The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1132: Lord, tell your story



The battle tower in Wangcheng heard the burst of fighting sounds, and the powerful psionic energy spread out, shocking the crowd.

"I surrender ... I confess ..."


The blood-spitting warrior fell to the stage and was kicked off.

The angular, proud and unparalleled Ye Xingchen put his feet down, clasped his hands together, and said lightly, "Who else would not agree? Despite coming to power to fight."

"Abominable guy!"

The warriors under the stage were all angry.

If not dozens of them have been beaten out, and their strength is not under their own, they will definitely play, and die with this arrogant guy to the end!

Ye Xingchen waited for a while, and when no one came on stage, he said lightly, "A bunch of cowards."


All the warriors in the city who had a little reputation were vomiting blood.


Ye Xingchen stepped down and said, "Let's go."

Xiao Xie bit the weed and jumped down from the nearby high-rise building, and said, "Brother Ye, you have now entered the tenth place in the sky."

"It's a long way off," said Ye Xingchen.

I didn't get the top of the word list in my life. I have to get it in my life to make up for the regret.

However, just as the two left the city to continue their journey to the top of the list, information came from Xiyutang in their ears.

"The Sovereign is back!" Xiao Guiji rejoiced.

Ye Xingchen considered for a moment: "Let's go, let's go back to the gate."

Aniu changed.

Instead, I decided to go to the top and go to the top of the list, and I will definitely go all the way to the end. Now the suzerain returns and changes his mind.

Zhu Gusheng, who is returning from the soul continent, often laughs, isn't he upset by the Queen Rose?

and so.

People change.

This change requires a process.



In the hall, Lao Wei stood in front of Jun Changxiao for a while, and when he saw nothing, he asked: "What do you want?"


Jun Chang smiled back and said, "No ... I didn't think of anything."

If they changed to Ding Xingwang and Zhen Dejun, they would certainly not care, but who is standing in front of them? Love scene super master Wei Qingfeng!

He saw the three thousand red dusts with his eyes, comprehending the golden eyes of the beloved world, and instantly caught the difference.


Lao Weiwei solemnly said: "The expression on your face tells me that you are thinking about a person or a woman."

"Don't pull it."

Jun Chang rolled his eyes with a smile and said, "I'm not you, how can I miss a woman."

Wei Lao sat down and said in a deep voice: "In this world, there is only the relationship between men and women that is constantly ruling and chaos.

Systemically said: "There is a master of love in the field, maybe it can help the host."

However, he still underestimated the strength of Jun Changxiao, because people hurriedly set aside the topic and said, "Old Wei, is there something wrong with this seat?"


Wei Wei weakly said, "Did not the suzerain call me over?"

Jun Chang laughed before thinking about it, patted his head and said, "Oh, look at my memory."

"Lao Wei, this seat is not here recently. How are the various medicinal herbs grown?"

"Lao Wei, I have some seeds from other planes here, and the quality is also good. You can let the members of the Medicine Hall plant the seeds first."

"Old Wei ..."


Wei Lao interrupted: "If you have emotional issues, please handle them as soon as possible, otherwise you will only continue to be interrupted and suffer from chaos!"

"I have no emotional issues."

Jun Chang smiled seriously and said, "To make Zongmen stronger, it is my lifelong pursuit."


Wei Lao started to talk about the business, and after leaving, left.

"Old Wei."

Just walking to the door of the temple, Jun Chang smiled and said hardly: "That ... there is something, I want to ask you for advice."


Wei Lao instantly returned to his original position, waved his hands like I was your emotional instructor, and said, "Master, please tell your story."


Is this to solve your own problems or to listen to gossip?

Bale, bale.

Jun Chang shook his head with a smile, told him what was in his heart, and repeatedly reiterated before the lecture: "Keep it secret, don't tell others!"




Wei Lao almost stood up and was surprised: "The suzerain became the emperor of the soul tribe with the rose empress ... 唔 ... 唔 ......"

Jun Chang laughed and covered his mouth, growling, "Do you want to hear Zongmen up and down!"

Wei Lao didn't want to hear the whole sect's door, but the lord went to another plane and took care of the life-long events. This is simply ... it must be a dream, and it must not be awake!


Hit the face and feel the pain!

Not a dream!

This is absolutely true!

Wei Lao smiled at Jun Chang with an unbelievable look, and secretly said, "The suzerain who is single by strength is actually married, which is simply the greatest miracle in the world!"

When he continued to listen, it became clear that the suzerain and the soul empress did nothing but play in the field, but wanted to gain the right to control this plane.

"That's the case."

Wei Lao said: "Why is the suzerain worrying?"

"I don't know what's going on. When I return to Starfall Continent, I always think of her accidentally." Jun Chang smiled anxiously.

After thinking for a while, Lao Wei said, "The suzerain may have been acting at the time, and now I am probably in love."


"Things like emotion come suddenly."


Jun Chang laughed: "Is there a solution?"

Wei Lao said: "Go back and find her."

Jun Chang laughed and collapsed, "I mean, how to forget her!"

"Still go back and find her." Wei Lao said: "You are all adults. Make things clear. Let's get together and relax."


Jun Chang rolled his eyes with a smile, and said, "It's the same as saying nothing."

Lao Wei said: "Sovereign, I tell you as someone who comes here, if emotional matters are not handled well, I will torture you every day like a nightmare."

Jun Chang smiled and leaned on the back of his chair, closed his eyes, and said, "I believe that time can forget everything."

"If the suzerain can forget her, it means that you are not emotional." Wei Lao's eyes suddenly became extremely serious: "Because of the true feelings, they will always be imprinted in my heart."


Jun Chang smiled and hugged his head and said, "The more you say I get upset!"


In the evening.

Ye Xingchen and Xiao Sin have returned.

The two originally intended to meet the lord, but came to the study, but were turned away on the grounds that they were "rested."

The next few days.

Jun Changxiao always kept himself in the room and didn't come out, so he couldn't help worrying the senior and his disciples.


Five days later, the door opened.

Jun Chang laughed out of spirits.

After serious thinking, he chose to forget everything and apply his mind to the developmental sect.


When I came to Houshan, I settled on the secret space of Zhongpin, clapped my hands and said, "With this kind of mystery that can accelerate ten days and a hundred times a month, the disciples will only break through faster."


Li Luoqiu said: "The Emperor's Gate has new actions."


Jun Chang immediately went to Xiyutang with a smile. After listening to the information carefully, he rubbed his fingers with interest, and said, "What is the Lord of the Emperor's Gate going to Lingzhou, Xihai?"


"call out------"

In the dark universe ~ ~, a streamer flew past, then entered a desolate plane, and gradually gathered into the image of the old man.

"the host."

He respectfully said: "The Soul tribe has explored clearly and the overall strength is not high."

On the hill in front of the old man stood a tall silhouette shrouded in black cloud and mist, and there were four non-human creatures standing around him.

"Not strong?"

The black figure turned, revealing a white face, and his forehead was still engraved with the word "handsome", and his voice was quite sharp: "How can several planes be destroyed in a few thousand years?"

The old man said: "The soul clan has a special magical power, which is deposited in the form of soul in other creatures, and then owns it after the other party is strong."


The handsome male character smiled and said, "Those who have supernatural powers seem to be rare."


With a wave of his cloak, he proudly said, "Go to the Continent with the boss!"

"the host."

Beside the toad-like creature, opened his mouth and said, "What about the starfall continent?"


The handsome man dismissed: "This kind of garbage plane is enough to give meteorites. I'll wait to solve this special plane with me first."



On the wasteland, a huge black warship slowly rose up, and then the integration space of '咻' disappeared.

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