The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1312: ambassador of peace

The Jiuquan continent invaded the Tianhe continent and sent many top powerhouses to the battlefield.

Jun Changxiao suddenly appeared, and Bao Bao's siege of the siege coach suddenly made them unhappy.

Where is Nima's arrogant guy who dared to kill our people? Today, without hitting you with a peach blossom, I don't know why the flowers are so red!

It is worthy of being the first echelon of the Fanchen Universe. The atmosphere erupts casually. There are hundreds of Saint-Martial Saints. It is no wonder that the upper world does not allow them to participate in the battlefield of the plane.

Such a battle, Li Qingyang and others must not be able to carry it.

Therefore, Jun Chang smiled without hesitation and released all the prisoners in the Soul Tower.

Suddenly, a group of burly, fierce and powerful men appeared on the battlefield outside the city, and their gazes appeared all excited.

The monarch said that if he is called out and participates in the battle, those who perform well can get meritorious points!

Before he was changed, he was imprisoned in a ninth-floor **** and lived a dark life every day. The only joy was to bully and bully new people.

Now the situation in the prison tower in Tianyuan Town is different, because Jun Changxiao is more humane, allowing them to get meritorious points for short-term freedom, so they have a goal and motivation!

The prisoners were all out and the picture was shocking.

As a result, the Jiuquan mainland powerhouse who rolled up his sleeves and rushed forward stood with a dull expression, and his original fierce gaze was replaced by horror.

How many of you have a half martial saint level?


I have tens of thousands here.

There are all kinds of decent evil demon and demon demon, please choose them casually.

Jun Chang laughs just to release the prisoners, not the main offender, otherwise ... then obviously bullying people.

In fact, they are now bullying people, because they have hundreds of numbers, and you have tens of thousands of numbers. You can't breathe because the Jiuquan continent strongman who is overwhelmed by the eruption is out of breath.

"You don't give me a certain face, Jun will not give you a face." Jun Chang smiled, his voice changed coldly: "Kill all, leave no one!"

On the way, he had learned that Jiuquan had ambitious continents, but he was afraid to stay in the starry fortress.

The best way to deal with this extremely restless master is to give a heavy blow. Only when you really taste the pain can you understand what can and cannot be done!



The prisoners rushed forward.

Because meritorious value can be obtained, performance can be described by mad dogs!

"Do not……"

The strong men of the Jiuquan continent screamed in despair.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

On the battlefield, all kinds of energy burst out wantonly, which can be described as earth-shaking.

The number and strength of Jiuquan mainland can't be compared, so waiting for them is destined to be a tragedy.




After a short time, the smoke on the battlefield gradually faded.

The prisoners were scattered all over the place, some were fixing their hairstyles, some were sitting on the rocks, some were wiping blood stains on their clothes, and corpses were running across the ground under their feet, and blood was flowing into the river.

"All ... dead?"

On the tower of Tianying City, the expressions of the generals and many powerful men were completely frozen.

The powerful sent by Jiuquan mainland is extremely powerful. Once their own moat is blown up, they will not be able to face it. Now they are completely destroyed. How terrible and how terrible!


The siege-general who was always stabbed on the temple by the desert eagle swallowed his mouth, and his eyes were full of horror and shock.

Jun Chang smiled lightly and said, "Are you aware of the situation?"

"Recognized ..."

"Let the soldiers lay down their weapons. I don't want to kill more people."

There are also millions of Jiuquan mainland soldiers on the battlefield, if you really kill them, it will be easy.

"lay down your weapon!"

The siege general shouted with a trembling voice.

As a result, the soldiers in the field of vision took off their weapons and armor, then squatted on the ground and held their heads, looking like defeated prisoners.

As the first echelon plane, the equipment material must be strong.

Therefore, Li Qingyang and Xiao Xieji and others separated and successively turned their income space rings.

As for the hundreds of powerful men who were killed, all kinds of martial art resources were gathered in the hands of Jun Changxiao.

"It's still coming fast."

"You can be a messenger of peace in the future, and go wherever there is war."

The system uttered: "You and a hammer!"

call out! call out!

Suddenly, dozens of streamers suddenly flew into the sky, and then hung above the battlefield, showing a group of strong strong men, their eyes flashed with anger.


Jun Chang smiled and said in surprise: "It is indeed the first echelon, and so many breakouts are sent casually."

"Mr. Dong!"

The siege coach hurriedly shouted, "Save me ..."


The bullet burst from the muzzle and passed directly through the temple.

In the end, Jun Chang laughed away from his determination and could kill hundreds of thousands of soldiers, so he only killed the coach.

However, this act of obliterating one's own side in front of the eyes completely angered the ten lower and two median voids hanging in midair!

"Eliminate them all together with the city!"



Ten subordinates rushed down through the air, and various energies appeared like a raging wave.



The wind raged on the battlefield, and the dust was flying!


Suddenly, Jiudao Jianguang suddenly flew from it, first passing through the ten lower positions, and then gathered the figures to stand in front of the two middle positions.


Yi Feixue!

The kendo master's understanding of kendo is truly amazing. Just now the nine swords flew out, and the combined effects were just amazing.

"Flop! Flop!"

The ten people passing by broke through the air, their clothes and pants were all broken, and only the big trousers were left hanging in the air. The picture presented was even hotter than the purple prince demon king, because there was a suit!

I didn't have time to blush, and my heart was completely taken over.

Because they knew that the sword qi that had just flown from the side just now, and whenever there was a little killing intention, their heads had already landed!


The eyes of the two median breakouts gradually widened, and they were surprised: "Jiudao Jiutian ... Yi Feixue!"


Yi Feixue sighed and said, "I have been locked in the ninth-floor **** for many years. I didn't expect anyone would know me."


The expressions on the faces of the two mid-air gap powerhouses were brilliant.

They do n’t know Yi Feixue ~ ~ But I ’ve heard of this person, especially the most iconic is a sword with an extraordinary quality of nine handles, and even never leave the body, so it ’s called Kendo Jiuchi!

Such a well-known Kendo strong man suddenly appeared in the continent of Tianhe, really incredible!

and many more!

The one below stood in front of many prisoners and physically connected the burly man who was bombarded by the ten fellows just now, and looked a little familiar. Could it not be the iron body that claimed the strongest body on the surface of Fanchen?


One of the things that the two medians broke into the air remembered was that not long ago, the starry fortress was bombed, and the owner of the fortress was also wiped out. Finally, the murderer led the prisoner to the warship and led him away.

Yi Feixue and Tieyihou were held in nine layers of hell. This is something that the top powerhouses know. Now they appear here, so ...

At this point, the two strong men in Jiuquan continent had stiff muscles on their faces, and then tried to look at the young man who shot the coach below, his voice trembling: "The murderer of Star Fortress ... will not he be?"

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