The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1310: Here comes the opportunity!

Don't underestimate the Tianyuan Prison Tower, and don't underestimate the prisoners on every floor, because they are all old rivers and lakes.

The night emperor who broke through half a step martial arts thought he was right, and even had a dozen or more. As a result, he was immediately beaten by the group.

On that day, news spread.

It doesn't matter who transmitted it, what's important is that Li Qingyang and so on all know it.

Zhao Doudou was able to carry out the night teacher's brother. The prisoner's strength in the prison is not simple. You must be careful when you go in.

the next day.

Xiao Sin came to the first floor of the prison and proudly said, "I want to fight ten!"


A prisoner laughed: "Another arrogant guy!"


"Serve him well!"



Suddenly, ten burly prisoners gathered around, and the realm was all at the half-step martial arts level!

"come on!"

Xiao Sin did not dare to carelessly and summoned the shield directly.

"Boom boom boom boom!"


After half an hour, the prison door opened again.

Zhao Doudou helped Xiao Xin, who had a blue nose and a swollen face, walked out and said, "Brother Xiao, let's hit one next time!"

"Do not……"

"I have ten more!"

Xiao's own shield route is usually used to carry damage, so more opponents are needed to stimulate and improve his defense. Unlike Aniu, he just wants to pretend to be forced, but he hasn't pretended to be counterattacked ...

Li Qingyang and Su Xiaomo and others successively entered the prison tower.

Because there are ‘offensive and defensive’ combinations to explore the way, so the conservative choice is one-on-one single-headed, and after losing a lot of wins, he lost.


Li Qingyang said: "Prisoners are fierce!"

Jun Chang, who is sitting in the study room, laughs, puts his legs on the table, and laughs: "So, this is a good place for experience. You have to go in and experience more."

Bringing all nine layers of **** prisoners into the Tianyuan Prison Tower is to create a stronger and more cruel training place for Zongmen, and now it can be achieved.

of course.

More than disciples.

Senior elders can also enter.

After Li Qingyang, Xiao Xieji and others took turns to battle, the Purple King Demon King took a moment to come to the first floor of the prison, while fighting and undressing, immediately shocked the prisoner.


This guy is sick!


Including the twelve jailers who care for the prisoners, Tianyuan Town's prison tower is quite awesome.

It is no exaggeration to say that as long as the power in it is released, it can completely destroy any plane!

Jun Chang laughs more often and will place it in the Eternal Sect. Internal forces will hardly appear outside.

Therefore, the warriors living in the starry continent never dreamed that there was a dark force in the place where they lived, which could dominate the universe.

"Will you take the prison when you take off?"

When researching the battle of the heavens and the earth, Jun Changxiao always considered this issue, especially considering the ascension of the upper bound. Will the starburst continent be bullied by others?

It ’s good to go to a stronger place, but it ’s home at last. He does n’t want to have any problems after he walks away, and he is reduced to a home like Tianyuan.

The best way is to leave absolute power, let the forces here be safe and secure, and let the majors be feared.

The twelve jailers and prisoners in the Tianyuan Soul Tower are undoubtedly very suitable for the guardian star to fall to the continent.

But the problem is.

They must get their absolute approval.

The prisoners were easy to deal with, and it was a big deal for Erya to adjust, but the twelve prisoners were a little tricky.


Jun Chang smiled and frowned. "I need a chance."

"Little brother!"

Just then, Bai Luocha said, "There is another battleship!"

The system whispered sharply: "Usually this situation means that the opportunity is coming!"


Jun Chang smiled with surprise.

Haven't Star Fortress been blown up by myself? Why is there anyone in trouble?


Endless starry sky.

A ship of acceptable size and grade stopped.

"Who is coming?"

Jun Chang hovering across the road smiled lightly.

Several middle-aged men headed out of the cabin were pale, as if injured, and arched, "Sovereign monarch, please save our Tianhe continent!"


Jun Chang laughs a little bit?

However, it was clear from the begging tone of the other party that he did not come to trouble, so he asked, "I have something to talk to the mainland with this seat."

"That's too late!"

The middle-aged person hurriedly said, "Please also ask the monarch and his lord to hurry up, otherwise my Tianhe continent will cease to exist!"


Jun Chang shrugged with a smile and said, "Looks like we don't know?"

If you ask me to save, shall I save it?

There are too many people in trouble in this world. Even if I really want to do justice, I have more than enough power.


With a wave of the middle-aged man, a large box full of spirits appeared on the deck.

"I remembered!"

Jun Chang smiled and patted his head, and Wu Wu said, "We have had a side in the Star Fortress!"

The system growled: "Know who you are!"

No way, money ability!

"Monarch Sovereign!"

The middle-aged man seriously said: "There are 10 million spirits here. Please help me quickly!"

From the look and tone, it can be seen that it is absolutely something that must not be delayed and eager.

"I need to know why."


"call out"

Slightly, several warriors who came for help changed to Tonggu warships and merged into the endless starry sky with extreme speed.

"Relax, everyone."

Jun Chang stood on the bow of the ship with a smile, and said in full color: "I will help you solve all your troubles."

A month ago.

There is an adjacent Jiuquan continent in the universe area where the continent of Tianhe is located. After learning that the starry fortress was destroyed, it immediately withdrew its hypocrisy from its face and began to invade its neighbors.

That year, the noodle had been warned by the fortress, and even sent a patrol ambassador to make him safe and secure.

But when the restraining forces cease to exist, they naturally need not be afraid.

The Jiuquan continent is very powerful and belongs to the first echelon level in the universal universe. The Tianhe continent is difficult to compete with, and can only go for help when thinking about it.

Who begged?

Ask whoever destroys the star fortress.

Therefore, the warrior who killed the encircled Tianhe continent rushed forward and finally found the starfall continent!

"The two of us are far apart, and you can find them in more than half a month, fast enough." Jun Chang laughed on the road.

The middle-aged man said: "I also want to thank the Mocheng Lord of the Jiutian Continent ~ ~ for giving him the precise position of the residence of our monarchy, without taking too many wrong paths!"

"So it is." Jun Chang smiled and understood.

Of course, Mo Shangsheng not only provided the coordinates of the starfall continent, but also repeatedly told him before leaving. Since he asks for help, he must show good faith, otherwise he will easily lose his way.

Middle-aged people keep in mind that after seeing Jun Chang laughing, he quickly took out the spirit stone, and apparently had the entry-level sincerity from the point of view.


If there were more people like Mo Cheng, there would be no money left in the dog left.

"Jiuquan continent?"

Jun Chang, standing with his hands on the bow of the ship, smiled, looking at the endless starry sky, and secretly said, "I'm worried that I have no chance. You will be sent right away."



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