The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1180: Named 0 ancient, Liufang 0

In the battlefield of the plane, Jun Changxiao once experienced a thunder penalty, but this time is slightly different, because it is not a punishment, it is a sanction!

So I did n’t even go through the brewing process, and blasted out two lightning forces directly from the dark clouds!

Not only suddenly, but not fast.

The power is also much stronger than the last thunder penalty!

One or two can be seen from the nuclear explosion picture.

"my eyes!"


Those warriors who are very close to the seal area and who have been repaired to only the level of the yellow character are temporarily lost vision due to strong light flashes, and their eyes are extremely painful.

"Woohoo ————————”

Thunder and penalty area, the strength of the thunderous thunder system Zhangya dance claws fly around!

However, if it rushes to the front of the seal barrier, it will be restricted. Otherwise, if it breaks through, the horror Yu Wei will inevitably affect more than half of the battlefield, and the millions of warriors watching the bustling will also be seriously injured.

It can be seen from this that the upper-bound sanction ruler often laughs, obviously has deployed and thought carefully, and it is by no means coming from the scene.

"It's over!"

"It's over!"

Ke Jinnan closed his eyes, and the pain of losing his friend appeared on his face.

The strong light brought by the moment just now is enough to show that the thunder and punishment sanctions from the upper bound are absolutely super horrible.


Mo Shangsheng shook his head and sighed.

Undeniably, he was once blackmailed by Jun Chang with a smile, but after all, he had cooperated and made a lot of money with Healing Dan. Now he saw his death under thunder and punishment with his own eyes. .

"Monarch Sovereign!"

Mo Shangsheng secretly said: "If you do today, you will be famous forever and ever!"

Other strong planes think so.

Even the Chihai and Lingyun continents, which once had no less blackmail, are now investing in the five bodies admired by Jun Chang with a smile.

Some people say that when they come to see the excitement, they must be saved by dogs.

If the monarch is still alive, there is no need to take the initiative to sacrifice, we will send money and resources on our own, only to honor this real man who dares to fight with Heaven!


Within the endless starry sky.

On the colorful throne, the graceful woman surrounded by clouds leaned lightly on the back of the chair.


The old man next to him shook his head helplessly.

The little guy must have survived such a strong thunder penalty.

"Prince Yao Ling."

In the distance, a heroic and brave golden armored man sitting on the chariot domineeringly, raised Erlang's legs, and smiled, "Is it a bit heavy for your warriors on the starry continent?"


Ling Yao's empress was silent.

"You can't blame me."

The man in the golden armor pretended to be helpless and said, "Who asked that guy to violate the rules one after another, and Jietang was worried about your cover, so I had to take responsibility for this sanction."

"Jin Hao."

Emperor Ling Yao said coldly: "I hope that once the continent you were on enters the battlefield of the plane, don't have any handle in the hands of this emperor."


The man named Jinjia said, "You are a clear revenge."


Suddenly, a stun appeared on the face covering the Supreme Uprising, looking down, his sharp eyes seemed to pierce through the void, locked in the land of the seal bombed by thunder and punishment.

The old man changed his face slightly, and said, "Lord, that boy is not dead!"

"I see."

Ling Yao's emperor responded lightly, and her heart rose with surprise.

Jin Hao, who is in charge of sanctions, used ten percent of the thunder and punishment. Fan Chen should not have a creature to resist!


The camera returns to the battlefield, back to the land of the seal.

The irritability of the thunderous system gradually dissipated, and a figure gradually became clear from the blur.

The warrior who had just been able to open his eyes and got used to it was captured the first time, so the expression on his face was instantly stiff.

"Monarch Sovereign ..."

"He ... alive?"

Mo Shangsheng's shocked hands were shaking violently.

This kind of horrible thunder and punishment power, once hit, will certainly be wiped out.

Now suddenly a figure appears, representing that the physical body has not been destroyed, and that the representative still has the possibility to survive!

Although incredible, it's incredible.

But when Jun often smiled and appeared in the eyes of everyone with a bent and squatting shape, they had to admit that this really happened to him!

Such horrible thunder and punishment power, the body did not fart.

"Monarch Sovereign!"

Ke Jinnan didn't care about the occasion. Regardless of the grace, the blue tendon shouted, "Now!"

The crude words melted into the ears of the warriors on the plane, and they immediately resonated strongly. Only one famous warrior shouted: "Sovereign monarch, great!"

"Monarch Sovereign, Niubi!"

"Monarch Sovereign, Niubi!"

Hundreds of thousands of powerful people with face and face shouted in unison the words ‘Niubi’. Although the style of painting is not too loud, it also shakes the sky and the earth!

Everyone shouted, Jun Chang laughed and gradually straightened up.


The charred ground cracks at the feet, madly spreading all around like a spider web.


Jun Chang smiled and stood upright.

Holding the Queen of Roses, he looked up at the sky coldly, and said, "What other sanctions can be brought out!"

The sharp eyes seemed to pierce through the void, staring at the high-profile golden armor man, who immediately killed the heart and said the most classic line of fantasy: "This son cannot stay!"


One-handed wave, start the second lightning force.

The Emperor Lingyao said lightly: "Since the establishment of the battlefield of the plane, there has been a clear stipulation that if the mortal warriors resist the thunder and punishment without death, all guilt will be irresistible. Have you as a former duty duty officer forgotten?


The man in Jinjia stagnates in mid-air, then dispels his thoughts and retracts, and laughs: "You don't say I really forgot."

Ling Yao, the empress, said lightly: "Since there is nothing you can do about using thunder and punishment, all your guilt will also be offset, and you can go back to Jietang to make a difference."


The Jinjia man thought, and the chariot immediately changed direction.

However, before leaving, he said, "Prince Yao Ling, Jietang has been paying attention to you during this time. Don't think of doing anything stupid."

"Do you think Jietang only pays attention to the Emperor, doesn't he pay attention to you?"

The woman was always surrounded by clouds, and it was difficult to see what expression was on her face.


The Jinjia man laughed and said, "I always follow the law and abide by the law. Why would Jietang pay attention to me?"

Speaking of which, his tone suddenly dropped: "Some people are really vigilant, don't think that you are doing something secretly."

"Leave, leave."

"call out------"

The chariot flickered and disappeared without a trace.

Ling Yao, the Emperor, remained silent for a while, and left her with her elder brother ~ ~.

Jun Changxiao, who appeared to be terrifying around him, seemed to be aware of it. Then he retracted his eyes, then lowered his head, and said coldly, "Is that enough?"


The Queen Rose pressed her chest and closed her eyes and said, "Let me rest for a while."


Jun Chang smiled and flung her down with a black face, then raised his hand, recalling the Sky Gun and Qinglong Moon Moon Knife nailed to the distant peaks.


There were seal barriers around, and suddenly the coldness disappeared.

At this point, the sanctions on behalf of the upper world are over, Jun Changxiao has carried it over again, and it is still under the eyes of millions of face-to-face warriors.


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