The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1135: I shouldn't come to Xihai Lingzhou!

If the punctuation is not counted, Han Wentian said a total of twenty-five words, and then Jun Chang laughed and punched him.

This is too aggressive and terrifying!

青 Li Qingyang was puzzled: "Is there ever a festival for the lords and suzeraints of the Wanxian League?"

He can feel the sudden shot of the suzerain and carry the wrath of the sky, it feels like there is some deep hatred.

"Second Brother."

Xiao Xiao sinned and said, "The suzerain has always been weird when he returned from the soul continent. Is there anything on his mind?"

"In my opinion."

Wu Su Xiaomo speculated: "The suzerain must have been bullied there, so when he came to Xihai Lingzhou, he released the confederate as a sandbag."


青 Li Qingyang shook his head and said, "It's still not enough for us to be disciples. Otherwise, how can we let the suzerain go to the continent?"

Lu Yan on the bow of the ship looked at Jun Chang with a pretentious smile below without saying a word.

青 Li Qingyang and others were worried about the abnormality of the suzerain. Only she was thinking about it. How could he be covered with the fragrance of roses when he returned?

Uh ...

The Wanxian League's parliament hall, which is comparable to the Zongmen Hall, has completely collapsed, and Han Wentian's squinting eyes are paralyzed on the ground.

Thousands of members who were swept away stood up and saw that the leader of the alliance had been bombed, and they were all horrified.

Standing in a pit, what is the reason for the young man who burst out of powerful energy!

There was no tragedy for the Emperor's Gatekeeper. Qian Lizhang came to Xihai Lingzhou, and finally reached an alliance agreement with the Wanxian Alliance Leader.


Xi Jun often smiled coldly and said, "We've met again."


The chill ‘噌 噌’ on the buttocks of the Lord of the Demon Emperor ’s door came out.

I do n’t think it ’s long before, why is this guy ’s momentum more powerful than before!

Because, Jun Changxiao is now a five-grade sword and martial arts double saint. With his Kendo and martial arts double cultivation, each product upgrade will have a large increase, let alone go to the soul tribe to continually upgrade three products!

"Say it."

"What are the plans to come to Lingzhou, Xihai."

Xun Jun often smiled without posing, jumped out of the pit, and patted the dust on the clothes.

"Sovereign Monarch, I ..."


At this moment, Jun Changxiao disappeared out of nowhere and appeared in front of the ruins of the hall. He was already carrying a vacuum cleaner behind him, and his flat mouthpiece ruthlessly struck Han Wentian's forehead full of weakness.


The strong suction suddenly erupted, only to see a bunch of green attributes, together with the hair all flew into the dust collector.


Han Han asked Tian to spray blood out of his mouth, and then his head passed out and passed out.

Just now, he was only severely wounded, and his thinking was still there. Suddenly, there was a dark voice in the sea, asking himself if he needed help, and asked if he wanted to be stronger?

There is still a bit of a comparison, before you have made a choice, you feel that something is on your forehead, and then ... is passed away.


Xun Jun often laughed and put down the vacuum cleaner, stepping on one foot, quite surprised: "I didn't expect this guy to have a soul clan, and I don't know who is the main hall owner."

It is not important whether the soul pretending to be in the dust collector is the main hall owner. What is important is that it can be booked. The sadness of the year reminds the main hall owner. After all, he is surrendered without even his lines.


青 Li Qingyang said: "The master of the Emperor's Gate has slipped!"

Xun Jun often turned around with a smile, and found that the Lord of the Emperor's Gate disappeared, and the spiritual thoughts pervaded, and he saw that people had run hundreds of miles away.

He smiled indifferently, "Go without leaving anything, what do you think of my regular smile?"


I turned into a streamer and chased away at a rapid speed.

Uh ...

间 between the sky.

The master of the Demon Emperor's Gate flew in one direction and fled in one direction, until he saw Jun Changxiao chasing after him, and he cried out in his heart, "I should not come to Xihai Lingzhou!"

I regret it, and regret it.

As a result, the two staged a wonderful chase in the vast sky.

If before the change, the Lord of the Demon Gates might have escaped, but now Jun Chang laughs greatly, and there is the blessing of the armed wings, the distance between them is getting closer!


逃 Flee straight and be sure to be caught up!

The master of the Demon Emperor's Gate changed his strategy, falling from a high speed at an extremely high speed, and then merging into the dark mountain forest, hoping to use the special geographic environment of Xihai Lingzhou to shake off the dog skin plaster behind.

"You can't run away!"

Xun Jun often laughed and chased after him, yelling, "Unless you give me some money!"

I heard this sentence, the Lord of the Demon Gate almost vomited blood.

Me he has been meowed twice by you, and his face is cleaner than his face. Going there will get you money!

Run and run!

The master of the Demon Emperor's Gate accelerated madly, hating himself for not having two legs, and hating himself for not having a pair of flying wings!

Xi Jun often laughed and said, "No money, this chase chases you to the ends of the earth!"

He relied on the master of Modimen, if you can't get the satisfactory martial arts resources, don't even think about leaving the Xihai Lingzhou safely!

The boss of the Emperor's Gate, who has absolute potential to harm the mainland, is now being run away by Jun Chang, who laughs, even thinking that I want to blackmail him, who is the decent and the villain!


Suddenly, a loud noise came!

主 The master of the Emperor's Gate who ran away at full speed seemed to hit something, was directly ejected, and then slammed on the ground with a sound of 噗噗, splashing billowing dust.


He screamed in pain, clutching his head.

在 At this moment, Jun Changxiao had already flown over, and then floated down, holding his hand and saying, "You run."


The master of the Demon Emperor's Gate roared unwillingly: "What despicable means did you use!"



Xun Jun often waved his hand with a smile, Yulong asked Tianjian, Qinglong Yueyue and other weapons to sacrifice all together, a posture that was ready to start at any time, and said, "Less nonsense, hurry up!"

The demon Emperor's gate cried and said with a sad face: "Sovereign monarch, I have no money, and I am now drinking the northwest wind for the poor!"


Xun Jun often laughed and said, "Your Emperor Gate obviously has ten veins. During this time, you should mine a lot, and bring them out quickly!"

About the ten veins of the Demon Gate, after Yuan Gongzi became the lord of the lord, he knew everything. At the beginning, he planned to let them mine and then find opportunities to harvest a wave.

If it wasn't for the other person to jump out suddenly, the dogs would have forgotten about it.

"Jun always laughs!"

The master of the Demon Emperor's Gate growled angrily: "You have lied to my Demon Emperor's Gate again and again, this seat is really fed up!"

At first glance, the last few words seemed to be accompanied by a cry.

"How about this."

Xun Jun often took a few steps back with a smile, and said with a loud hand, "Let's play a game, I lose, give you money, you lose, give me money."


The master of the Demon Emperor stood up and said angrily, "Hit and fight, I really fear that you will not succeed!"

The two were separated by a few feet, and the battle was about to start.


Suddenly, a crackling noise came.

The area of ​​the space where the Lord of the Demon Emperor's Gate had previously hit with the forehead suddenly showed small cracks, and then a blast of "嘭" exploded, showing a huge gap.



A dark shadow flew from the inside, and landed neatly on the ground.


The weird scent was pervaded, and the flowers and trees quickly withered.

"Brother ~ ~ This is the starfall continent!" A sharp voice sounded.


A young bald man with a bright head appeared.

He stomped his foot on the stone, supported his chin with his hand, waved the cloak behind him, and smiled chillyly, "Star continent, start trembling from today!"


The bald man found two standing star warriors standing in the distance. He looked at him with a surprised look.


Xi Jun often vomited with a smile and said, "This guy is so ugly!"


The master of the Demon Emperor's Gate also vomited, saying, "I have never seen such an ugly person!"

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