The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1330: Taixuanxianshan sits, pot left from dog

The Taixuan San people also have a small reputation in the Upper Realm. It is said that they like to ponder over the Qimen Jiajia, and because they practice on their own hills, they rarely entangle with the mundane and sectarian forces, so their deeds are rarely known.

The Seven Elders have heard of this person, and also know that occupying a hill for cultivation, maybe the strength is a bit strong, but he did not take it into account, the reason is simple, he came from Yujian Xuanzong.

In such a position that the sectarian gate occupies the majority of the mainstream, it is difficult for Sanshou to be incomparable with it.

What's more, it is the Kendo Sect that has reached the level of Xuanzi.

It is undeniable that the Xuanzi Zongmen belongs to the lowest level among the four levels, but if you know that there are still many forces in the upper world that have not reached the Xuanzi level, you will understand how powerful the prefix is ​​Xuan.

Unless there is a deep hatred of each other endlessly, solitary retreats often do not provoke Zongmen easily, because if one is not allowed to offend, one offends several. After all, who has no ally?

Hei Luocha also said to Jun Chang with a smile that it is the second most important thing to cultivate strength and weakness in the upper world.

Good now.

The Taixuan old man who couldn't hit a piece with Yujian Xuanzong's eight poles has misunderstood with others at this moment. The reason is that Jun Chang laughed at this quoted disciple!

Just as the reader vomited that Tai Xuanxian Mountain was sitting, the pot was left from the dog.

no way.

Who made him say a little pretend that when Jun often came to the upper world with a smile, he found himself, and said ‘I cover you’.


The dog left is not only here, it is also bringing trouble!

I just do n’t know if Taixuan is old, can he hlod live a big scene.




In the mountains, Yu Jian Xuanzong's two mid-air breaking powerhouses exploded and covered their chests, their eyes startled.

As elders outside, these two brothers are much stronger than Lin Lang, but in the end, they were repulsed and injured when they did not take dozens of moves in front of Jun Changxiao.


In the war zone, the seven elders are fully open, and the sky is full of swords and swords, as if precision missiles were bombarded on the ground, rolling up the rolling dust that covered the sky!

"call out!"

With a smile, Jun Chang rushed out of the gun, and the gun head gathered fierce force to stab it in the past.


The Seven Elders Hengjian was in front of him, not only catching the impetuous power, but the man only took two steps back, calmly saying: "I didn't see that Taixuan scattered people could teach such a capable disciple."


Jun Chang laughed and turned with his right hand, forming a sweeping trend.

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

The seven elders stepped on the mysterious footwork, avoided it lightly, and then drew the sword tactics, gathering densely and densely.

"Ding Ding Ding!"

Weapons collided, sparks splattered.


Jun Chang laughed and retreated, and his heart collapsed: "This guy is also breaking through the air, how can he feel better than the fortress master!"

System Road: "The opponents that the host has recently encountered, regardless of the lower and middle positions, are far superior in overall strength, not because of the blessing of Kendo, but because of the cultivation environment."

"That is to say, a strong player in the upper world is better than a lower-armed warrior?" Jun Chang laughed.

Systemically said: "Strong at least 30% to 40%."


Jun Chang laughed and didn't have time to think, because the seven elders' attack methods were very rich, and various sword qi and sword moves were exhibited, and they did not give themselves a chance to breathe!

The system said: "If the host does not use the hole cards, it will be difficult to defeat this superior."

He did not reverse poisoned milk.

Because Jun Chang laughed in the process of fighting with the Seven Elders, and gradually became a bit weak!

Damn it!

For the first time in the upper world, you must move your hole cards when facing a higher-level breach. After walking in the rivers and lakes, you must not walk on thin ice!

"Ding Ding Ding!"

The Seven Elders' offensive accelerated again, and sword gas from all directions exploded. The stunned Jun often laughed angrily, and finally screamed angrily: "Da Sheng, help me!"


The golden chain armor flashed golden light, and then saw the Qitian Dasheng who dared to contend with the heavens appeared holding his hand, and the **** cloak dancing behind him.


The elder frowned.

The sudden appearance of the fur-faced guy was a bit strong, and he felt a little uneasy in his heart!


At this moment, Dasheng opened his eyes and was extremely impatient and said, "Boy, do you want me to solve the garbage again?"

It hasn't appeared in the past ten years. The monkey brother's condition is very good, each hair seems to emit powerful energy.

"Da Sheng!"

Jun Chang laughed: "I have something to do, and this guy will leave it to you!"


Da Sheng sighed and said, "Why can't my suit be worn by someone like you?"

Monkey brother.

Makes you feel wronged.

After all, it was summoned by Jun Changxiao. According to the setting of the priest, it is necessary to obey the order, so another cool method called out the Ruyi golden hoop stick, and then smashed it to the Seven Elders as if it was an understatement.


The earth trembled suddenly, and the birds and beasts in the woods stunned.

When everything calmed down, I saw that the seven elders were sunk in the ground, and the man had completely passed out.

"Seven elders ..."

The other two Yujian Xuanzong strongmen were dumbfounded.

The pressed stick obviously looks weak and weak, why is it that my parents are old!

"Ding! The spur mission is completed and 100,000 contributions are obtained."

"Ding! Zongmen contribution: 300001."

When the Seven Elders were defeated, the first mission in the Upper World was successfully completed, but no mission reward was given.

Jun Chang didn't care, because he was more concerned about the opponent's space ring, and a few handles scattered in the distance was a high-spec Feijian!

When he needed the flying tools most, the person from Yujian Xuanzong immediately sent him warmth. This is really a great person!

"call out"

After taking away the space ring, Jun Chang smiled and stepped on the top with the flying sword and left.

Not to mention, the speed is much faster than the previous one. It is estimated that you can reach Fengqi Xianshan in about ten days.

"But ... hate ..."

Yujian Xuanzong's two wounded mid-air warriors could only watch the dog left with incompetence and anger.

Of course, at this moment, they have already informed the Zongmen with a special secret method. The most important message is that the murderer is a Taixuan scattered disciple!


In the main hall of Yujian Xuanzong, the three elders who had learned the information patted the table and said angrily: "Call the men and horses, and go to Fengxi Xianshan with this seat, and ask the Taixuan scattered people to discuss it!"



The monk flying in the sky laughed, and the spiritual thoughts were taken back from the space ring, rejoicing like crazy: "I sent it!"

He was holding a storage ring of the seven elders of Yuxian Xuanzong, which contained the same specifications as the spirit stone, but the energy was extremely majestic, with a total of 10,000 pieces!

"This thing should be able to be used as the energy source of the ancient warship?"

Jun Changxiao was preparing to do an experiment. Suddenly a sudden brake came because dozens of people in front of Baizhangyuan were wearing strong clothes to stop the way. They had the word "ling knife" on their chests, and weird lines on their backs. Big sword.

The most commendable thing is that you have a knife on your feet!


Jun Chang smiled slightly, and said, "Yu Dao is okay!"


The headed man shouted coldly.

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

The roadblockers did not beep much, and they directly sacrificed the swords around them to kill them. The anger between the eyebrows was like the hatred of the father and the hatred of the wife!

Jun Changxiao can also judge from the words on the chest and his weapon. This is definitely Ling Dao Xuan Zong's horse, so he hurriedly explained, "Dear everyone, I am not Yu Jian Xuan Zong, I am an old disciple of Tai Xuan!"

"Less nonsense, eat me a knife!"


The incisive sword was severely cut down from the air ~ ~ Forcing Jun Changxiao to only offer the legitimate defense of the Sky Gun.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Ding! Ding! Ding!"

A fierce battle was fought in the air.

After the dust and various energies gradually dissipated, Jun Chang smiled rather depressed and left the flying sword.

As for the incoming Ling Dao Xuanzong's disciples, all with blue noses and swollen faces, and their space ring was scraped away by the dog left.

"Brother ... how does this guy use a gun ..."

"He is definitely not from Yu Jian Xuan Zong ..."

"Old man Taixuan ... is that Taixuan scattered person who has studied Qimen Panjia all year round in Fengqi Xianshan?"

"Take our space ring, no ... can't let him run away ... hurry up and inform Zongmen!"

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