The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1307: Crushing from the Great Saint

The sacred soul body transformed from the set special effects is not a mythical figure in the true sense, but the way of playing is really flaming, and the mood is crazy.

Unlike the soul of the Dragon Dragon Moon Moon, Dasheng has an independent mind and is dissatisfied with Jun Changxiao calling himself out again.

Speak in his words.

How old is it to kill chickens?


Jun Chang laughs awkwardly.

A fortress master who doesn't know how high his strength is, so many middle and lower ranks break through the air, which are all described as rampant, how strong the monkey brother is!

Can it be achieved, surpassing the upper level?

That said, when one day goes to the upper bound, this hole card in hand should be able to mix well.

"Monkey brother!"

Jun Chang smiled seriously and said, "Please solve them, and let the power of Qi Tian Da Sheng shine in this universe!"

He can use other hole cards, but the Great Holy Set is the safest because there are no side effects and ... there is no need to do it yourself!

In recent years, the fight has been in battle, and I am embarrassed to say that I am the protagonist.


Da Sheng quite lazily lifted the Ruyi golden hoop.

The expressions on the faces of the fortress masters and the powerful men were extremely dignified, because after the appearance of this quasi-like soul, they found that the strength of the other party was extraordinary!

How to do?

Is it too late to retreat?

Many powerful men regret it, and regret that they should not come to blend in with it. After all, they can blow up the starry fortress, and they must be very powerful.

When absolute power appears, people will become smarter, and IQ will occupy the highlands again.


Definitely too late!

Because the Dasheng flew in, he lifted the Ruyi golden hoop and smashed it.

There is no wind, no waves, only a restraining force that makes it difficult to move is pressed, the strong people in various ways cannot move, and the breathing is almost stopped.


The Ruyi gold hoop sticks grow infinitely, and the envelope range expands rapidly.

The shrouded eyes of several powerful faces shrank, and their facial expressions gradually panicked.

"Do not……"

The cry of despair had just sounded, and the huge Ruyi golden hoop had been smashed. The whole process was not wavering, and it even gave people an understatement. But the end result was a median breach of the air, and two lower levels broke the air like shells Just fall down.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The three slammed into the crater far below, with big bales on their heads, and the man had spit with foam.



When the other powerful planes saw this, they took in the air, and their eyes flickered with horror!


The nine-day-old mainland powerhouse twitched slightly, and rejoiced in his heart. Thanks to the knowledge of Jun Changxiao from the master of Mocheng, he chose to be a mass-eating crowd.


Just then, the Lord of the Stronghold shouted coldly.

Although the sudden emergence of the cricket is strong, the number of his side has an absolute advantage. As long as he concentrates his strength, he may not be able to solve him!

The idea is very good, the reality is extremely cruel, because you have n’t waited for the strong men to return to God, Dasheng picked up the stick and swept over again, because it is always huge and the envelope is extremely wide!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A well-known player who broke through the air either greeted with his chest, his abdomen, and his front face, unlocking a gorgeous pose in a brand new pose.


They were like shells hitting meteorites in all directions. Due to the different forces, some of them looked embarrassed and painful, and some directly fainted.

The warriors who fled from the fortress in advance were stunned in shock.

Being able to float in the universe safely means that the strong men who come to help are at the level of breaking through the air, and the result is not a one-man combination.


At this moment, Dasheng stepped forward, rushing into the crowd like stepping on a colorful cloud, and Ruyi's golden hoop rod flickered suddenly, and began the offensive.

Jun Chang smiled and took out the horn, and added BGM to Dasheng artificially, singing:

"Just caught a few demon!"

"Stayed a few more demons."

"Why is it so many charms!"

"Hmm! Hmm!"

Then I sang a few words. In the distance, the soldiers in the distance suddenly couldn't hold the boiling blood from their bodies, and they covered their ears, blocked their hearing, and despair appeared on their faces.

The Lord of the Fortress and other people were already facing the terrorist opponent. The dog was left open again, and his heart was suddenly harassed and he was blown out one after another.


Da Sheng couldn't help but, after hitting several targets, he shouted, "Shut up!"

"Kill you a soul ..." Jun Changxiao, who was singing loudly, hurriedly received the voice, grieved with a look of expression: "Monkey brother, I'm cheering for you."

Da Sheng growled, "You are killing me!"

From just six words, we can see how talented and lethal Jun Chang is in singing!



Dasheng adjusted his mindset and continued the offensive.

Although you can do it in seconds, after all, there are a lot of breakthroughs and even dispersion, so it takes a little time to get all of them.


The continent who came to the aid had all counseled, and fled outwards at the fastest speed, but as long as it was locked by the gold hoop, the final outcome was to fall like a shell.

Very strong!

Seeing that Jun always laughed and was full of blood.

In fact, with his current strength, there is no uncertain factor in the Lord of the Fortress, and it is possible to kill the Quartet, but it is difficult to make the monkey brother go straight.

The battle process will not be narrated much, because as long as Dasheng's wishful golden hoop stick determines the target, no matter how the other side flees, it is impossible to escape the law of using hard parts of all parts of the body.


The Lord of the fortress is very connected. He contacted dozens of planes within an hour, and found hundreds of helpless people.


In front of the Great Saint, nothing but a group of puppets.


Ruyi's golden hoop smashed over again, a mid-level burst of air that was difficult to support, and then blasted out from the head to the waist in a crater in the distance. As for the human ... it has also entered the 'pretend to die' mode.

After all.

Only the Lord of the fortress remained in the war zone.


The crimson cape flutters ~ ~ Da Sheng will cross the wishful golden hoop and hover in the air proudly.

From the appearance to the battle process, you can take a photo and use it as wallpaper.


Jun Chang smiled and shook his head and said, "Is it terrible?

The Lord of the fortress glanced down.

He didn't expect that this guy would summon a puppet-like spirit body, and directly handled the hundred-thousand empty space helper he had invited!

The warriors watching from a distance did not expect that the situation would eventually develop to this point!

Mo Shangsheng was calm.

Because this kind of picture with more than a dozen is far from comparable, Jun Chang laughs alone on the battlefield and singles out 100,000 battlefield ghosts!

This picture refers to effects, renderings, and momentum, mainly because the Great Saint is too strong. When fighting with crushing power, it is often a stick.

"come on."

Jun Chang laughed, "You and I made a break today!"

The starry fortress has exploded, and the helper has also been solved. As long as the monkey brother can get this guy back, he can rest assured to study the formation method, and then he will fly to the upper bound!


The Lord of the fortress was a little vacant.


At this moment, the golden baton in Dasheng's hand gradually disappeared, and his face appeared weak, saying: "Called me twice in a short period of time, consuming too much energy, and the last one is left to you."


Jun Chang smiles a little bit shyly.


Suddenly, the Great Saint gradually vanishes, then disintegrates, and turns into a ray of golden light into the Great Saint suit.


The expression on Jun Chang's face completely collapsed!

I invited you out, and the most important opponent slipped away without being resolved?

Seeing the sudden disappearance of the uncle, the lord of the fortified fortress suddenly felt confident and said coldly, "Just make a break!"

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