The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1263: Escape plan

Jun Chang laughed that the whole person regarded money as dung, but looked at the spirit stone as treasure.

Therefore, if he is willing to bet on the million spirit stones that Yin Hu owes himself, it means that he is serious!

The son was silent.

Is this guy really sure to break the formation?

Being cautious is an advantage, but being too cautious can be a bit stiff, because anyone with a good eye can see that the dog is left bragging.


The Ugly said: "Bet with him!"

Jun Chang's arrogant smile is really unpleasant.


He chuckled a cold smile: "This kind of arrogant generation can only realize that it is small only if it realizes its failure."

After thinking about it, Zishi said, "You can try to break up the formation that isolates the upper layers, but if you dare to plan for escape, you will be at your own risk."

"Do not worry."

Jun Chang laughed: "Everyone here is talented and speaks nicely. How can I escape from prison?"

The son made no more words and got up and left.

However, before leaving, he was instructed to be on duty and to monitor Jun Chang laugh all the time. If there is any wrongdoing, he must promptly notify and take corresponding measures.

So why bother with each other?

From the first layer to the ninth layer, there are two spirits in the body. This is definitely a talent. Zishi would like to see if he also has an accomplishment in formation.

not to mention.

For the time being, although Jun Changxiao has become the ninth-level principal offender, he has not committed a major crime, and being imprisoned in **** is nothing more than fighting in the city, and he does not even need to evaluate the danger.

The principal offenders in the ninth-floor **** all have ratings, but because of the challenge, Dog Remains is the final existence, so it is definitely the first special existence in history that does not give a risk assessment.

If the system knows, it will definitely spit again.

This guy is really noisy. The degree of danger cannot be represented by ‘A’. It must be designed by the reader.


"How to break the battle?"

Jun Chang smiled and sat down and began to think seriously.

Because he was under surveillance, he could not take out the worm of time and space to bite with a silly face, so if he wants to break the array, he can only rely on his own wisdom!

"Zhen Lao once said."

Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "Every formation method formed by battles and fronts is flawed no matter how perfect it is. As long as I find it out, it can be easily broken."


At this point, he stood up.

What happened during this period of time is deeply remembered. He has the sword and martial arts, but he ignores the fact that he also understands the formation method. He is usually lazy and gives the work to others.


Jun Changxiao stopped in the central area of ​​the ninth-floor hell, and the powerful soul suddenly rushed to the space barrier bombarded by the eye of the void.

"call out"

Touched slightly and penetrated.

Jun Chang smiled and wondered, "Is it so simple?"

It has been bombarded numerous times by big eyeball monsters, and the system of formations has not broken in the slightest. His soul easily melts in, which is incredible.


Just a second later, Jun Chang laughed with a wonderful expression.

At this moment, he is integrated into the defensive formation system with a soul body, and the pictures presented are endless fronts. They criss-cross, or they surround each other, which is more complicated than a chessboard.

If the defense system is likened to a world, Jun Changxiao now feels like a grain of sand.

"No, no."

"It's too complicated. Calling Zhen Lao and Yun Yao, they may not be able to crack."

Jun Changxiao had just been bragging about bragging rights, and immediately hesitated when he saw the complex prison defense system.


The system said, "Open it."

"Opening is impossible." Jun Chang smiled earnestly: "I need to prove myself!"



Jun Changxiao spends his time in thinking, thinking about how to break the formation and how to go up and take the nine emperors.

The system said silently: "Even if you break them apart, get them all together, how can you leave the ninth floor **** without using the time and space insects? Don't forget, this is just a prison, and there is a city defense outside."

"I've thought about it."

Jun Chang laughed: "Using the plane battlefield portal, sneak into the plane battlefield first."

"Then through the Cuihua to break through the barriers of the soul tribe's mainland stronghold, and return to the starfall continent from the space-time tunnel once created by the pillar."


System talks.

This kind of brain hole in jailbreak should not be too showy!

"It's no wonder that when the host comes to Star Fortress, he will bring the portal in advance. It turned out that he had a plan already!" Said the system.

"Do not."

Jun Chang shook his head with a smile: "I came out with the portal, thinking that I could hide in the battlefield in time in case of trouble, and did not consider it to be used to escape."

"..." The system served.

As long as the plane battlefield portals are arranged, they can immediately converge to the entrance and exit. The host can completely ignore the defense system. One step in is equivalent to entering another world, which is the best way to escape from prison.

However, the premise ...

"Using portals will create vortex entrances, and the host will be found walking forward and backward."

"So we need to figure out how to cover it up and fight to escape from jailbreak for a long time."

"Host, you changed."

"Where has it changed?"

"Being bullied for your character and being imprisoned, you must think of a way to make a big deal. Now what you think about is how to escape."


Jun Chang growled with a smile: "I also want to make a big fight, but there are eleven guys who are as strong as the big guy just now. Even if all the cards are dealt, they may not be the winner!


There is also the Lord of the Stronghold!

"and so."

The system said: "The host has also grown up. In the passive situation, instead of being reckless, he began to use his mind to think about problems."

"I didn't think about it before?"

"Have it?"


Jun Changxiao has a jailbreak plan, and the rest is to find a way to break the matrix method that connects to the upper level, so after a few days of serious thinking, he decided to open up the high-end mall.


The system is speechless.

I have said that I have to rely on myself. As a result, I have been thinking for so long, but I wonder if I should use my current contribution value to try my luck and find out how to break the matrix method?

"It's really impossible. I will escape from prison first, change my identity and come in again, and then take away the nine emperors." Jun Chang laughed.


Systemically: "The host's brain hole is getting bigger and bigger."



Inside the main hall of the iron bone main peak.

When Jun Chang laughed and considered how to escape, the senior officials of Yuan Gongzi, Wei Lao and Ding Xingwang gathered together.

Ge Lao was worried: "Elder Jiang has been to Nanhai Duzhou for a while. There is no news so far, and no accidents will happen?"

"They will follow Zitang, shouldn't they?" Zhen Laodao said.

After Jun Changxiao left the starfall continent, Jiang Xie finally decided to go to the South China Sea to find his sister in order to find his sister. Accompanying him were the Purple King Demon King, Xiao Guiji, Ye Xingchen and He Wudi.

There is no news at all in the past few months, which really worries everyone.


Yuan Gongzi shook his head and said, "I knew it early, and let him find him when the lord came back."

Old Wei said: "If everything is solved by the suzerain, what else do we need to do?"


Yuan Gongzi was silent.

Lao Weiwei said: "The strength of Zongmen depends not on the monarch alone, but on the overall strength. The disciples go abroad to experience the difficulties, and it is inevitable to encounter trouble, so the most important thing is to rely on yourself."

"Wei Tangzhu said yes." Ding Xingwang agreed.

The two experienced old men do not mean that the disciples are in danger, and everyone does not go to the rescue, but that nothing can be done, all thinking of the suzerain to come forward.

"There is news."

At this moment, Li Luoqiu strode forward and said, "Information from the South China Sea Crossing State, Elder Jiang and others were besieged by local factions."

"Xiyutang Information Network has developed to Duzhou?" Yuan Gongzi wondered.

Li Luoqiu explained: "Information sent by the night star's eagle."

"So it is." Everyone realized.

Speaking of Aniu's Qingtian jade carving, everyone is actually very envious. After all, flying birds and beasts are difficult for ordinary people to own.

Li Luoqiu said: "Please report that Elder Jiang's elder sister may have been found, but because of conflicts with local forces, I can't get out of difficulties for the time being, and need quick support from Zongmen.

Everyone looked at each other.

Although they all have positions and even help the suzerain, but ... they haven't mobilized the right of the suzerain.

Old Wei said: "What are you waiting for, send someone quickly!"

Although the realm of the love field is not the highest in Zongmen, it is definitely the most prestigious.

"Notify the big disciple, the second disciple, etc.!"

"Notify Master Xuetang of Zhanqitang!"

"Notify the deputy owner of the Spirit Beast Hall, Niu Lao, and dispatch flying birds and beasts that can cross the sea!"

Orders were issued from the Zongmen Hall. On the same day, Zongmen's high-level and core disciples took action, and even the four elite battle groups of Zhanmen Peak were dispatched.

"Sister Liu."

Yao Mengying said excitedly: "We are going to fight!"

At first Zongmen's high-level officials didn't plan to let her go, but couldn't bear it, so they could only agree to go.

Yao Mengying has an innate demon body, which is not accepted by the world, but with the current strength of Wanzong, even if it is spread throughout the mainland, there will not be a decent monk to dare to make trouble.

"set off!"

"Flopping fluttering!"

The flying birds and beasts fluttered their wings, and carried the disciples of Wanzong towards the South China Sea. In front of them were the little magic fairy transformed into the body, carrying the dragon and pecs.

They are the contracted beasts of Jun Changxiao, and they are also part of the Eternal Sect. Nowadays, Jiang Xie and others will go to help if they are in trouble.


Suddenly, there was a roar of chickens in the sky. I only watched the little rooster who was in charge of snoring and had the blood of the Vermillion bird on weekdays. He waved two big chicken wings and chased them with speed.

Jiang Xiehe and others have encountered such troubles. I don't know yet, but the Wanzong area got the news and went straight out.

I don't know ~ ~ Can the local forces in Nanhai Duzhou hold up?


"Black Dasha."

Sitting at the highest point of Tiegufeng, Bai Luocha asked, "Zongmen seems to be in action. Should we shoot?"

He Luosha shook his head and said, "We just need to protect the starfall continent. It's enough to give them such a big thing."


Bai Luocha stopped talking.

If Jun Chang laughs at Zongmen, he will certainly not let them go.

After all, this rescue in Nanhai Duzhou was a training experience for Zongmen. Sending two dads directly was tantamount to directly announcing the death penalty of the other party.

The first purpose of Manzong.

Never serve people by martial arts, only by virtue.

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