The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1162: 1 punch will kill!


"Does this guy think we are here for fun?"


The warriors on dozens of warships laughed loudly, and their disdain and contempt grew stronger.

The gray-haired old man was relatively stable, and asked, "So, are you from a star-studded continent?"

He has a starry sky map with most of the planes marked on it, so he soon knew what the continent was under the Tonggu battlefield.

The companion was right.

This is indeed a very garbage plane.

Even the deserted plane where the handsome man died is stronger than the space barrier.

The ancient starburst continent is not too bad, but the situation has worsened since it was torn apart.


Jun Changxiao always smiled.

However, the night star standing behind him was murderous.

Warships like humans and non-human creatures were originally ugly, and now they laughed recklessly, so ugly that they couldn't bear to look straight!

If the Emperor Ye had ever had a peak repair, he would definitely fly directly to it, even the savage slump of people and ships, so as not to keep his eyes aggrieved.

Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji frowned.

Those warriors who seem to be under their commandment do not seem to be weak in terms of breath. If they fight with them ... it must be very interesting!

In the battlefield, the dogs left tens of thousands of people to stun all major planes in one fell swoop. They could only seek out Lingyuan mainland warriors to do sparring, but after all, they adhered to the principle of friendship first and learned the second principle, so they couldn't feel it at all.

Now these uninvited guests are powerful, and the returning is not good, they should be able to give full play to their strength!

Under the suzerain, they were all militants.

In addition, always keep in mind the first purpose of Zongmen.

The white-haired old man said in a deep voice, "Did you kill Star and Aquaman?"


"Have you got the space ring?"


Jun Chang laughs and asks questions.

This also allows the Starry Five Warriors to be sure that Qi Xuanxia Guang broken the four volumes on him!

More than that.

One, two, three are here too.

Brothers, if you can solve the dog leftovers, readers will not only like to go all the way, but also use personality guarantees to immediately reach the peak of life!


The cold man sneered: "You took the initiative to fly out and wait for us, fearing that the plane would be affected. In this case, why not quickly hand over the remnants, maybe Grandpa, I'm happy, and it's my life."

"Ding! One punch will charge 10% ..."

Raise 5 more points!

"Sure enough, it's the same as memory."

"If the opponent you meet is arrogant and mad enough, you can spur a punch."

of course.

What makes Jun Chang smile a little bit surprised is that the other party let himself surrender the scraps.

Qi Xuanxia Guang breaks the residual volume?

My Nima!

I just bought it for a while, I did n’t have time to practice, and I did n’t send it to my disciples. The stolen person came to the door. The speed is too fast!

The system is speechless.

Queen Two Rose, Queen Three Black and White Double Brake.

Now that the host buys a volume four, the people associated with it are here again, how small the universe must be in order to meet so well.

The system muttered, "I don't know where the unlucky egg is."

Volume one, this unlucky guy, stood in front of Jun Changxiao at this moment, and looked at five strong men comparable to Wudi as a disciple.

"If I have the peak Wu Shengxiu now."

He Wudi secretly said: "It should be possible to abuse any of them."

People coming down from the top are so confident.


Jun Chang smiled at the cold man and hugged his fist, "Looking at you, Yu Xuan Ang, extraordinary martial arts, must be a big man with a head and a face in the universe?"

He had felt the law, and his mind rose.


The cold man proudly said, "You're not good enough, your vision is okay."


"Uncle Ben, I am one of the five fighters of the starry sky that has been traveling the universe for thousands of years.

"Ding! 20% recharge with one punch."


Jun Chang smiled secretly and said, "As long as this guy pretends to force, he will give him a charge."

After understanding the principle of one-punch killing, the dog left a pretty happy heart, because it can completely rely on the gun to make the opponent more arrogant and mad, so as to quickly reach the release conditions.

what is this?

Others pretend to be strong, I'm stronger!

"It turns out that Your Excellency is one of the Five Stars in the Starry Sky, and is disrespectful." Jun often smiled and arched.


The cold man proudly looked up.

"Ding! 25% recharge with one punch."

Hum also rose, showing that this guy is really arrogant.

"Since you are here to ask for scraps, please follow this seat." Jun Chang laughed politely.

He now needs to bring this group of uninvited guests out of the astral continent as soon as possible. After all, if the direct action is taken, the mainland will certainly not be able to withstand Yu Weiyang.

The cold man is not the kind of brainless maniac, seeing Jun Chang ’s smile, so he said lightly: "If you are worried about the destruction of the mainland, quickly hand over the remnants and martial arts resources. I may not make it difficult for you and this trash surface."

"Ding! 30% recharge with one punch."

Jun Chang smiled earnestly: "This seat has placed the remnants on a deserted plane in the distance. As long as a few people pass by, they will get it naturally."

"is it?"

The gray-haired old man's eyes hesitated.

When he came here, he repeatedly considered that the killer who could kill the handsome man was extraordinary in strength. Even if he got the remnants, he would pay the price. I didn't expect that the other party was so weak and so cooperative.


The white-haired old man said, "Maybe fraud!"

"Old Wu."

The cold man disdain Gu said: "Even if there is any trick in a low-level garbage, he is still a poor ant in front of Uncle Ben."

"Ding! One punch will recharge 60%."

Suddenly heard that the value increased by 30 points, Jun Chang smiled and said that he was aggressive.

That guy didn't say anything, why did it go up again? Is it pretending to be extreme, a casual look can trigger the condition?


The cold man sneered, "Let's go ahead."

"However, uncle, I remind you, don't play tricks, otherwise, even running to the upper world is a dead end."


Black and white double brakes in the dark sneered.

There is not only a strong barrier to the upper world, but also the law of heaven. What does that guy say is like his back garden, can he enter and exit casually?

The cold and cold man's pretense made the black and white double brakes invisible, and no doubt provided a value for one punch, directly increased from 60% to 90%.

"If the opponents I meet in the future are so arrogant, I'm invincible!"

Jun Chang smiled while secretly driving the Tonggu warship to the selected abandoned plane.

The Five Stars of the Stars were mainly for the remnants, and they immediately followed.

Dozens of warships followed behind the Tungu warship, and the battle was quite strong.

The old man with white hair said: "This son will never easily surrender the residual papers. I must wait to take care to avoid overturning the boat in the gutter."


The maniac and the other two nodded.

The eerie man said lightly: "This guy should go to the deserted plane in the distance. When you get to the place, you don't need to do it, and you should give it to me alone."

"call out----------"

The ancient warship cut through the cosmic starry sky, and after a while, penetrated the barriers of space and merged into the deserted plane.

There is no life here, and the surrounding area is barren. It is very suitable for fighting, even if the mainland is hit on the spot.

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

Lao Ding, Ziyu Wang, Li Qingyang and others all jumped off the boat.

They set off and began to prepare for the warm-up before the war.

"call out!"

"call out!"

Dozens of warships also flew in.


However, before the warship came to a steady stop, the cold man broke out at the Emperor Wudi level and gathered powerful energy to overtake.

The scope of the momentum explosion is extremely wide. Obviously, not only must you capture Jun Chang laugh, but you must also wipe out all the disciples of Wanzong!

It's a ruthless person!

"A little trouble!"

The black and white double brake in the dark is about to rush out.

"No need to."

However, as soon as he left, Jun Chang laughed in his ear: "Just leave it to me."

Give it to him?

Black and white double brakes are a little stunned.

If the worshipping brother turned into a stone statue at this moment, they wouldn't worry about it at all, but how to face a Emperor Wu Shi without displaying the magical power of the stone statue tribe now!



The violent gas waves were pressed down from above, and the space on the deserted plane suddenly couldn't bear it and began to fall apart.


Li Qingyang and Xiao Guiji and others stood behind Jun Chang smiling, feeling the powerful and choking momentum, his face gradually sulking, and sweat beads were seeping from his forehead.

The Emperor Wudi is so scary!

It is strange to say that in the face of this unsolvable situation, because the suzerain stood beside him, so that they were only suppressed by the aura and did not raise any fear.


"Our Star Five Fighters also dare to grab the things that we look forward to, and today we will use their lives to compensate!"

The cold and cold man's eyes from the sky flashed with strong murderous power, and the corner of his mouth raised a disdain smile, as if in his eyes, the living creatures below were all ants.

Compensate with my disciple's life?

Thinking of Shi Twelve missions, Jun Changxiao was completely furious.


Taking a step forward, he said angrily, "Dare to hurt this disciple, send you to the west first!"


There are no tricks or descriptions of fighting, the explosive power instantly ripples from the deserted plane, and then brings the sky dust and huge ripples.


Where energy fluctuations pass, space and ground quickly collapse!

"call out!"


The cold man flew out of the dust like a shell and passed directly through his own battleships. The entire sky instantly produced a serial explosion, and the hot flames rendered the original dark environment red.

Black and white Luocha eyes stared round, as if about to stare out of his eyes.

On the starship warship that was not affected at the forefront of the team, the four men, including the white-haired old man and the burly middle-aged man, were already dead.

The six of them can see the scene that just happened, so the shock and madness brought by that kind of picture impacts the depths of the soul!



The wind howled and the dust spread.

The camera looks down from a high altitude, with Jun Changxiao as the center area, and a deep pit with a distance of hundreds of miles is recessed. As for Ding Lao and Li Qingyang, others stand firm, and question marks appear.

who am I?

Where am I?

What am I doing?

Three sentences can describe the state of mind at the moment of the ancient times ~ ~ because the scene just happened was too sudden, suddenly they saw nothing!

and many more!

Why do hair fall down!

The crowd gradually calmed down, looked up in a hurry, and saw Jun Chang laughing standing on one leg, the other foot held up in a bombardment, a handful of black hair fell off under the strong wind, until the blow was clean, his bright and bright head was revealed .

Overlord ...

Bald! Bald! Bald!

The roaring sound of the system is rippling in Jun Chang's ear: "It's clear that you will kill with one punch, why do you use your feet!"


ps, 3200+, ask for votes.


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