The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1141: I want to complete the mission, I want to kill this guy!

His body is shrouded in green attributes, and even his hair turns green. If he appears in the land of China, he will surely be laughed. After all, the green color that represents the color has been destroyed.

Can't stand it.

In another world, there is no problem.

Because of cultural differences, green is green, and green green has no other meaning.

Xun Jun often laughs and doesn't care if green is not green. What's more important at this moment is that his strength has been greatly improved, as if using the charm of Qiankun!

That feeling-just this feel, beier Shuang, beier Shuang!

"Fu Jun."

Suddenly, the voice of the Queen Rose came to her ear: "You now have all my strength, plus your own strength, should not be weaker than that guy!"

The magical powers of the Soul Clan are usually used to attach to the soul, and then look for opportunities to seize the house, thereby improving self-strength. Few such willingness to assist and dedicate.

What surprised the Queen Rose.

Xun Jun often laughs at every meridian, every inch of skin seems to be perfected to perfection.

The spirit soul boarders are not casual in spirit.

They usually calculate the fit after integrating into the body, reaching 60% to qualify.

融合 Queen Rose and Jun Changxiao's body integration has reached 100%!

It is precisely because there is a high degree of fit. After the two sides merge, the chemical reaction is not as simple as 11 = 2!

"So it is."

Xun Jun often smiled and raised a smile in his mouth, his eyes flashed with war.

Just now she was against the Queen of Roses, and now she feels great power, but she is almost excited to sing. It is a textbook-level large-scale real incense performance.


Xi Jun often raised her hand with a smile, and the Sky Gun flew from a distance, her eyes sternly: "Remember, stop calling my husband!"

Queen Rose's voice sounded in her ear: "Okay, husband."

“咻 ——————————”

The dust was flying and the ground exploded.

He only saw that Jun Changxiao had rushed to the handsome man, and a little Hanmang arrived first, and then shot out like a dragon's stab.

"It won't take three years for a counterattack!"


The spear-like arrogance was like a rainbow, coming through the void.

Under the violent wind turbulence, the green-haired fluttering Jun often screamed angrily: "Three seconds is enough!"

"咻 ————————"

The head of the gun flashed, and a bunch of spears that split the space instantly sprayed out, dragging out dozens of miles of streamer!

俯视 Looking down from above, it looks like the giant slammed the space with a big knife.

常 Jun Chang, who has the Wupin Sword and Wu Shuangxiu Xiu, laughs. With the assistance of the Empress Rose who is infinitely close to Emperor Wu, Xiu Wei can be described as bursting!

I just ... the handsome man avoids in advance, hangs in the sky and grins, "This is interesting!"


Xi Jun often appeared in front of him with a smile, and the gun body carrying the spirit of the king had swept over.



Suddenly, the two sides launched close-up combat of the highest quality in the air at a frequency that is hard to see with the naked eye. The space could only surrender under the influence of power, but it broke down.

"Boom ——————"

After dozens of tricks, the handsome man fell from high altitude.

I was about to hit the ground until I recovered from an imbalance, and my toes were lightly on a stone.


A ripple of energy erupted all around.

In addition to the stones the handsome man stepped on, the ground tens of miles away collapsed in an instant in waves.

This level of fighting, even if the opponent's strength is removed, is so powerful, it is too shocking.

"Seven Xuanxia Light Breaks!"

之上 Above the sky, Jun Changxiao held up the colorful streamer gun in a chopping style. The energy of the three colors of red orange and yellow gathered the body of the gun, and then turned into an unparalleled light under a sudden wave!

"not good!"

His handsome character changed slightly, and he hurried away to one side.

"Boom ————————"

The entire ground was subjected to strong bombardment, and the deep ditch was instantly split. From the height, it seemed to be directly divided into two!

的 The handsome man who avoided in advance, looks extremely serious.

霞 What a ray of light the guy just showed is extraordinary!

I have a powerful weapon, a powerful armor, and now a strong martial art. What is this guy doing!

Shijiazhuang, Zhao Zilong?

Xi Shuaizi began to quickly read the memory of Shihai, but he had never heard of Shijiazhuang, and never heard of Zhao Zilong.

Xun Jun often laughed if he knew that he was just crying for his whim, and as a result made him crazy to make up for his brain, he would definitely laugh forward and backward.


When the handsome man was thinking briefly, the strong Qi Xuanxia Guangbao attacked again!

Don't say, Jun Chang laughs under the great increase of strength, and his power is stronger than before!

And this only learned three remnants. If you find all the other remnants, you can cultivate a complete seven Xuanxia light break, and the power will definitely break through the sky!

After purchasing the Cantonese martial arts weapon, it will be stolen from other planes, which means that it is true that the day when there are at least several victims in line.

For example ...

Sting in that distant endless universe.

One black and one white are advancing at a rapid pace, and sometimes they will continue to fight, until the colliding universe collapses, this will continue to hurry!

"Black Dasha!"

声音 A voice came from Baiguang: "Are you sure that the disappearing remnant is on the level of the earth?"

Unpleasant voice came from the black light: "Don't believe me, don't follow me! I'll find it myself!"


The people in Baiguang were silent for a while, and said, "I will believe you once!"

"However, with our cultivation, if we forcibly enter the level of the earth, the cultivation will definitely fall!"

"If you and I jointly carry out the Qiankun reversal of Dafa, we should be able to reserve some of it to enter the level of the mortal plane, and then find the remnants and return quickly!"


Baiguang laughed: "I said why you black Dasha took the initiative to look for me, it turned out to be careful!"

The so-called Qiankang reversal of Dafa must be performed by two people at the same time.


The person in the black light whispered coldly: "When you find the remnants, you and I will belong to the winner!"

"it is good!"

The two black and white rays reached an agreement and headed towards the endless starry sky.

If you ca n’t go all the way until you break the space limit, you can reach the area where the soul continent is!

Uh ...



之上 Above the sky, Jun Changxiao and the handsome man fight again.

This area of ​​thousands of miles is broken and the earth is cracked, and the scene looks like the end of the world.

Is just two emperor-level battles. If there are more, the Soul Continent will definitely be broken apart like the starfall continent before Wanzai.


Xun Jun often laughed and the handsome man fought hundreds of tricks again. The earth below finally couldn't bear the load, and irregular cracks began to appear, gradually drifting away from each other.

From a high altitude, the plane has been knocked down by a large piece, and it is getting farther and farther away from the main body, and gradually forms an independent ground panel.

"Boom boom!"


The battle of puppets continued, the mighty power broke out, and the ground and space either collapsed or collapsed.



Xun Jun often laughed and the handsome man fell like a shell on two distant grounds, with a deep trench in the middle.

The queen-assisted rose queen saw her homeland be torn apart, and felt that the already thin nature of the world gradually merged into the broken space, and a tingling came from her heart.

"You have such pain, my ancestors of the starry continent also experienced it." Jun Chang smiled indifferently.

He and her are one and the same.

Of course, the Queen of Roses does not feel the existence of the system, because it is a solution-free BUG, ​​and only Jun Changxiao can communicate with it.

"Because my soul tribe has invaded the astral continent, you have to rest me?"


Xun Jun often laughed and said, "We have feuds."

"That's the order of Queen Lingping has nothing to do with me!" Queen Rose said.

"If you were the same year, you would come to invade the star continent, because your soul tribe is a natural predator."

"If nothing, it was Ling Ping who invaded your continent, not me!"

When the last three words of the Queen Rose were spoken, the sound rose and became screaming, which made Jun often laugh and buzz the eardrums.

I do n’t want to make a light bulb system, I really want to add a word: Two people, are you fighting, can you be serious, can you take a snack?

"I don't bother you!"

Xun Jun often smiled and waved the Sky Gun and rushed to the handsome man again.

A fierce battle kicked off again, and the soul continent continued to fall apart, and many small plates were again differentiated in the main body.

In the major cities and towns, people of the Soul tribe kneel on the ground and pray prayerfully, even if the houses and the earth are shaking violently, they have not fled.

At this time, they had no choice but to believe that the queen would expel foreign enemies and return the mainland to peace.

Uh ...

one day later.

In the originally complete Soul Continent, several different sizes of land and main body have been separated, and the gully is filled with seawater, and it faces each other across the sea.

This terrain change is not over yet, because Jun Changxiao and the handsome man are still fighting, and you are still fighting.


爆 An uproar came from the air again.

The handsome man on the ground fell on the ground, looking at Jun Chang who was separated by sea water, and smiled, "This soul tribe is really good. If you attach it to me, the strength will only be stronger!"

Xun and Jun often laughed and played for a day and night without any advantage. He can laugh because he hasn't moved yet!


Xi Shuaizi man proudly raised his hand and said, "The battle between you and me can be over."


The three-foot sword appeared out of thin air, bursting into supremacy!

Xun Jun often frowned with a smile.

From the point of view of momentum, this sword is not weaker than its own nine-day-ten-dozen sky gun.

的 The opponents I met not only became stronger and stronger, but even the equipment became more and more advanced. This is really ... great, I must grab it!

The handsome man is called the Star Bandit King, who makes a living by robbing major planes.

Xun Jun often laughs. Although he is not a robber, he has done a lot of robbers these years, and he has rich experience and means!

You fancy my equipment?

Sorry, I like your equipment too!

Now that everyone wants it, it depends on who has the ability to grab it!


声 The sound of a drew sword.

"咻 ————————"

A powerful sword smashed directly, leaving deep sword marks in the space, and the wind roared, as if crying in sorrow.

If the strength does not allow it, the Soul Continent really wants to forcibly open the door that connects the battlefields of the planes and let the two grandpas go to harm the higher planes, instead of riding on themselves and taking the sword and scraping the blood.


Xun Jun often laughed and drove straight in, broke the sword awn with a sky gun, and then performed a colorful glow burst again.

Both he and the handsome man used weapons, and they also entered a state of serious treatment, so they would only increase the burden on the mainland, and thus be split apart faster.


After fighting dozens of moves, Jun Chang laughed at a speed and attack power that was obviously declining. Even after being separated, he hung in the middle of the distance and his breathing has become quicker.

Wu Shuaizi smiled and said, "In the end, it is uplifted by the soul clan supernatural power. Even if we have the strength to compete with this coach, how can there be inexhaustible energy for this coach."


Xi Jun often laughed and was silent.

He has Xuanyuan God Armor, assisted by the Queen of Roses. He is not weaker than handsome men in strength.

But the psionic energy in the spiritual core is far less than that. After all, it is only the enhancement of strength, not the improvement of the realm, and there is no qualitative change in energy supply.

"The handsome has been running the universe for hundreds of years, and I haven't met an opponent for a long time. Today, I want to play with you." The handsome man rushed quickly, and the three-foot sword in his hand cut out the sword, and the power still exploded.


Xun Jun often laughs at the broken gun, and consumes a lot of psionic energy in his body.

Queen Rose said: "When the energy consumption reaches a certain limit, you and I will be forcibly separated, so ... time is running out, and quickly find a way to solve him!"

Because of the integration in the auxiliary form, she can only provide strength for Jun Changxiao, but cannot control her body to lead.

I want to solve him too!

But strength is not allowed!

"Show off your previously stoned magical powers!" The Queen Rose advised.

System growled: "Don't listen to her!"


He Batian gun was inserted on the ground, Jun Chang smiled and rubbed his hands, looked at the handsome man with a playful smile, and looked coldly: "I want to complete the task, I want to kill this guy!"

The system crashed and said, "You will lose your reason and become a demon!"

"I'm not afraid with you."


The system can't wait to run out, kick him back to the earth, and continue to be a otaku silk!


Xun Jun often smiled and waved his hand, as if the stone seal of the evil power appeared again, and then was sandwiched directly in the palm of his hand.


Howling wind, green hair fluttering.

Xun Jun often laughed and said in a low voice, "If I become a Buddha, there is no magic in the world, if I become a demon, I do n’t know how to live!"

"No! Don't ..."


The power of the stone statue melted into the body instantly, Jun Chang laughed and looked up and shouted, and a strange line was drawn on the neck and the back of the hand.


The handsome man frowned.

"This is ..." When he saw that Jun Chang laughed like a stone statue, his strength increased sharply, his face suddenly changed, and he was shocked: "The magical power of stone statues!"

I can't make him change!

Otherwise, it must be tricky!

"Brush! Brush!"

After a brief shock of the handsome man, the various tedious handprints were printed, and only saw the stone statue of Jun Changxiao, a dazzling pattern appeared out of thin air, and various energy beams were instantly ejected!

with full force!

恐怖 Extremely terrifying!

However, under the ruthless depression of various energies, Jun Changxiao has transformed into a complete body, his right hand clicks and lifts up, the blast gun breaks through the ground, and passes through a gorgeous streamer.

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom!"

Suddenly, all kinds of energy pressed down from all directions broke down, and various patterns existing at high altitude also exploded on the spot.

"噔 噔 噔!"

Shuaizi man stepped back a few steps, his body blood rolled!

His face was incredible, "How could this guy have magical powers of the stone statue of the upper world!"


At this moment, the huge figure of Jun Changxiao appeared in front of the handsome character man, and the heavy petrochemical palm like 100,000 mountains was pressed down hard.

"Boom ——————————"

A large piece of ground broke suddenly and then moved towards the west.

Uh ...

The deepest starry sky.

The black and white streamer has stopped, and the yin and yang fish patterns gradually appear, hanging in the universe like a giant mirror and constantly spinning!


Suddenly, the person in the black light opened his eyes and was pleasantly surprised: "Someone on the level plane seems to have shaken the deep space. We can take the opportunity to mix in, so that we will not be glimpsed by the heavens, and we can save some strength!

"What are you waiting for! Fast! Fast!"

The black and white men hurriedly turned Qian Kun to reverse Dafa, and the speed of the yin and yang fish pattern hovering above accelerated.


In unison, Dahedao said, "Qian Kun reverses, Yin and Yang reverse chaos!"



The two of them instantly turned into a streamer of black light, and merged into the black and white areas of the yin and yang fish respectively, then disappeared without a trace.

Uh ...

Outside the continent, the dark starry sky.



Suddenly the space ripped, and two black and white streamers burst out.

I wait for the light to dissipate, presenting two middle-aged people.

One in white and one in black. If you wear a high hat and spit out your tongue, you can COS black and white.

The two eyes are sharp and the temples are bulging. From the perspective of martial arts novels, proper masters and masters!


男子 The man in black said angrily: "Although relying on space turbulence to come in, the realm is inevitably suppressed!"

"It's pretty good."

The man in white said indifferently: "Just being suppressed to the level of Emperor Wu, according to our martial art experience, we can walk sideways on the Fanchen plane."


The man in black was relieved immediately.

"Don't stand silly."

The man in white said lightly: "Hurry up and search for the whereabouts of the remnants."

男子 The man in black immediately closed his eyes and performed his special magical power, and suddenly found that there was a significant energy wave coming from the plane next to him.


The two of them shared the same voice: "Go and see the excitement."

They know that someone is fighting in the plane. It is for this reason that the spatial fluctuations caused by them make it easy for them to sneak into the Fanchen plane.



The men in black and white broke the space barriers of the soul continent and easily integrated into it. The first picture in the field of vision was a fragmented continent.


"It was a terrible fight."


The two of them looked unintentionally into the distance, looking at a petrified creature all over the body, and were lifting their feet and slamming the ground.

"Black Dasha!"

The man in white rubbed his eyes and was surprised: "This seems to be a family of stone statues, how could it appear on the surface of the earth?"

男子 The man in black was also puzzled.


此时 At this moment, Jun Chang, who was stepping on the ground, laughed suddenly, raised his head suddenly, a pair of red eyes locked the two uninvited guests over the sky, and his voice was low: "That fellow's companion?"

"咻 ————"

Burst shot away, imposing like a rainbow!

男子 The man in black said: "This person has been blackened, and he will fight when he sees someone."

The man in white touched his nose and smiled, "I wanted to thank him for letting us come to Fan Chen easily, but since it is so rude, then ..."


Suddenly, Jun Changxiao had rushed to the front, and his right knee was violently banging in his belly.

In slow motion, you can clearly see that the smile on the white man's face gradually disappears, and then is replaced by 狰狞, with two eyes protruding.

"咻 ——————"

飞 Fly out like a cannonball ~ ~ turns into a shining starlight!

懵 The man in black standing next to 懵 was stunned.

This stone is as strong as a family? In one move, Bai Luocha, who was temporarily suppressed by Wudi, flew away!


Xun Jun often turned around with a smile and banged with the cleanest right hook.

男子 The man in black can capture it, but the opponent's boxing speed is too fast, the powerful cultivation is suppressed, and he can't perfectly coordinate with the body. In the end, he can only resist with his left face.


坠 He fell at a high speed and hit the ground fiercely.


The white man who was beaten and flew out also fell.

The two strong men who thought they could walk side by side on the mortal plane lay neatly together, one of the beating eyelids turned up, and the other beating mouth foamed.

可 "Yeah ... hate ..." Previously, Jun often stepped on the area with a smile, and the handsome man with a blue nose and swollen face stood up from the deep pit.


A warship appeared out of thin air.

The handsome man jumped up and disappeared without a trace.

"Catch up! Don't let that guy run away!"

Queen Rose's voice sounded in Jun Chang's smiling ear, but the latter ignored it, and fell in front of the white and black men, clasped on their heads and blasted fiercely towards the ground.

"Boom boom!"

"Boom boom boom boom boom!"

The degree of brutality of the picture can hardly bear to look directly.


PS, 5500 chapter.

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