.

"Ha ha."

The five elders smiled coldly, and said, "Master Pei was bullied by that guy, and informed us of the veins of the black stone. It turned out to be killing with a knife."

"No no no!"

Pei Li hurriedly said, "Pei is sincerely trusting in Guizong!"

This guy's routine is a bit deep. He told Lingwei Zhenzong about the location. In fact, there are many intentions. First, if they can grab the veins, Qianganzong will hug his thigh smoothly. Second, if there is some friction with Jun Changxiao when mining Even more perfect.

The results of it?

Lingwei Zhenzong reached it first, but Xuanshi was dug up by others!

Pei Li wasn't sure whether the excavated person was smiling or not, but at this time he must point his finger at him. After all, there must be an explanation, and it is also an excellent opportunity to kill with a knife.


The path of the lord Ganzong became narrower and narrower.


Five elders said: "Go to Fengqi Xianshan!"

He knows the small nine nine in Pei Sili's heart, but whether or not it was dug by the ancient ancestors, it is necessary to find out in the past, after all, the medium-sized mineral veins have a minimum storage of one billion basalts!

"Five elders."

A middle-aged humane said: "I heard that the Master of Eternal Suzerain is a Taixuan San!"

"Just the guy who hasn't closed his door all day and loves to study Qimen Jiajia?"



The elders' eyes were full of disdain.

The middle-aged person offered a suggestion: "If Xuanshi was really exhumed by the ancient ancestors, he may not dare to admit it. We might as well capture the Taixuan people first, and then he will not be afraid that he will not admit it!"

"Is there any news from that guy?"

"Yes! At Green Studios!"


Green Studios.

It's very far away from Wanguxianshan.

The elder Tai Xuan, who was running with his luggage on his back, was sitting leisurely in the teahouse and drinking tea, and secretly said, "Sure enough, the farther you are from that guy, the less ominous the ominous sign will be."

Poor star meteor legend, those left by dogs can only go far away.


Putting down the tea cup, the elderly Taixuan secretly said, "This son should be able to become stronger in the fastest time, and IOU can be replaced by the time."

In general, he is more optimistic about Jun often laughs.


Suddenly, an old man with a strong aura sat down and said, "You're too mysterious?"

The elderly Taixuan was about to answer, and suddenly found that there were several strong men who were not weaker than themselves, so he was vigilant and said, "Are you?"


The token engraved with the word "Lingweizhenzong" was placed on the table.

The tea-drinking guests in the teahouse saw this, and suddenly turned into a dread, and disappeared from the tea table in the fastest time.

Old Taixuan frowned, and said, "Is something wrong?"

The five elders said, "You robbed me of a vein in Lingwei Zhenzong."


The elder Tai Xuan suddenly widened his eyes.

He didn't have an apprentice, but instantly thought that the other person said it must be Jun Chang laughs, because the goods call him a master!

That **** guy has a few Xuanzi-level ancestors but is not addictive, and started to provoke the true-word level? He was so dead, how did he survive in the Nether!

"You all."

The elder Tai Xuan smiled bitterly and said, "I said I had not confiscated the disciples, do you believe it?"

"What do you think?"


The elder Tai Xuan shook his head, and a quick jump came out of the teahouse, and then he fell into a special prison prepared by Lingwei Zhenzong in advance.


The prison door closed.

"Do not!"

The old man Taixuan grabbed the railing and growled, "I'm not that fellow Master, he's in trouble I won't back!"

It's too late to say anything at this time, because it seems that the prisoners have all been lifted up, and then lifted out of the city in the eyes.

"what happened?"

"People who seem to be Lingwei Shinshu from a costume perspective!"

"What happened to the arrested old man?"

"do not know."

Everyone whispered.

This kind of direct arrest is very disrespectful to a city, but the internal guards pretend that they have not seen it, because the true character class gates are the existence they can't provoke.

"I have nothing to do with Van Gonzong!"

"That guy is not my apprentice!"

"You let me out!"

On the way to Wanxianshan, the elder Tai Xuan kept roaring, and Jun Chang laughed and shouted in his heart!


The dog who had just returned to Wanzong sneezed, rubbed his nose, and secretly said, "Someone is talking bad about me?"


1.2 billion black stones.

This number is really super big.

After returning to Zongmen, Jun Chang laughed and began to think about how to deal with it.

"Although the attributes and rules of heaven and earth here are strong, but the purity contained in the black stone is not in the end, so ... give one billion points to the disciples, and the remaining 200 million are used for the capital turnover of the ancestral gate.

The main task is to make Zongmen a fairy character class, so it is undoubtedly the most correct choice to allocate martial art resources to disciples and let them improve their strength faster.

The next day.

One hundred thousand disciples formed a long line, and received ten thousand basalts from high-level hands for cultivation.

"Although the number is large."

Jun Chang smiled and shook his head: "But they don't get much in their hands."

In the past, it had just developed in the lower world, and it could provide hundreds of disciples with hundreds of thousands of spirit stones. Now it takes 100,000 to bring up the martial arts resources, which is really huge.

System Road: "The host needs to acquire more martial arts resources."


Jun Chang smiled and nodded.

With 200 million funds and a pharmacy, there are only more and more opportunities to make money, which makes him quite confident.


The Wanzong disciples who received 10,000 black stones by hand entered the state of cultivation again.

This time there is a more pure energy supply, and the state is destined to be fully upgraded. As for how much it can be improved, it takes time to determine.



Almost every so often, Zongmen breaks through, and the promotion to Wuhuang and Bansheng has become the norm.

Inside the hall.

Jun Changxiao shouted Lu Yan, Su Xiaomo and Li Fei and gave them to the exclusive soldiers who settled in Lingyan Pavilion.

Lu Xun's exclusive soldiers are named meditation condensing frost, and the shape is a crystal clear jade bracelet that releases ice-based attributes at any time.

Su Xiaomo's exclusive soldier is named Huang Quan Guiding, and its shape is a lamp.

Li Fei's exclusive soldier is named Yuxu Danyang, and the shape is a stone.

The brothers looked at their own exclusive soldiers, and watched the elaborate jade bracelet that the master wore on the wrist.

They are also disciples, and there is a big gap between them!


The thought of Ye Xingchen's wine jar and Xiao Sinji's cauldron immediately relieved them.

After equipping the core disciples with new equipment, Jun Changxiao then took out the three experience tokens for completing the mission reward, and then crushed them one by one. Although he felt that his strength had improved, he still did not show any breakthrough.


He shook his head, and said, "Break through the second turn, only two or three experience signs are not enough."

"Every turn is equal to a great realm. When the host is in the lower realm, it has not been promoted by the sign of experience." The system said.

"and many more!"

Jun Chang smiled and changed his face, and said, "As you said, I want to break through a level on the original basis, and still need to complete the epic task?"

"That's the theory."


Gouyu hasn't thought about breakthroughs. Now when the system says that it suddenly crashes, if you really press one turn for an epic task, you need to complete eight more to reach nine turns!

The most annoying thing is that there is no more detailed division of each level, and the ghost knows when it will meet the requirements to trigger the epic mission!

"Where to play, make trouble!"

Jun Changxiao is used to being pitted by the system ~ ~ so if he cannot change the reality, he can only accept it.

A few days later.

A black-and-white Rakshasa voice said: "Sovereign, here comes the Spirit Sect!"


Jun Chang laughed and hurriedly flew to the gate of the mountain. Under the release of his spiritual thoughts, he immediately caught the sky outside the ancient mountains of Wangu. The streamers traveled at high speed.

Before the dug black disciple has been used up, they are looking for it. The speed is a bit fast!


Jun Chang narrowed his eyes with a smile, and found that several strong men in Lingwei Zhenzong were carrying a prison cage made of special ore, which was closed inside ...

"Jun always laughs!"

At this moment, Taixuan's heartbreaking and irritable voice was rippling in the eternal fairy mountain: "Did I offend you in my last life!"

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