The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1319: Aniu's dignity is full of ground

It was a little surprising that he drunk a night of drunken dreams and died of the night star without breaking the film and not going to the spirit beast peak.

After all, people will change and eventually grow up, telling who they are, this once arrogant night emperor has truly taken a new step.

As for Aniu, it will still be used in the future, but it is nothing more than a name. There is no other meaning.

Huier also figured it out, and since then she has used her mind for martial arts cultivation, and still loves the late fiance in her heart.

"This is a perfect ending," Jun Chang murmured with a smile.

He once worked with his disciples to match up with Xingchen and Huier, but now he has realized the truth. He has realized that the two belong to two different worlds.

"Prince Yao Ling."

Jun Chang smiled with his chin in his arms and said, "It's a tough enemy, so be careful when you rise to the upper bound."

"Little brother."

Bai Luocha took a sip of the tea ceremony: "This woman is not easy."


Jun Chang smiled and asked, "Brother heard?"

Hei Luochao said: "The current duty on the battlefield is the Emperor Ling Yao, who can be entrusted with a heavy task by the halls, which shows that there are very useful means."

"On duty?"

"Responsible for everything on the battlefield."


Jun Chang smiled with anger.

Since the woman is in charge of the battlefield of the plane, the punishment and sanctions she has suffered must be inseparable from her!

in this case.

Not only hatred against Ye Xingchen, but also against himself!

"The First Emperor of Eternity!" Jun Chang smiled sneered in his heart: "The day when this seat rises to the upper bounds is your countdown to the last day!"

This is a thorough arrangement.


Jun Chang smiled and asked, "What is the strength of this Lingyao Empress?"


Bai Luocha tangled slightly: "We just heard that we haven't seen the deity and never knew the strength."

"Little brother."

He Luochao said: "Although the upper realm also pays attention to realm strength, it actually pays more attention to it ..." He paused and said: "People!"

"Brother means, Ling Yao Yao has wide connections?" Jun Chang laughed.

Hei Luochao said: "Jietang is the most sacred organization in the upper world. It is not that anyone can enter, let alone that anyone will be entrusted with the task of supervising the battlefield of the plane.

Jun Chang laughed and understood.

The strength of the Ling Yao Yao Emperor is not important. What is important is that she has connections with her!

That is to say, the enemies of the Purple King Demon King are the entire Dragon clan, and the night star enemies are likely to involve a lot of seemingly innocent and resentful forces.

"of course."

He Luochao said: "The younger brother is not weak, and simply passing on the identity of the ancient real disciple is enough to run rampant in the upper world."


Jun Chang smiled slightly at the corner of his mouth.

I also hope that I can run wild in the upper world. The key is ... it has nothing to do with Tonggu real people.

"No, no."

Jun Chang smiled secretly: "It doesn't matter if you want to find a relationship. When you go to the upper world, you first touch the ancient porcelain of the real person, and give yourself the identity of a blaster."

God knows that in the higher universe world, there are as many dogs in the median empty space, and the upper level is full of empty space. Since we first arrived, we must first develop a wave of wretchedness.

"That ... two elder brothers." Jun Chang smiled weakly and said, "Is this Master my master in the upper world?"

"Very powerful!"

He Luochao said with a look of worship: "No matter the strength, identity, or status, it is absolutely above the hall."

At this time, if the real ancient deity of Tonggu was standing next to the dog left, he must go directly to the worship process, after all, the thighs are thick enough, and the legs are hairy enough. Hanging on them must be super comfortable!

"Two brothers."

"Can you tell your brother more about the upper world?"

Jun Chang smiled and remembered that every time I ate a new map when I ate chicken, who was the first few players? where am I? Who is hitting me? If you want to go to the upper bound this time, you need to know in advance. If you do n’t say that you just go in, you must at least not fall into the box!

The black and white Rakshasa began to be science-based in the upper world, and there were not many spoilers in the content. Later, the introduction will be interspersed with the fate in the text, so as to gradually unveil the mystery of the new world.



After a few days of thought, Ye Xingchen came to the study.

"Anything?" Jun Chang asked with a smile.


After a little silence, Ye Xingchen said, "The disciples have cultivated the Taixuan Bible, so they will come later, and will be ahead of Brother Li and others."

"I know."

Not to mention that I heard from Emperor Jiutian, I took Lu Ye to Taixuandongfu not long ago and saw ...


Jun Chang laughed: "As a member of the Wanzong Sect, you must be literate. When you visit places of interest in the future, don't throw away garbage and scribble."

The night star looked stunned.

Does this mean that he went to Taixuandong Mansion and was so ecstatic after getting the Taixuan Zhenjing that he carved a night emperor on the wall?


"Have you been to Taixuandong House?"


Jun Chang laughed: "This seat has not only been there, but also erased the words you carved on the wall."


The system growled: "You only erased one word and added another word!"

"Tai Xuan Dong Fu is very dangerous. The suzerain spends a lot of time, right?" When thinking of the pictures before entering the year, Ye Xingchen was in a daze.


Jun Chang laughed, "Let's go back and forth."

"A time?"

Ye Xingchen opened her mouth suddenly, and the dignity in her heart fell off.

Jun Chang laughed and didn't know that if he said anything at will, he would shatter the dignity of his disciples, and preached in a righteous way: "Why talk about Tai Xuan Zhen Jing for no reason?"

Ye Xingchen adjusted from the state of sorrow into a river, dignified and said, "These years have been cultivated by the lord, and the disciples are willing to share this mentality with the same door."

Lying down!

Night Emperor changes!

He turned in his mind to Zongmen!

Jun Chang smiled a little bit wrongly, but a smile quickly appeared on his face, then walked in front of him, patted his shoulder, and said, "You have this heart, this seat is very pleased."


He paused: "Everyone has his own unique opportunity. The Taixuan Bible is yours and you need not share it with your fellow students."


Ye Xingchen was a little embarrassed ~ ~ But I seriously considered it for a few days before finally making a difficult decision to share my mind. Since the lord is not, it is really ... the best!

"of course."

At this moment, Jun Changxiao added: "Although the Taixuan Bible is good, it is not comparable to Zongmen's mentality."


Listen, it's heartbreaking!

Listen, it's the sound of Aniu's dignity!

The words Jun Chang laughed at deeply hurt Ye Xingchen's heart again, but in fact, in the strict sense, it really is the case. After all, there is a Taixuan Bible and I haven't seen how much higher the other person is than Li Qingyang.

This thing is just like Tai Xuanbing's Xinjue. It belongs to the dispensable existence. It is better to practice the Five Elements Jiantianjue and other mental methods.

The system murmured: "The elderly Taixuan wanted to hit someone after hearing it."

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