The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1137: Star voyager

The strength of Li Qingyang and others is not enough in front of thousands of foreign military fighters, but even so, they still insist that they must have a fan style!

Sure enough.

You can bring out any disciples with any kind of suzerain.

However, Ye Xingchen stepped on the wine, don't look at the look of majestic Emperor Wudi, but Li Qingyang and Su Xiaomo always tried to laugh.



More powerful power, pressed from the position of 5,000 strong.

Because Jun Changxiao is cruelly balding to the bald man, they are worried that it will affect the big brother, so the first wave of attack has a lot of power. This time someone is standing in front of you, then there is nothing to worry about!


Lulu Road.

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

For a moment, Li Qingyang and others appeared behind Jun Changxiao, and changed from fighting to shouting.

After pretending to run, it was too exciting.


Xun Jun often smiled and slammed on the face of the bald man, then kicked in front of his disciples, and the eagle-eyed wolf Gu turned his head.

This sharp and violent gaze horrified thousands of people who came, and they subconsciously stopped, and their hearts rose upset.

"Up! Up!"

A strong man comparable to Wu Sheng shouted in anger.

Xun Jun often laughs and looks terrible, but in the end he is just one person, everyone rushes up, can't he clean up?

Thousands of warriors who do n’t know where they come from are obviously of high psychological quality. After a short period of adjustment, they come to death like dead men!


Xun Jun often took a step forward with a smile, his right hand resting on the void and grasping it, and the Nine Heavenly Ten Heavenly Sky Gun appeared out of thin air, forming a sweeping force!

"Boom boom!"

All kinds of energy beams are extinguished under the gun.

Xun Jun often laughed like a war god, killing one person with one shot and fighting with thousands of warriors.


The master of the Demon Emperor Gate was stunned.

If it is only a few thousand emperors, he can also be so chic, but among them there are many semi-sacred and martial saints, who are exhausted by consuming energy alone.

青 Li Qingyang and others were calm.

The suzerain ’s fight alone for thousands of people was a common occurrence on the battlefield, and he even fought more than 20,000.

At that time, Jun Chang smiled on the hard-to-receive blade to cut grass. Nowadays, with a weapon that cannot be completely called a god, it can be seen that the increase in strength is extremely significant!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The Spearmang carries supreme power throughout heaven and earth.

Thousands of warriors who helped the bald man were either killed on the spot or swept away.

Because of the serious burning of funds in front of him, and the high pay of Jun Changxiao and his disciples, this single picture of a few thousand people was obviously crude, and the footage was mostly pieced together in slow motion, so it was over ten minutes.



Thousands of warriors lay horizontally on the collapsed ground of the Qiong depression. Some had been killed on the spot, some had serious injuries and vomited blood, completely losing their combat effectiveness.

Demon Emperor's door looked desperate.

A team of so many top-level strong men is likely to swept all the top sects in the mainland, but now Jun Chang laughs alone!

I have him in one day, how can this be a great thing!


I was most depressed by Xiao Sin, and the exclusive magical skills of the soldiers were inspired. I thought that the suzerain could save a few for himself to play, and he was all cleaned up.

I mainly laugh and annoy Jun, so I started to use these inexplicable warriors as sandbags.


Li Qingyang said: "The master of the Emperor's Gate ran away again!"


Xun Jun often laughed before realizing that the guy had disappeared without a trace, so he sneered: "Can you run a monk, can you run a temple?"

He temporarily gave up the master of blackmailing the Demon Gate and walked to the bald man who was abused as an adult.

This guy named Meteorite was ordered, and he got it before he rolled up his sleeves, and the tragedy was not inferior to the owner of the soul clan who just received the vacuum cleaner.

Xi Jun often laughed and sat on the arranged chair, playing with a special compass, and said, "Who are you and where do you come from?"

Suddenly the space broke down, and then jumped out of a group of strangely dressed warriors, one bite of starburst continent, allowing him to judge that it is definitely not a local warrior, possibly from other planes.

"But ... abominable guy ..." The bald man was quite resistant, so miserably abused, he could still speak: "Ben ... Ben Uncle will say nothing!"

"Do not say?"

Xun Jun often laughed with her fingers clasped together, and smiled eeriely: "Don't regret it."

Suddenly, the bald-headed man's heart rose suddenly, and suddenly it felt dark, and then there was a 'bang' in his ear.

This is covered in the Tianyuan Soul Tower that is opened in defensive form.


Xun Jun often laughed coldly and said, "Come out and train him."


Erya, who appeared in a form of loli, appeared out of nowhere, but said suddenly: "Master, this guy is a human."

Her spirit whip is used to regulate and purify unclean things, such as evil attributes, and also the soul body of the soul race.

As for humans ...

"Try it." Jun Chang smiled and said, "Maybe it's sensitive to the soul whip."

"Uh ... okay."

Ji Erya raised her hand and the Soul Whip appeared out of thin air.


The bald man sneered.

Even if you are a strong person at this level, even if you are seriously injured, can you be a whip ...


Suddenly, the soul whip had been pulled on his back fiercely, and the severe pain instantly interrupted the thinking of the bald man, and then screamed with a stern look: "Ah"

"the host."

Ji Erya was surprised: "It works!"

"Then fierce training." Jun Chang smiled lightly.




The whip whip sounded louder and louder, intertwined with beautiful melody, and accompanied by a bald male screaming like a pig.

About a few minutes of training, Jun Chang smiled and signaled Erya to stop, and asked, "Say?"

"... said ... I said ..." The bald man lying on the ground was weak, like a dead dog.

In fact, when Erya pumped the first time, he had the intention to say, but the former did not give himself a chance at all, and directly set out a training and combo.

The soul whip role is to whipped the soul, which belongs to the soul attack, so it is difficult to counteract whether it is evil spirit or human.

Uh ...

"first name."



"Her Majesty Star King, Six ... One of Six Generals ..."

"Starcraft One King?"

Xun Jun often laughed and said, "What is it?"

"Uh ..." The bald man was a little silent, giving the simplest explanation: "Travel the universe and kill the house."

"It turned out to be a robber." Jun Chang smiled and understood.

In fact, this star of the sky and sea is called by the bald man and a group of men.

"You came to rob the continent?" Jun Chang asked with a smile.

Bald man Road: "Yes ... is to occupy it, as a temporary transit point, so go to **** other planes ..."

"Where's your boss?"

"He ... he went to another plane ..."

Xun Jun often laughs and his eyes light up.

既然 Since the star-navigation master likes to rob everybody, he must have a lot of martial arts resources. If he robs him, wouldn't he be rich?

"How is your boss?"

"Compared to the highest state of your starfall continent."

"Emperor Wu?"

Xun Jun often laughs into silence ~ ~ If you are a strong player at this level, you may not have a good chance of winning.

System said: "Taking the host as the current practice, encountering Emperor Wudi's strong class, there is no chance of winning."


This remark is ridiculous.

However, since the guy has great strength, he still has to be careful, so he asks, "Which plane is your boss robbed, will you come to the star continent?"

"Boss is now on the soul continent ... if he knows I failed, he will ..."

Before the bald man was finished, Jun Chang smiled and carried him over, saying, "What mainland did you just say?"

"Soul ... Soul Race Continent!"

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