The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1191: Very insecure

With Jun Changxiao's plan in place, it's up to the two to cooperate with the show to pit the fortress master.

"Monarch Sovereign."

Guan Jiu said sadly: "We are so hurt, we can't make a difference when we go back ..."

"It's not a big problem."

Jun Chang smiled and waved, and said, "Come here."

He sent Guan Jiu and the old man into the secret space of time and space, and recovered the injury at the fastest speed under the acceleration of time. After they came out, the expressions on the faces of the two were still shocked.

For thousands of years of practicing martial arts, what have you never seen?

This kind of thing that maximizes time has never been seen or heard!


"It's incredible!"

Guan Jiuhe and the old man left the starfall continent with a super shock.

Although the two did not understand the meaning of the residual scroll, Jun Changxiao had ordered it and could only be forced to go to the Lord of the Fortress.

The two brothers are also very tragedy. It was a beautiful job that seemed to be very good. As a result, the soul was trapped in the hands of others, and they had to be anti-bones to pit their masters.


Guan Jiu and the old man sighed on the battleship.

Suddenly, there was a momentum of ‘people floating in rivers and lakes.


"Two brothers."

In the hall of Wanzong Zong, Jun Changxiao commanded: "Be sure to leave more unexpected circles during this time, as long as there are suspicious people near the mainland, inform me as soon as possible."

It is hard to say whether Guan Jiu and the old man can go back to fudge. If he can succeed, he must plan ahead to prevent accidents as much as possible.


Black and white double brake arched.

Although they haven't joined Zongmen for a long time, they have integrated themselves into the role of protecting law.

It was the two elder brothers who worshipped that made Jun Chang smile with confidence and dared to capture the strong man sent by Star Fortress.

However, the strength of the two people is ultimately limited. If the other party sends more powerful people, it is really only necessary to bear the feeling of being bullied by others.


Wan Guzong once again entered the calm mode, and the disciples continued to indulge in cultivation and were unable to extricate themselves.

The starry fortress and the remnants of the failed purchase also inspired Jun Chang to laugh, and he rarely used his mind to practice, and began to seriously consider the follow-up layout.

He already has the strongest existence under the Nine Emperor Star Continent, but after contacting higher levels, he became increasingly insecure.

"What's the problem?" Jun Chang smiled secretly.

The system said: "Out of the defense system."

"How to say?"

"The host just crossed over that year. Although the realm was not high, no matter how he died, he would always turn his back on danger. You know why?"

"Has a hard knife?"


"Then why do you say that?"

"Because the host has a large gang of guards, as long as it does not provoke the crushing power, it can always protect itself and the disciples."

"That makes sense."

Jun Chang smiled in agreement.

In the early days, he was so waves, and the role of the hard-to-receive sword was limited. Most of them depended on the guards to protect the ancestors. Even if they caused big troubles, they could be calm and calm.

The system continued: "As far as the strength of the host is concerned, even if you can't fight the star fortress, you can protect yourself, but what about the gate? What about the starfall continent?"

Listening to the system, Jun Chang laughed and suddenly realized.

The sense of insecurity that is gradually rising is not because of yourself, but because of Zongmen and Xingye Continent!

The system said: "The host is only a small step away from touching the highest realm of the Fanchen Plane, and all enemies encountered in the future will destroy the world, so a slight negligence will cause the Zongmen and the Plane to be destroyed."


Jun often laughs and silences.

Previously, I could fight with any sect, but in the end, it was nothing.

Even going to the battlefield of the plane is relying on cheating, and you can slip away if there is an accident, and you don't need to let Zongmen and Starfall Continent bear any consequences.

However, the starry fortress is in the cosmic starry sky and is not limited by the upper limit. It will come to its own place at any time and bring fatal destruction. Therefore, it brings pressure and a sense of insecurity.

"How do I break?" Jun often laughed.

"It's simple."

The system said: "Pull out the high-end mall and refresh the products in it. Maybe you can brush out a more advanced guardian array, or ... protect the entire plane!"

Anyway, still selling!

However, this time Jun often laughed without snarling or contempt, but instead fell into deep thought.

The system is right.

The feeling of insecurity comes from the Zongmen and the mainland. After all, one is the most valued extended family and one is about the main task. Even if he can encounter danger himself, his home and foundation must be safe and worry-free.

To put it plainly, Jun Chang laughs fancy death outside, but does not allow the base to be stolen by somebody.

Must be laid out, must be strengthened!

The system seriously said: "We must choose the best defensive array and build the defensive system with the highest safety coefficient. What crystal, highland tower, two towers, and one tower can you press it on, and you press it, you say How much contribution do you get from this set? "

"One hundred thousand?"

"That's just the cost! Don't be too expensive, don't discount it!"


"The protagonist who is willing to pay 100,000 contributions will not care about spending 100,000 more!"

"roll roll roll!"

Jun Chang laughed badly and said, "Don't pull a calf with me."

After some careful consideration, he still did not open the high-end mall, mainly only has tens of thousands of contribution value, and matrix products have hardly ever appeared. It is easy to lose money by brushing with luck.

"I am now a strong man who is infinitely close to the Emperor Wudi. If I encounter a tricky thing, I will rely on the mall. It is really a waste of firewood, so ... I must use my wisdom to solve everything!"


"That's what the real strong should look like!"

Jun Chang smiled and raised his thirty-two array of Qimen originally.

Isn't that the formation method? There must be more advanced cheats from this powerful modification, which can strengthen the base defense without resorting to the mall.


The system said: "I bought this stuff in the mall, so I can afford to lose it!"

"Give me a calf."

Jun Chang cursed with a smile, and then directly opened the most noble super article. The various array methods listed above suddenly made him a little dazzled.

"No, no."

"You still have to go to Zhen Lao and Yan Yao."

Because Bingzhan could not allow special talents to eat rice in Zongmen, Jun Changxiao gave the qualification liquid to Zhen Lao. Therefore, except for martial arts and kendo, they are not particularly excellent.

It's easy to be an all-rounder ~ ~ It's just that the dogs are unwilling. After all, it is tiring to develop the sectarian gates, and you have to take care of messy occupations such as Dan Dao, Yao Dao, and Zhen Dao. Then really Busy from day to night, from birth to death.


Array law hall.

Zhen Dejun opened his mouth.

Unbelievable eyes of Shangguan Xi Yaoming appeared.

"A problem?" Jun Chang laughed.

Zhen Dejun's mouth twitched and said, "Zongzhu, what is the reason that can make you suddenly rise to the idea of ​​creating a star formation continent?"

"Is it a good word?"


Zhen Dejun and Shangguan Yunyao said in unison.


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