The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1288: I am Emperor, I am King

After being recommended by everyone, Jun Changxiao became the leader of the Wu League. The conference should have ended perfectly, but suddenly, the sky rose, and a majestic throne appeared, which caused a third big sensation!


The Nine Great Emperors were compared again.

Since the emperor fell behind at night, the only emperor remaining is always empty. Today, the world is presented again. Doesn't that mean that someone wants to sit on an equal footing with himself!


Ye Xingchen looked up at the Emperor who exuded supreme majesty, clenched his fists subconsciously, his eyes flashed incompetently.

This emperor, who should have belonged to him, now has to watch him being seated by others!

On the side of the couch, let no one sleep.

Ye Xingchen was so angry that she could not help venting by yelling!

At this moment, Aniu found that Jun Chang, who was standing in front of the podium, smiled and was surrounded by colorful streamers, and was shocked in his heart: "Is he going to break through Emperor Wu ?!"

That's right.

It is Jun often laughs.

When the main gates were honored by Wanzong, and it was not long before he became the leader of the Wumeng League, a series of prompts came from his ears.

"Ding! The epic mission resolves."

"Ding! The host successfully promoted Zongmen to first-class, and has been recognized by the major gates and even the top powerhouses of the Starfall Continent. It meets the defined conditions, the epic mission is completed, the completion degree is 200%, and the host receives 200,000 points of contribution!"

"Ding! Zongmen contribution: 300,000 / 100000."

"Ding! Zongmen contribution value overflow ..."

I'm coming!

Jun Chang laughed a little uncontrollably and put his hands on the podium.

He knows that the contribution value is only secondary, and various rewards and realms are the focus.

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the epic task thirteen, getting the supreme merchandise x1, the seven Xuanxiaguang broken broken volume seven purchase x1, the symbol of opening (three) x1, the sect door function upgrade x1, the recovery cabinet function x1."

"Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the epic quest fourteen, obtaining the Godpin Qualification Reform Solution x1, the Godpin Front Qualification Solution x1, the Holy Product Front Qualification Solution x1, Lingyan Pavilion Exclusive God Soldier Reformation Stone x2."

The task of Shi Xizhan not only gave 200,000 contribution value, but also gave many generous rewards because of its 200% completion.

On the other hand, the completion of the fourteen historical tasks of 100% is obviously a bit price-loss.

This is not the point. The point is that the two tasks are all completed. The barriers that impede the realm are broken. Two indescribable breaths erupt from Dantian, and two energies containing unbelievable influx flow into the sea of ​​knowledge.

For a time, Jun Chang laughed as if he were in a fantasy land that seemed real and false. His body and soul invaded in the ocean representing martial arts. He frowned comfortably and hummed uncontrollably.


At the same time, the whole body was shrouded in colorful streamers, and the vast Diwei filled the surroundings like a stormy sea, instantly covering the entire venue.

There are two kinds of air waves, one is extremely thick and the other is extremely sharp!

When Emperor Jiuwu felt the horrible sharpness, the muscles on his face stiffened again, and he exclaimed in unison: "Sword Emperor!"


Ye Xingchen's face had a wonderful expression on his face.

Because, Jun Chang laughed to be promoted much stronger than he was then!

He might be dissatisfied with another person, but since it is the suzerain ... then, can I still talk about it?

"call out!"

At this moment, Jun Changxiao flew out of the venue with colorful streamers and hung in front of the emperor in the sky under the watchful eyes.

He is now a double emperor of swords and martial arts. Only by sitting in the supreme seat of the representative can he be recognized by the world and the world.


Jun often laughs and sits down.


Two magnificent Emperor Powers emerged from the throne, and instantly rushed to the entire starfall continent. After being affected, ordinary people and weak warriors all kneeled down and worshiped with awe.



At the same time, they carried their swords out of their sheaths, and then flew from the south to the sky to the sky, and hovered around Jun Changxiao, showing a spectacular picture of the coming of the sword.

"Slap! Slap! Slap!"

Outside the venue, Li Shangtian frequently pressed the camera button to record the image of the monarch's achievement of the sword and emperor today, ascending to the top without God, and attracting thousands of swords to worship.

"Two elders!"

When Jing Jingxuan pulled Chang Fanghua and Leng Xingyue, she said with excitement and excitement: "He is sitting on the monarch, he is now Emperor Wu!"


The mouths of the two elders of Miaohua Palace were slightly drawn.

Jun Changxiao's achievement of the sword and the two emperors really brought them super shock, but after all, they are people. How can the palace master look happier than the elder disciples!

It really is.

Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji looked up at the emperor sitting on the throne. Although there were smiles on their faces, they were not surprised, as they should be.

"Sovereign mighty!"

"Sovereign mighty!"

Thousands of shouts rang out in Wanzong.

At that moment, the pride and pride in the eyes of the disciples became stronger!

"Ah!" Liu Wanshi jumped and jumped with excitement: "In her lifetime, she finally reached the top of the Emperor Wu!"


"It's uncomfortable to sit, a little bit ass." Jun Chang sitting on the throne smiled and shook his head. "It's not as good as my ancestral throne."


The system said silently: "I don't know how many strong people want to sit up in this position, but the host even dislikes it. It's a bargain."

"Monarch Sovereign!"

A voice from the Emperor Ling came over: "Since you have reached the throne, you can declare the emperor!"

The ten great emperors all have emperors, such as Ren Emperor, and the fallen Emperor Ye, most of them use their own surnames as emperors.

"All beings!"

Jun Chang laughed loudly: "From now on, please call me handsome!"


The people of the whole continent fell together.

The system growled: "The Emperor symbolizes status and status, and it will be recorded in the annals in the future. Can the host take it seriously?"

"Am I not serious now?"


The star continent did not regard ‘handsome’ as the emperor ’s strong, so Jun often laughed and took the name of the handsome emperor in accordance with the procedures and rules.

"of course."

He added: "The handsome emperor is the small title of this seat, the real big title is the emperor!"

What Emperor Ling, Jing Emperor, and Luan Emperor are simply vulgar, and Jun often laughs and does not take an unusual path. He must use his last name and Emperor Word to form a new and unique title!

I am Emperor.

I am king.

I am the most handsome emperor!

The system said silently: "Is this different from a monarch named after his last name?"

"Of course there is a difference!"

Jun Chang laughed: "Everyone else uses the surname as the emperor, and I bring two supreme titles. After all, the emperor means the emperor and the king, and it can also correspond to martial arts and swords."

"Don't calling the emperor also represent the king and the emperor!"

"You and his cat are almost unloading and returning to the field, why are there so many nonsense!"

"It's because he's meowing because of the quick release of the armor ~ ~ I will try to spit the host, because I will let the readers replace it in the future!"

"Ding! Congratulations to the host who developed Wangu Zong into the strongest sect of ancestors and 100,000 disciples within a hundred years, meeting the defined conditions, and the main line task entered the settlement." A mechanized cue came from the ears, making the duo duo silent.


Slightly, the system sighed, as if Yan Yanhuan laughed and said, "Ten years is a little shorter, but I can really help you with such fascinating goods like the host. I am actually very happy. The future is still a long way away. I ’ll leave it alone. . "


He paused and said, "Fulfill the host's last wish."


Suddenly, Jun Chang laughed with a special energy that only he could see, and then gradually gathered the cloak back with the word ‘系’ on it.


"Just me!"

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