The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1275: Can't afford the money, don't daydream

After getting what he said, Jun Chang laughed and thought about who it was for?

First of all, this thing is limited. The highest level of martial arts is promoted, so the high level of Zongmen can almost be ruled out, because Ding Xingwang, Jiang Xie and others have either reached martial arts or struggled for a long time at the semi-holy level.


Disciples fit.

A disciple who just broke through a realm is more cost-effective.

You can forcibly promote a big realm by saying what you say. To put it plainly, you are cheating. If you use it for a warrior and a warrior, you must use it for semi-holy, so there are only absolute core disciples.

After careful consideration, Jun Changxiao chose Lu Yan.


His big disciple.

In fact, this wording must be done. Jun Chang smiled like the divine quality liquid, in order, the disciples benefited no matter what, sooner or later, but ... it was gone after use!

"One time!"

System said: "Otherwise?"

Judging from the conch shape, Jun Chang laughs that it can be reused, at most next time it needs some conditions!

"The host thinks too much," said the system. "If this kind of forcible ascension is not a one-time thing, wouldn't it be a one-hundred-thousand martial arts mission in minutes?"


Jun Chang sighed with a smile.

I thought about it too ideally at first, but the reality was cruel.


The system is speechless.

This is a good thing for the disciple to promote a realm for nothing. Is there anything else he can complain about? Is it really drifting to the sky?


The system said with emotion: "It's just too greedy."

When Jun Chang laughed, Lu Yan was still stagnation.

It was too late to break through the half-holy state of mind, and to break through to Wu Sheng in the next second. This rhythm was a little too fast, and it couldn't keep up.

After a little while, she suppressed the strong shock that rose in her heart, and the huge change in her body was still difficult to channel: "I ... broke through to Wu Sheng?"


Jun Chang smiled and said.

Although Lu Ye didn't know why he broke through, he must have something to do with him, so he stood up and said, "Thank the lord."

"As a big disciple, you should have the role of a big disciple. Pay more attention to your fellow students on weekdays, and don't get bored in the ice all day to practice alone." Jun Changxiao said.

Ye Xingchen, who has the least sense of belonging, has settled in Lingyan Pavilion. This woman is still almost there, and the dog is a little worried.

Lu Yan said: "I see."

Saying so, but the result is still practicing in Bingzhongtian, not to not care about the same door, but just to break through the need for stability.

In order to avoid being biased by others, Jun Chang laughed away from the secret, returned to the study, and began to seriously consider how to complete the epic task.

"the host."

Xiaolonglong rubbed his eyes and walked, then lay in the den, and said, "I'm so sleepy, I'm going to sleep."




After Lu Zheng was in a stable state, Xu Xu opened his eyes and secretly said: "Too elder, I have broken through the martial arts. Can I go to that place and look for the lower half of Tai Xuanbing's heart?"

Rare tangles appeared in her clear eyes, because the ear always echoed a sentence: "Child, don't pass easily until you are absolutely sure, because you will die a lifetime."

"Too elder."

Lu Yan was depressed, and said: "The disciples have never been able to achieve true heart-watering. This may be related to not practicing the second half, so ..." His eyes became firm: "Even if there are no deaths, go."

She began to practice the first half of Tai Xuanbing's Mind at the Tai Xuanzong Gate, but she was still too elders to accept and accept it. Later, although she was abolished and cultivated, she relied on her magical method to do it all over again.

There are four levels in the upper part.

After inheriting the inheritance of the Ice Emperor, Lu Yan had long realized that if he wanted to achieve higher achievements, he could only practice the second half.


The original mentality left by the elderly Tai Xuan always emphasizes a realm, that is, the heart is like a stagnation, and only a real understanding can be fused.

Lu Yan has been exploring, and he always feels a small step away, but he is always next to each other. Especially after becoming a disciple of Wan Guzong, his state of mind will always fluctuate.


Or do you have to cultivate the lower part if you want to stop the heart?

Lu Yan was confused and also confused. In the end, it was determined that this state could not be reached because of incomplete cultivation of the mind. Now that he has broken through the martial arts, he has the idea of ​​searching.


Inside the study.

Jun Chang smiled and opened the system panel and clicked on the function.

The features listed in the Foundry Pavilion and Spirit Beast Pavilion are presented with a ‘+’ sign, indicating that they can be upgraded.

"Ding! Foundry Pavilion successfully upgraded to Foundry Pavilion enhanced version!"

After strengthening the medicine hall, it saves materials, improves the speed of refining the alchemy, and brings infinite benefits to Zongmen, so Jun Changxiao gives priority to upgrading the casting hall. After all, from the perspective of utilization rate, weapons and equipment are the only medicine.


After looking through many weapons and equipment refining formulas, the material has been greatly reduced, and the speed of refining a weapon is much faster.

Jun Chang laughed and said with joy: "The whole set of true sun suit is no longer a distant dream!"

Under the cultivation of various martial arts facilities and secret realms, 100,000 disciples have much stronger strength than martial arts in the same realm, and then put on a mighty Zhenyang suit and set up a quartet of heaven and earth in the sky, the picture must be super shocking!

The dog grinned and looked forward to that day.

The system vowed: "Can't afford the funds, don't daydream."


Jun Chang rolled his eyes with a smile, and the joy on his face gradually disappeared, secretly: "It's been almost half a month since the Nine Emperor Wu Emperors were rescued, why hasn't the Shi 14 mission been settled!"

"Maybe the host ..."

"Ding! The epic mission is complete and the settlement begins."

"Ding! The host successfully rescued the nine emperors from the Starry Fortress. It meets the defined conditions. The epic mission is completed, the completion is 100%, and the host receives 100,000 points of contribution!"

"Ding! Zongmen contribution: 190000/100000."

"Ding! Zongmen contribution value overflow ..."


The system now wants to die.

The host has n’t settled in the starfall continent for so long, and just now he just started to speak, so he could n’t wait to jump out and hit me!

Jun often laughed.

Shi 14's task settlement even directly contributed to 100,000, making him instantly feel that he was rich and can be willful!

"Don't be excited, don't be sour!"

The dog left to calm down and secretly said: "There is still Shi Shi not finished!"

To tell the truth, Jun Changxiao is now a little anxious. After all, the main prisoner is taken away from hell. The starry fortress will never give up. Once the identity and position are exposed, it will inevitably be sent to patrol.

Zongmen's overall strength has been a lot stronger after Yi Feixue and others joined. It can break the twelve median ~ ~ It is a bit mysterious!

not to mention.

This is just a patrol.

The ghost knows if there are other departments in the Starry Fortress, whether there is a stronger presence, especially the master of the fortress that has not appeared, what is this strength?

Too many unknowns make Jun Changxiao extra cautious.


Just then, Lu Yan walked into the study and said, "The disciples applied to go out for a while."

Jun Chang smiled and wondered: "Isn't Bingzhongtian the best place to experience the ice system? Is there any place where the starfall continent is stronger than it?"

"The disciples are not going out to practice."

"What are you going to do?"

"Can the disciples not say it?"


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