The nine principal prisoners of the ninth floor of **** were all put into Tianyuan Town's prison tower by Jun Changxiao. Although it seemed to be temporarily relieved, it seemed to be just ... moved from another prison to another.

Anyway, everything is off, they don't care about changing the environment.

"Get it!"

After listening to it, Jun Chang smiled and sighed with relief, then looked up at the defensive enchantment and secretly said, "I can go out after breaking this layer."

"call out!"

The soul permeated and merged into the defense system.

"I go!"

Seeing the lines and fronts several times more complicated than the previous layers of defense, Jun Chang smiled with a wonderful expression on his face.

The system said: "The host has previously achieved nothing more than hierarchical separation, so it may not be very strong. This is the overall defense system of the entire prison, and naturally it will not be simple."


Jun Chang smiled and smiled.

If such a complex defense system is to be broken, it may take a long time. If it is discovered during this period, it may cause great trouble.

"Don't think about it."

The system urged: "Hurry up."


Jun Chang smiled and sat down, and devoted all his thoughts to analysis and calculation.

Switching to Shangguan Yanyao and Zhen Deshuai, the two will conduct a comprehensive analysis of the formation of the matrix method, and then slowly find flaws from it.

Jun Chang, who learned Qimen Jiajia's Breakthrough, laughed differently because he directly threw away some unnecessary procedures and started directly from the most critical point.

one day.

Two days.


Patrol room.

The ugly envoy said, "The other layers of hell, why is it so quiet?"

"Maybe it's because the boy cleaned up one by one, and it turned out to be honest." He said with a turnip.


Ugly nodded.

The two continue to be responsible for surveillance, completely unaware that Jun Changxiao is hiding in a dark place, and is cracking the matrix system that connects the outside world.


Tianyuan Town Prison Tower.

There was an atmosphere of tears.

Because the two businessmen who were many generations away finally met.


Shang Youkeng knelt on the ground, crying, "The ancestors are on the ground, worshipped by the descendants!"

The ancestors of the merchants are also a little excited, but after all, they have experienced more, so they forced it down and waved their hands to lift it up with psionic energy. They said, "I have learned about the Tianyuan continent, child, you have been wronged."

"Do not!"

Shang Youchen said with sorrow: "I did not protect the mainland and my people, I am ashamed of my ancestors, and of the merchants!"

Although the plane was rescued by the suzerain, he always reproached himself, because his father and even the businessmen did not die for their homeland, but they survived by themselves.


The ancestor of the merchant said: "You have worked very hard, and you have also met the monarch, and the merchant ancestors will be pleased in the spirit of heaven."

"Ancestral, I ..."

The business ancestor interrupted: "Talk about the monarch, I heard that you have joined his clan?"

"Yes, ancestor!" Shang You marks.

The ancestors of the merchant were very satisfied: "The monarch is not easy at first sight. If you can follow him, there must be a great deal in the future."

As a generation of emperors who had fought on the battlefield and expanded their territories, they were still very accurate in terms of humans. Moreover, the fact that they have actually gone from one to nine floors is a fact that no one can change.


Shang noted: "My entrance fee is 10 million spirits."


The expression on the face of the business ancestor was frozen.

The entrance fee for entrance is a normal phenomenon. It may take 10 million spirit stones.

He said in a deep voice: "Child, you give less!"


Shang Youchen was ashamed and said: "The suzerain rescued his ancestors and gave 10 million spirit stones. So I want to make up another 10 million."

"Must make up."

The ancestor of the merchant said: "It is not an exaggeration to make up 20 million."

Some people may think that this old mind was kicked by the donkey, and even actively provoked his grandchildren to give money. In fact, he is clearer than anyone, solving the great demon of darkness, and solving the great potential of Jun Chang laughs in the eye of the void!

My businessmen and grandchildren became his disciples.

This is definitely equal to the opportunity of Tianda, no matter how much money is spent!


The ancestor of the merchant said bitterly: "You have to keep in mind that money is a foreign object, and you can make money when you don't have it. The chance to change your destiny is impossible."

"Speak straight."

He looked up: "In front of the opportunity, money is a shit!"

Jun Chang, who is cracking the matrix system, will surely step forward and shake hands if he hears it, saying: "I still see the seniors thoroughly. Just because I do n’t lack opportunities, I have shortcomings. Why don't we complement each other?"




In the six-story prison, Qin Linran was still tortured by Erya, and the screams were already very manly and very rough.

Men need to be manly.

A woman is like a woman.

Men or women do not make Jun Chang laugh unacceptable, so they must be forcibly transformed, either occupying one end, and not allowing both ends.



"Auntie ..."

Qin Linran asked for mercy while being tortured.

It can be heard from the tone that each time after tuning, there is a masculine vicissitudes over time.

"Do you still apply nail polish?"

"Not painted!"

"Do you still use rouge?"

"no need!"

"Do you still draw eyeliner?"

"No more painting!"

Erya nodded with satisfaction: "I hope you can say it."


Qin Linran raised her hand and said, "I can do it!"

Under the scourge of the soul, he changed his bad habits, completely changed his face, and talked with others, his legs would be cut off, and his tone of voice was also widened.

all of these.

Jun Chang laughed and didn't know it, because he spent five days in jail and still cracked the array.


Another day later, he suddenly opened his eyes and looked up at the defensive enchantment with a very high defensive coefficient.

"call out"

Stand up and integrate into the barriers.


Star Fortress, inside the city.

An old man with short white hair walked on the street with his hands on his back, and his cloudy eyes flashed a little clear.


He came to the gate of the city, talked to the guard general, and was allowed to leave Star Fortress.

Soldiers and passers-by at the scene didn't catch it. When the white-haired old man turned and walked out of the city, he smiled at the corner of his mouth.

"Huh! Huh!"

However, just a few steps away, there was a rush of bells in the city, like some kind of alert.

"First alert!"

The defender general hurriedly said, "Hurry up and close the gates and don't allow anyone to go out!"

"Old man!"

He exclaimed: "You come back first!"

"call out!"

Before the words were finished, the slow-moving white-haired old man suddenly straightened up, as if turned into a light, and rushed towards the city gate that was about to be together.

General Shoucheng's face changed, and he shouted, "Stop him!"


Suddenly, the mighty power rang in the city, and the warriors looked astonished, then released the spiritual thoughts and found that the heavy city was broken!

"I go!"

"Who is so bold!"

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

When passers-by were shocked, in four directions in the city, a subordinate who broke through the air flew at high speed, and then flew out from the broken city gate.

"catch him!"

"Be sure to catch him!"

Patrolling the room, Zi Shi shouted as he saw the broken city gate through the light curtain.

Ugly envoys, solicitors, and others were dispatched long ago because the ninth-floor hellleader was gone and jailbroken!


Endless dark universe, the ancient warships are advancing at a terrifying speed.

The old man standing at the bow of the ship tore off his camouflage, revealing the face of Jun Chang smiling. He looked at the fortress that could no longer be captured with the naked eye, and said, "When this seat completes the task and breaks through Emperor Wu, I will thank you for your multi-day hospitality. "

Star fortress plot, come to an end.

Not the end, just the beginning.

Twelve patrols defeated one. The Lord of the Fortress has not yet encountered it, and more importantly ... the blasting squads have not been in place and have not blossomed from the inside.

With a clenched fist, Jun Chang smiled coldly: "When my king returns, he will stain the sky with magic blood!"

"call out!"

"call out!"

The words of arrogance and fierceness have just been saved ~ ~ Starship Fortresses are moving at a speed of several battleships, and a roar of ugliness is heard: "Boy, even if you go to the ends of the earth, I will take you Bring it to justice! "


Jun often laughed and said in a guilty conscience: "I slipped."

"call out"

Inside the driving device, the highest spirit stone flashes dazzling light, and the ancient battlefield seems to have jumped. It will chase the ugly messengers and other people and disappear without a trace, and make them look desperate: "It's so close to the stern light ... Can't see it! "



PS, the network was disconnected last night. It lasted to this day. The maintenance staff checked the network cable for a long time. I will pull the network cable again tomorrow morning. He said that when someone came along the network cable to send the blade, I also damaged my network cable.

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