The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1247: Fanatical prisoner!

Jun Chang laughed and got angry.

Because the leader of the six-story land is humiliating the word "handsome", as the leader of the handsome characters, humiliating it is humiliating himself!


Must be abused!

Jun Changxiao has n’t released his emotions for a long time, which surprised the system, and sighed: “The narcissist who meets the more narcissistic person is destined to be a fierce battle!”

As a result, the Bacchus had already guessed.


Suddenly, a deafening roar came out, only to see Jun Chang laughed and flew back, and then retreated dozens of steps to stabilize his body.

Several formations of prisoners were separated below the stone platform, and now they had gathered together.

The palms of their backs rested on the backs of their front companions, and the spiritual energy source was continuously poured into them, until those who were in the front position gathered together to form a strong defensive enchantment.

"The defense is strong," said the system.


Jun Chang smiled hard to look at, and forcibly suppressed the blood that was tumbling back.

The number of prisoners in the sixth floor **** is not too much, about two or three thousand, but the overall strength is much higher than that in the first floor hell, especially in the row standing in front of the enchantment, at least thirty martial arts sacrifices!

This high-level lineup, which is extremely rare in the starburst continent and even the battlefield of the plane, is now appearing in the Star Fortress Prison, which really gives people a martial arts everywhere, and the Emperor Wu feels like a dog.

of course.

There are fewer sub-empties.

From entering the prison, Jun Chang laughed all the way to the sixth floor, and several principal offenders and spirit emperors possessed this level of cultivation.

On the contrary, there are a lot of voids in the fortress city, and the defending generals who are responsible for opening the door are not handsome.

It's normal.

Nine levels of **** held so many prisoners.

If there is no absolute strength to suppress the fortress side, I am afraid that I would have escaped from prison long ago, and how would I stand in the sky for many years.

Even convicted warriors were allowed to bring their personal treasures and equipment into prison.

As for conspiracy?

Not to mention that each level of **** is only allowed to go down, even if it is really united, the first theft of the system ends in failure, it shows how strong the prison defense system is.


A middle-aged man whispered coldly: "If you want to watch my son perform, you should be honest."

"The ugly Baguai dare to approach my son, who gave you the face?" A warrior said coldly.

"Yes indeed!"

"My son-in-law Fanghua is peerless and admired by thousands of people, but it can be any profanity without any garbage!"

"This kind of person doesn't deserve to watch our son's performance!"

The martial arts stood up, and their hatred and anger at Jun Changxiao appeared in their eyes.

Especially a **** of my son, his tone and eyes are not like masters and servants, but rather like fans who support idols.


The principal offender made a snoring gesture.

The prisoners immediately stopped talking, and their eyes adored strongly.


Jun Chang smiled slightly.

Six-tier Hell prisoners are different from other prisoners, like a group of fans who are heavily addicted and unable to extricate themselves.

Moreover, judging from the moment when a powerful defensive enchantment was formed to prevent himself from attacking, he was obviously professionally trained!


The main offender said, "Not only are you ugly, you have a bad temper."


Jun Chang laughed and blinked his anger even better.

It is a shame to be ugly to be ugly by a mother-in-law who is guarded by thousands of brainless prisoners!


Jun Changxiao rushed over again, and the Sky Lantern was also sacrificed, and various psionic energy gathered at the gun head, and the power that formed a shocking space suddenly came!


The monstrous spirit can roar, and under the gun's head, it seems to turn into an angry dragon that breaks Jiuxiao.

The main criminal gently dialed his black hair and said softly, "Change the line."

This action and intonation made Jun Chang smile almost unsteadily and the psionics collapsed on the spot, so he said angrily: "You silly, you'll be disgusting!"

"Dare to scold my son, there is no excuse!"

"Be sure to let him know what it takes to humiliate my son!"


Suddenly, hundreds of prisoners in the audience stepped on the mysterious footwork to change positions, and then continued to row on the back of the front companion with their palms, and gathered energy together.


The defensive enchantment in front of you gets more powerful blessings, and it suddenly dazzles like a strong fortress!


Speaking late, at that time, Jun Chang laughed that the gun head carrying endless anger was already blasting on it, only to see the psionic ripples pulsating at a speed unseen by the naked eye.


Jun Chang laughed shocked and retreated dozens of steps until he stopped the gun head behind, and his right hand holding the handle came with pain.

"This should be a similar formation to the Sifang Tiandi array, bringing all the power together, and the host may be a bit tricky to break," said the system.

Didn't say too much, fearing being beaten in seconds.

There is no other auxiliary system that can do it.


The lead culprit stood on the stage and said, "With the crowd I love, you don't have to work hard."

"The beloved crowd?"

The prisoners who heard these words were as agitated as if they had chicken blood, and some even almost screamed on the spot.

When one person worships another person extremely, even if the other person talks and acts, they will become absolutely crazy, and even lose their own sanity. It is often called ...

Thousands of prisoners present are now collectively insane, consistent with one of the biggest symptoms of 'late salvation'.

"Really a bunch of sticks!"

Jun Chang smiled clenching the Sky Gun, was immediately shrouded in flames, rushed forward, and slammed into the defensive enchantment jointly arranged by the prisoner.


The sound of a huge bang came, and the surrounding temperature became extremely hot with the eruption of flames!

When the flames had dissipated, Jun Chang laughed that the Sky Lantern was in the streamer enchantment, and the jade flower entangled with the gun was eating with a big mouth.

"this is……"

The chief criminal frowned: "A worm of time and space?"


At this moment, the seemingly indestructible enchantment in front of it suddenly burst!

Jun Chang smiled as if he had flashed a gun and rushed away. In slow motion, you can see the hot flames pressing down like waves, and the prisoners caught in the madness were swept away.

"call out"

Flame bursts like light like electricity!



After the scorching hot waves roared, thousands of prisoners unlocked the new posture and scattered around, all of them were severely burned by the flames, and rolled painfully on the ground.



The screams are endless ~ ~ However, a strange scene happened.

All prisoners burned by the power of the Fire Soul, although their faces were abnormal, but their eyes gradually became clearer, as if to have some relief.

"I understand!"

The system realized: "The prisoner is controlled by some force!"


Jun Chang smiled and ignored it, because at this moment he was sideways, and the head of the Sky Gun was poked at the principal's eyebrow. His voice was cold: "How do you want to die?"

If you have hair flowing upwards, step on the hot wheel, and mix the heavens and the heavens with the sky, then you can really cos.

The main offender raised a smile at the corner of his mouth, then bent his knees, and slowly kneeled in front of Jun Changxiao, solemnly: "Brother, I was wrong!"

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