The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1237: Who is the grandfather and who is the grandson?

After the fortress convicted the martial arts, he was left in **** and left alone.

Therefore, unless there is a little space here and there is no light all day, what is the difference from the outside world.

Even more cruel.

Because the incoming prisoners want to gain status and respect from their inmates, they must have strong strength, and the weak can only be grandchildren!

Right now.

Jun Changxiao and Shang Youjin were locked in and surrounded by prison friends.

There are nine levels of ninth hell. Each level is self-contained. Each level has its own welcoming ceremony.

Jun Chang smiled and glanced at the prisoner who was gradually approaching, and smiled, "So you think, am I a grandson or a grandson?"

"It's grandpa and grandson."

The blindfold man touched his nose and said, "Only when you welcome, can you know."


"Take care of two!"



Suddenly, thousands of prisoners repaired the outbreak, and then rushed over like brothers and nobles.


All four lights are turned off.

A layer of **** fell into the darkness again, and the eerie atmosphere erupted again.



Psionic energy and martial arts flashed, but brought a brief light.

About ten minutes or so, there was no sound or movement in the prison, and the eerie atmosphere was even more creepy.

"call out!"

Suddenly, a ray of fire appeared.

Jun Chang's smiling face appeared, then he lit the cigar in his mouth and raised his mouth to spit out a cigarette ring.

Because the black robe over the head has come off, with the looming flames, the whole head can be described as bright and bright.


Just then, the lights turned on again, and the prison was bright.

Shang Youchen stood in the original position, his face was dull, then he looked up stiffly and looked at Jun Chang who smiled.

Why high up?

Because of the thousands of prisoners who had just been attacked, all of them were stacked with blue noses and swollen faces. Jun Chang laughed and sat on the top to smoke. The pretense was unprecedented.

He closed his eyes and sang, "How invincible is, how lonely! How invincible is, how empty! On the summit alone ..."



Many prisoners piled up like building blocks, the internal organs and internal organs seemed to have been damaged again, and they spurted out on the spot.

People sing for money, dogs sing for death!

"Her hiding in the sky, don't listen to me, my loneliness, endless loneliness!"


Just when Jun Chang laughed and pulled the long word of "loneliness", Shang Shang, who was standing below, did not hold back the blood spurt.

Those who were not injured could hear the internal injuries. Although the dog leftover was a mess, he had no talent for singing. He was destined to act only, not a trainee.

After singing, Jun Changxiao still looked up and closed his eyes, completely immersed in the feeling of invincibility.



Shang Youjin pressed the boiling blood in his body and stopped, "Don't sing, if you continue to sing, the disciples may die ..."

The prisoners who had piled up and had heard the seven holes of blood deeply agreed!


Jun Chang smiled and gave up the idea of ​​stretching his heart, and grabbed the blindfold man lying next to him, and said, "Who is the grandfather and who is the grandson?"

"You ... you are the grandfather, I ... I am the grandson!"


Jun Chang laughed and threw him down, then stood up, sat directly on his back, raised Erlang's legs, and put his hands together: "Immediately, I am the boss of this hell. Who agrees, who opposes?"

"Like ... aye!"

The man in the blindfold said first.

He squatted here for a long time, greeted nearly 70% of the prisoners, and although he encountered a powerful master, although he also suffered, he still encountered such a strong for the first time today, even a few thousand people in a short time Solved!



The prisoners expressed their opinions.

The new inmates are very powerful, and their singing is super ‘good’. Only a fool will object!

This is the ninth level of hell, and this is the strength of respect.

When Jun Chang laughed and showed absolute strength, he “welcomed” his prisoners to a violent meal, and immediately received their approval.

Put it outside.

Some people may not only disagree, but also hate them, and then seek revenge from the older generation.

Seeing the prisoners soften, Shang marks the blood from the corners of his mouth, admiring his heart: "The lord is simply too powerful!"

Because the ancestor was trapped in the ninth layer of hell, he knew a little about this place. He could conquer all prisoners and even one layer of hell, which definitely represents strength!


"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

At this moment, the sound of the chain came from the direction that the light could not reach.

Shang Youjin turned his head to look, and his eyes suddenly appeared horrified.

All I saw was that in the darkness, a shaved head came barefoot.

His hands hang down naturally, and the long chain is dragging on the ground. Unlike the prison uniform, everyone has a prominent “engender” on his chest.

Jun often smiles and frowns.

Although the prisoner who appeared suddenly was dirty and sloppy, although he could not see the appearance clearly, the breath radiating from the whole body obviously had the strength to break through the air!




Shang Youjin said: "This is the main criminal of a layer of hell!"

"Principal offender?"

Jun Changxiao has never heard of it ~ ~ Shangyouchen hurriedly explained: "The principal criminals are detained on each floor of the nine layers of hell. . "


Suddenly, the main criminal stopped, turned his head out of his hair, a pair of extremely empty eyes appeared, and his voice was hoarse: "Young man, what is ten evils?"

Businessmen are stunned.

He communicated to the suzerain with the technique of sound transmission. Could he hear it?


The principal guilty smiled: "Young man, do you know that there is a beast named Yanting in Yan Luo mainland?"


Shang Youchen suddenly remembered that Yan Luo mainland had a divine beast named Yan Ting. You can recognize everything in the world by listening, especially good at listening to your heart!

Could it be ...

Is he just listening? !!

Jun Changxiao has also heard of 谛 Listen, and it is still from the Journey to the West, but I did not expect that this kind of stuff also exists in the Gao Wu universe of different systems.

"It took me tens of thousands of years of practice to have the current strength, because I accidentally heard what I shouldn't hear, and I was locked in a layer of **** by the Starry Sky Fortress. Excuse me, what an evil pardon!"

"And you!"

He pointed at Jun Chang and laughed, almost roaring, "I can hear any soul in the universe of any creature in the world, why can't I hear you!"


Jun Chang smiled with a wonderful expression on his face.

You ca n’t hear anything about me, why are you making such a big fire?


Jun Chang smiled melancholy and said, "I'm so handsome, you can't penetrate my heart." Magic Moon Academy

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