The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1305: Great tragedy!

The arrows carrying the power of sanctions burst out, and the power can be seen from the damage caused to the environment is very terrifying!

Here comes the problem.

Such a wonderful opportunity, why didn't the tattooed man rush over, but stood in the distance and was surprised?

The reason was simple, he was afraid of death.

That's right! Once the reincarnation who dared to die was dared to die, she was horrified by death after being adjusted by Erya himself, so hesitation and shake came when the opportunity appeared.

An abnormal person has finally become normal!


Back to another question, why didn't Jun Chang laugh?

Of course, it's not that you can't pretend to avoid it, but that the power of sanctions has been experienced on the battlefield. In contrast, the energy gathered by the arrows is really weak!

To be honest, Dog Remains has rich clinical experience in countering the punishment or sanction of Jietang, and can even be called the industry's top expert.

If he attacked with the previous martial arts attack, he may feel guilty and face no fear of sanctions!

Come on baby!

Let me see, this arrow is not as good as the sanctions on the battlefield!

That must be far behind. After all, the power of the previous sanctions came from the Jinjia man, and the strength was full. Although the strength gathered in the arrows came from the upper bound, it was nothing more than the use of weapons to haul.


Layers of defense enchantment in front of the erect body, with the master's war will rise, a heavier breath suddenly erupted!


As if an arrow from the sky touched the streamer enchantment, the force of rolling sanctions immediately spread, directly shaking the entire city!



The building collapsed into powder, and dust covered the sky.

"How is it possible!" As the only tattooed man who could see the situation with his own eyes, his eyes widened and rounded, because that guy ’s defensive enchantment caught the arrows of the force of sanction, making it seem to freeze in midair.

The Lord of the Fortress is also stupid.

This is the first time he has used the Supreme Sanction Bow, but he took it from his predecessor and heard him say that as long as the string is opened and the arrow of sanction is formed, the locked person will die out regardless of the strength of the realm!

But now ...

Not to mention hurting people, the connection world is not broken!

If it was n’t repeated, the thing was handed in by the last person, and the Lord of the fortress doubted that he was a fake?


At this moment, the strong wind blew away the sand and dust, revealing the arrows and the substantial defensive air wall. The force of sanctions gathered in the arrows seemed to be twitched and poured into the enchantment frantically!

"This is a good thing!" Jun Chang smiled secretly.

He did not summon the Tianyuan Soul Tower, but he could still control the power of absorbing sanctions.

Erya is also busy, and will pour energy into full play!


Slightly, the power of sanctions in the arrow of sanctions was all taken away, and then fell to the ground with no light until it completely disappeared.

"How ... how is it possible ..." The Lord of the Stronghold trembled.

Rather than smashing the power from the upper world, it seems that it was ingested by that guy, which is incredible.

Tattooed man: "It really is a rebel!"

At first he thought that Jun Chang laughed as bragging, but now that he dare to contend with the sanctity of sanctity and blasphemy, it shows that he doesn't agree with Jietang at all!

What exactly is a rebel?

It is not a special ability holder, but an extremely exclusive world from words, actions, and hearts.

To put it simply, it is that they do not agree with the upper authority, and can even do anything that violates their rules.

"This friend."

The tattooed man secretly said, "I'll make it!"


Jun Chang smiled in front of the defensive enchantment, and said lightly, "The power of the upper world you gathered is too weak, so you can barely reach the 30% strength of the previous double thunder."

Needless to say, I almost forgot that there were two thunderstorms in the face of the upper-bound sanctions. Not only did he protect the Queen of Roses.

Of course, such a great force is also due to the increase of Qiankun's charm. Nowadays, the strength is stronger. Although the arrow of sanctions comes from the supreme sanction bow, the power looks good, but let's not break his defense!


The lord of the fortress pulled up the bowstring again, gathered the arrows of colorful streamers again, and shot out with the thunder and lightning.




The warriors outside the cosmic sky heard far away, not only could they hear the movement, but they could also see the fortress with the naked eye from time to time, and there were thunder and lightning, and they all guessed what it was?


If it is difficult to solve the goal with a single arrow, there must be more arrows.

But reality is cruel.

Because the Lord of the fortress gathered more than a dozen arrows of sanctions in succession, and continuously bombarded the defense enchantment that Jun Changxiao arranged in front of him. Although there were obvious signs of shaking, he still did not collapse.



A force of sanctions was sucked into the Tianyuan Soul Tower, and Erya whipped madly into an adult shape, squatting neatly and holding her head, squatting in pity, no less than twelve patrols.

"Boom! Boom!"

The lord of the fortress exploded several times, and found that he could not help the other side to defend the enchantment, so he was not willing to stop, and then put away the bow of Supreme Sanction.

"I love this stuff, so ..." Jun Chang laughed and dispersed the whole body, and said lightly: "It's mine soon!"


At this moment, the Lord of the fortress appeared like a shadow, and the fretful energy emerged frantically.

The weapon given by the upper world is not enough, then you have to rely on yourself!

"Paid mountains!"

"The sea is boundless!"

Various bully moves were exhibited, and the manic Yu Wei severely tore the space.

Jun Chang laughed unwillingly, and raised his fists to fight with him, and various moves appeared endlessly.

"Shenlong swings its tail!"

"The tiger goes down!"

"Golden Rooster Independence!"

"Monkey steals peach!"

Although the names of the moves are a bit rubbish, the two strong players of this level choose close combat, the scene is really strong, and even raise their hands and feet with the breath of heavenly law.

"Drip! Drip!"

The bombs placed in the hall are still decreasing every second, and there are only ten minutes left before the explosion!


Jun Chang laughed and the lord of the fortress gave a punch to Bang, shouting loudly: "Leave the prisoners away, I have set up a warship at the gate of the city!"

"it is good!"

The tattooed man kicked the median out of the air and flew out, and then came to the most intense area of ​​the scuffle. With luck, Dantian sighed, and shouted, "I will go with the grandpa!"

The prisoners who were fighting the soldiers saw each other wearing the main prisoner's costume, hurried back while fighting, and flew through the broken city gate into the Tonggu battleship!

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

When all the prisoners came in, a defensive enchantment appeared and the entire battleship was sealed off, and then turned to fly out at a rapid speed.

"Brother, why are there so many formations?"

"Why is there a feeling of just getting out of the wolf pack and falling into a tiger's den?"

"Don't even think about it, this must be a defense system, to prevent the force of the universe from exerting a strong squeeze on us."

As the prisoners were talking, the Tonggu battlefield had driven a very long distance, and then stopped slowly.

"Drip! Drip!"

The weird sound still sounded, and the tempo was significantly faster than before.

The lord of the fortress is still fighting with Jun Changxiao, and gradually realizes that it is not good. He sends a message to the soldiers in the city: "Leave the fortress quickly!"



In a short period of time, the fortress's exclusive star warships carried a large number of soldiers from various concealed exits.

It can be said that the star fortress is no longer there, and after bearing the battle of Jun Changxiao and the fortress, the four major cities have long been turned into ruins!



The battle continues and the intensity is still escalating!

"Drip! Drip! Drip!"

The time elapsed from one second to the next. After 59 seconds remained, Jun Chang laughed to take the opportunity to get rid of his opponent's entanglement and flew outside like a meteor.

"You can't run!"

The lord of the fort sighed and ran a knot with both hands, only to see the substantive enchantment fall from the sky, and all the gates of the city were completely blocked in an instant.


Jun Chang laughed and punched on it, but he didn't break it, so he yelled, "Look!"

The bomb started, and it was about to explode. If you were trapped inside, and farted with that guy together with the fortress, you really did it.


The head of the fortress screamed: "Let **** prisoners go and destroy my starry fortress, you must die here today!" 哽 噺 繓 赽 奇奇 小说 蛧 | w ~ w ~

Jun Chang smiled and ignored it, and began to madly remember Qimen Jiajia breaking the line, hoping to break through this matrix-like enchantment, but ... a few seconds seemed a bit too late. Qiqi's novel launches online

Damn it!

If I knew it, I would slip away in advance!

The reason why I waited for 1 minute was that I was worried that the opponent would remove the bomb in enough time, or that it would be thrown into the cosmic starry sky. Therefore, I could only delay time to ensure the smooth implementation of the plan. As a result, I never thought that there would be such a strong formation. Enchantment hinders itself.

This is the last defense in the Star Fortress formation system. Once activated, all exits will be blocked, and others will not be able to enter or enter.

and many more!

What about the Lord of the Stronghold?

At this moment, he is already outside the fortress!

The monarch trapped inside often couldn't laugh, but as the host here, he naturally knew the defense system and knew how to escape.

So now it is.

The dog left successfully placed the bomb in the Star Fortress, and there were only tens of seconds left before the explosion. As a result, everyone left ~ ~ instead he was trapped in it and could not get out.


The system said helplessly: "Tragic tragedy!"

Jun Changxiao has no time to ignore it at all, and all his thoughts are used to break the battle, because every second is extremely valuable!

"Drip! Drip! Drip!"

The bomber countdown was still coming, and within ten seconds, the sounding frequency suddenly increased.


Jun Chang growled with angrily laughs, and the blue muscles burst out!

After all, it was difficult to set up a soul bomb and blow up this starry fortress. As a result, he had to be buried with him, and it would make people collapse!


"10, 9, 8, 7 ... 2, 1 ..."

"0.9, 08, 0.7 ..."

Until he stopped at the word "0.1", Jun Changxiao finally managed to break the final defense, but there was not much time left for him.

Readers silently took out wreaths and coins, and calculated that when the dog left today, when is the first seven days? Do you want to give me money? How much is appropriate?


Jun Chang smiled with a sullen expression, like a mad dog emerging from the fortress.

At that moment, the blood, muscles and even the soul in his body seemed to be burning fiercely, and the speed was too fast to describe!

The disciples have to wait for me to return, and can't die!

The girl has to wait for me to love, can't die!

The system has to wait for me to scold, can't die!

There are 10,000 in my heart. There is only an unrealistic reason to stimulate Jun Chang to laugh and let him burn all the energy that can be burned, but ... when the past one passes, the deafening sound suddenly emerges behind the light like daylight. Incompetent growled: "I really want to live another hundred years!"



PS, 3200+, there is one more at night, the goal is 4D, to complete 780010000.


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