The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1156: Stronger than starfall continent

The soul-based continent, which replaced the star-stabilized continent, has come to the battlefield of the plane. Because it has just entered and has not engaged in large-scale battles to obtain meritorious values, the base is very small.

I was keen on bullying the novice players. After learning the news, I came over as soon as possible. As a result, the leader of the land size came face to face and was tortured to the ground by the queen of roses.

According to the level, this woman in the battlefield on the plane definitely belongs to the strong Tianzi, and because it is infinitely close to the broken void, it is stronger than other Tianzi.

The Red Sea continent came to bully the soul-family continent, and the tragedy was not even weaker than that. At that time, it went to bully the newly arrived star continent.

Why did you say that?

Because the first-time Jun often laughed, at that time, he also relied on the hard-to-receive knife. Without a hole card, fart was not.

The Queen Rose, a strong woman who fought in the North and South, definitely came one by one, one pair and one pair, totally unreasonable.

As for blackmail.

Sorry, people have invaded many planes.

This kind of thing is not only skilled, but also thousands of years earlier than Jun Chang laughs.

武 The Chihai mainland warriors did not take advantage, and returned to their stronghold with gray heads and soil, and told Hong Yao about the matter. The latter suddenly became angry and said, "Is the new plane now so crazy!"

I was so miserable that Jun Chang laughed and bullied, so I bowed my head and bowed to the court. Now it ’s unbearable to come to a more arrogant continent!

"Palace, let's take someone over!"

Elder Bihai Palace said, "I still don't believe it. The new plane can be stronger than the starry continent, and it can laugh more wildly than Jun Chang!"

"I was often ridiculed by the major planes during this period of Chihai continent. If I tolerate being bullied by another plane again, I can't afford to go up after going out!" Another elder said angrily.

The high-level officials of Bihai Palace strongly suggested that the host send the strongest fighting power to show the Soul tribe a little color and let other planes know that we Chichihai mainland is not easy to mess with!

Fight for honor!

"it is good!"

Tong Hongyao got up and patted the handrail, saying "deploy people and follow this seat to the base of the soul tribe!"

On the same day, thousands of streamers flew out from the Chihai mainland stronghold.

After about half an hour.

On the mainland of Chihai, the strong yellow, black, and terrestrial characters broke out and gathered outside the base of the soul tribe.

This lineup of specifications can be used to kill the Shura field. This also means that Hong Yao really worked hard for the honor of the plane!

Mainly too bullied by dog ​​leftovers.

Now that guy has managed to leave, he has been deprived of his qualifications by the upper world, and the base is temporarily closed. As a result, a more arrogant continent of souls has come.


Inside the stronghold, the name of the Chihai continent was dropped on the ground.

A few soul warriors came to the chair, and the rose queen sat down calmly, watching the thousands of Chihai mainland warriors gathered outside, smiling, "Is it just a redemption, do you need such a big battle?"

I am indeed the empress of the soul clan, and Fan Er is strong.

Tong Hongyao sneered and said, "You are the master of the Soul tribe stronghold?"

The Queen of Roses clasped her fingers together and said quietly, "Please call me Lord Queen."


Tong Hongyao's face turned cold and he said, "It's best to hand over the people in this seat, otherwise ..."


Suddenly, the sound of explosion came, and the sky was dusty.

The Queen of Roses, who was originally sitting in the stronghold, was already standing at the position of Hong Yao at this moment. As for the latter, she burst out hundreds of feet and sunk in a mountain with a sloppy expression on her face.

Strike a punch!

君 The remnants of Jun dog who just came in that year must not be able to do this level!

The Queen Rose took back the pervasive momentum and said lightly, "No money, no handing over."

It's unbelievable that a man is arrogant and arrogant, and a man can be understood, but a woman still prevails.

"Queen mighty!"

"Long live the Queen!"

Within the stronghold, the soul warrior shouted loudly.

"Palace Lord!"

Bihai Palace's face changed suddenly.

Hong Yao in the sag-mountain mountain endured fierce pain, struggling to make a sound from his throat, "Up ..."

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

Before the slang words were finished, powerful bombardment and bursts of air burst out, and in the slightly blurred field of vision, only the home martial artists unveiled their new poses and burst out.

"A thousand hands pick flowers!"

"咻咻 咻咻 咻"

A delicate jade hand blossomed in the area where thousands of Chihai mainland warriors were located, and then began to hang in the flower like years.

For a moment, everyone, including the high-rise of the Bihai Palace, was laid to the ground, some faces were swollen, and some teeth were polished. The scene was unbearable.


The Queen Rose recovered the green attributes released and hung proudly in the air. She looked at Hong Yao and said, "Go back and tell your boss that there are 10,000 spirit stones in a person. If they cannot be delivered at this time tomorrow, they will all die."

Xi Shuaizi has a trouble in the soul continent. The damage caused is inestimable, so he must find other planes to get more resource subsidies.

However, the Queen of Roses didn't know that the guy she killed immediately was the boss of Chihai mainland!

Hong Yao stunned.

女人 This woman's strength is too scary!

If he obtains information and learns that the Queen of Roses is so powerful, the Jungou who is forced to use three types of hole cards in order to defeat it will be well understood.

Uh ...

"Did you hear that!"

"The soul continent that replaced the starfall continent is not a soft persimmon. It just exploded the Chihai continent as soon as it came in!"

"I'm going, is there such a thing?"

"The Honggong master of the Chihai continent took a large number of people to kill him, but all fell to the ground, and it took millions of spiritual stones to return to his home base."

When the Soul Soul continent first arrived, it stunned the Chihai continent, and it spread instantly on the battlefield of the plane, immediately causing a huge sensation.


Just one day later, there was another breaking news.

The mainland soul warriors of the Lingsoul clan went out of conflict with the Lingyun mainland warriors. Then the leader of the stronghold directly led people to kill outside the stronghold, forcing the opponent to hand over a large amount of martial arts resources.

打 Hit two planes in two days!

大陆 This soul tribe is a bit strong!

"In the city master ~ ~ Jiutian Continental stronghold, a high-level meeting reported that" the new soul continent has a higher level than the starfall continent. The authority is called the Queen of Roses, and its strength is the name of the sky. "

Su Mo Shengsheng said silently, "Just left a suzerain of the ancient suzerain, and another rose queen. Is the low plane now so fierce?"

The old man said, "The Queen of Roses is stronger than Jun often laughs. According to the information sent by the front line, it seems that she is preparing to go to the trouble of Shengxuan Continent."


Su Mo Shengsheng shook his head and said, "Just a few days later, I will cause trouble everywhere, and sooner or later I will become the target of public criticism."

不过 "But ..." He paused, looking dignified. "This woman is so unscrupulous, maybe there is any background behind it, to give orders to the people in the mainland, and let them collect news about the continent, as soon as possible!"


Uh ...

Just before the Empress Rose was on the battlefield, and before a storm of roses was about to rise, Jun Changxiao had already returned to the ancestral gate and spent 20,000 points of contribution value. He bought seven Xuanxiaguang broken pieces and bought them. The contribution value was exactly 70,000. Whole, can be described as beautiful.


"I don't know who is unlucky again."

From the situation of the Queen of Roses and the black and white double brake, Jun Changxiao has roughly understood that if he buys the seven Xuanxiaguang broken scrolls, he must be a few items stolen from other places.

The system said, "How can the host buy it with the contribution value?"


Xun Jun often rolled his eyes with a smile and said, "It's true that I paid for things, but they were stolen by the system, so don't forcibly wash yourself, everyone understands."

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