The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1362: If I can come back, I will use real content

Lu Deshui dispatched more manpower again and began a carpet search outside the city. The young couple was bound to be found.

The purpose of going first is to get revenge, but this time to make friends. After all, if you sell it for two, you will earn 2 million, which means that it is not ordinary medicine.

not to mention.

It was still sold by the chief alchemy master of Jietang!

who is this? The absolute connoisseur of elixir, if you can see him, it shows that the medicinal materials have great potential!

Because of his son, he made himself two million. If he could, he would beat him up again for the opportunity to make friends with his friends.

For Lu Deshui, who spoiled his son in every way, Renshe collapsed.

of course.

Feng Guichen is also looking.

At this moment, according to a small amount of information provided by the Lord of the City of Lu, Xiu was traveling at full speed in the mountains with full openness, and his spiritual thoughts were frantic, looking for the young couple.

This buddy is different from other chief alchemists. He may have multiple positions in various major gates. He always likes to travel around the world alone, and has a profound and well-known master fan. Grower.


Jun Changxiao and Hua Rose have already returned to Wanzong, and the two are doomed to meet each other.

Inside the study.

The old dog left to restore his original appearance invited Wei Lao to start to discuss the subsequent development of Yaotian carefully.

Selling 200,000 to 3 million is definitely a huge profit. As long as the seeds can be grown in large quantities, it is not a problem to accumulate wealth in a short time.

Fortunately, Jun Chang laughed and didn't know that the medicinal materials sold to Lu Deshui made him 2 million in downhand, and he would surely hit his head against the wall with anger.


Wei Lao said: "I will transform the surrounding flat areas into medicine fields. There is nothing wrong with my medicine hall, but ... more seeds are needed."

"I'll fix it."

Jun Changxiao decided to make a trip to the far door this time to take a look at the larger and larger city, and then purchase a lot of seeds.

Ordinary seeds produce mysterious characters, but higher seeds do n’t go to heaven?


The opportunity to make big money!

Jun Changxiao has decided that Zongmen will first plant all kinds of medicinal materials, and wait for enough funds to accumulate before attempting transformation, such as selling highly profitable elixir.

"There should also be a city based on medicinal herbs in the upper realm?"

Taking out the previously purchased map, Jun Changxiao carefully looked at it, and quickly identified a city named Wanbao City. According to the above comment, this is the largest intersection center in the southeast area, which sells various treasures and weapons.

"Yuanyuan City is here, Wanbao City is ..." Simply measured on the map with the palm of his hand, and the dog left collapsed: "This must not be separated by ten thousand miles!"

Wanguxianshan is located in the southeast of the Upper Boundary, because it is remote, and the distance from the Dacheng pond can be described by the number of starfall continents.

Jun Changxiao has just entered the realm of Zhuan Dan, and it is easy to have kidney deficiency by flying by himself, so even if you step on the flying sword to Wanbao City, it will take a long time.

simply say.

There is already a business way to develop Zongmen, but the most troublesome problem is that it is difficult to travel.


Jun Chang smiled and shook his head: "Only the ancient warship can be used!"

In the case that flying and flying swords cannot be used for travelling, this can only be used for the longest trek.

The dog left has not been taken out because there is a new heavenly order here. Even if the warship can fly, it will inevitably need a higher energy source to drive it.

as expected.

Jun Changxiao summoned the Tonggu warship, inlaid xuanshi in it, and tried to drive it. Although it could fly, it only took a lot of energy to fly out of the ancient fairy mountain from the gate.

The system said: "From the speed and consumption of the slave, I have analyzed that the host needs at least 500,000 black stones to reach Wanbao City by this object."


Jun often slumped on the bow with a smile.

"No more, no more." He took the warship back into the space ring and said, "I'll look for medicinal seeds near the city pond."


Li Luoqiu walked in and said, "According to the reports from the spies, there have been martials out of the Yuanyuan City."

During the time when he came to the Upper World, Xiyutang also started operation under the order of the lord. Many professional intelligence personnel have settled in Jingshui Town and Yuanyuan City, but the restricted area is too large to achieve accurate coverage.


Jun Chang smiled indifferently, and said, "The Lord of the City of Lu won't give up, but fortunately, he has the foresight to change his face in advance, otherwise he will cause another trouble."

If you think that the smart dog left, because it has not revealed its identity, it is always difficult for Dantang's chief alchemist to find it, and he will sing with tears in his arms: "If I can come back, I will use my true capacity!"


On a peak that looks like a fantasy.

Just when Jun Chang laughed and called out the ancient warship, the old man of the Wind Fairy Road who sat on the boulder opened his eyes and wondered: "How could the old man's warship be in the upper world?"

"No, no."

"Buried in the battlefield of the plane, even if found by a fate, it should be in the lower bound. Could the gainer have broken up and risen in the void?"

The old man calmed down and began to find the root cause. After finally locking the coordinates, he said suddenly: "Isn't this the previous one, forcibly sneaked up and settled in the ancestral gate of Fengqi Xianshan?"

Just as he wanted to continue his investigation, the atmosphere of the warship suddenly stopped.

The old man fell into a short silence and said, "It seems that the old man and the little guys who come up from this group have some fate. They can take a look at it when they have time."


At this moment, the space above the mountain peak seemed to be torn by some force, and gradually gathered a black figure that seemed to consist of heaven and earth attributes and laws.

The horror burst instantly, shaking the whole space.

The old man fluttered with white hair and frowned, "Hit again?"


The black figure laughed strangely: "Tonggu Taoist, you and I have no strength. It's too difficult to tell the difference. It's better to change the game."

It turned out that the old man of Fengxiandao, who was sitting on a huge rock, turned out to be the real person of Tonggu, the creator of the ancient warship. When the answer was revealed at this moment, as a reader, did you have a sudden realization and a sense of openness?

"What game?"

"The old man recently identified a disciple with special skills and is trying his best to develop his strength. You recruit a disciple and then make an appointment ..."


Tonggu real people forcibly interrupted: "This kind of game where apprentices and masters decide the victory is long gone, can you change something new?"


The black figure growled: "Just use rock-paper-scissors to separate the results!"

"Last time I lost to me thirty-five times in a row, do you still have a face to play with?" Tonggu real man scorned.

"I didn't lose!"

The black figure said faintly: "It's thirty-seven wins in seventy-one innings, and you're still one game behind!"


Tonggu real people are really speechless.

I started to say that there are two wins in three games ~ ~ The result is three wins in five games and four wins in seven games ...

Until it was elevated to more than 70 innings all the way, in the end I really couldn't win, and left when I left for another day.


Tonggu real people said with emotion: "My husband has never seen you so shameless."

The black figure said: "There is a sky outside, and there are people outside the world. Maybe there is really a shameless existence in the vast universe, but it hasn't been encountered by you."

The real man in Tonggu was too lazy to talk to him, and said impatiently: "Just as you said, the old man will go to a disciple and agree on the time to decide the winner."




The black figure laughed and said, "Then you will lose this time, because the disciple I accepted is the son of a plane who is full of luck!"

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