The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1128: When the children and grandchildren are full, they may be able to return to the starf

After the maidservant brought wine, Jun Changxiao's two side missions were successfully completed, because she had helped the Queen Rose to regain the throne, and she became the regent king.

Judging from the completion of the three missions, the Super Elite missions will have a fixed reward of ten experience tokens, which is simply to complete one, rewarding a rhythm of level one.

of course.

What makes Jun Chang laugh the most is the transformation of Lingshi.

With this thing, you can transform the hard-to-reach sword again, and you can have a stronger form!

As the level increases, the enemies faced are getting stronger and stronger.

If the maximum hole card is updated in time, it will definitely be better for the future.


Excited Jun Chang laughed and couldn't help drinking the wedding wine, and said loudly, "Have you got another one?"

If he hadn't ordered Bilian, he might have jumped down and twisted his hips to dance the seagrass.

Queen Rose: "..."

My husband, is my brain abnormal?

Civil and military officials: "..."

As a king, have our heads been kicked by donkeys?

No one knows how happy Jun Chang laughs, but since he wants to drink, he must be satisfied, so one wine and one wine are delivered.

"Queen, the king drank too much."


Seeing Jun Chang, who was drunk on the ground, laughed, the Rose Queen almost stomped her foot regardless of her status.

Today is the marriage ceremony between himself and him, and there are so many ministers of civil and military affairs. He was so drunk that he couldn't stand up, and he was just ashamed and left home.

She also knows that this marriage is just a drama in the field, but it is also realistic, and the result is? Drinking all the way, this is not the power of drinking, this is simply an alcoholic!

The Empress Rose said coldly, "Take it back to the palace!"


Several guards raised Jun Chang with a smile.


The empress's wedding was over, and civil and military officials retreated.

However, on the road, the regent Wang Jun often laughed, always giving them a sense that they could not see or understand.

"You all."

A minister solemnly said, "Help the Queen regain the throne and win the Queen's heart. This man is not easy. I must wait and serve carefully to avoid any mistakes!"

Everyone nodded.


Night is coming.

Candlelight flickered in the palace.

Jun, who is rarely drunk, often laughs. This time he is really drunk and unconscious. He lay in a soft bed and slept like a dead pig.

The Queen Rose has put on her dressing gown, sitting at the table to approve the memorial, and occasionally looks at the man who snorted, shaking her head and saying, "Don't drink, just don't drink."

the next day.

Jun Chang opened his eyes with a smile, and put a hand on his head, his head was screaming: "Damn ... I drank too much!"

Xin Wei did not have the bad smell of the night stars.

Otherwise, it is now in the livestock pen.


After a little recovery, Jun Chang laughed and found that he not only exposed his upper body, but also fell asleep on Queen Rose's bed, so he cradled his head and said, "I won't do anything, right?"


"Ding! The system restarted, loading 10% ... 100%."

Jun Chang laughed and collapsed, "Why did you shut it again?"

The newly-opened system said with a profound smile: "The spring festival is worth a lot of money, and naturally I can't disturb the host."



However, this made Jun Chang laugh even more crumbled, and said in his heart, "I really did what I shouldn't do!"

If this kind of thing is really inevitable, he won't blame himself too much, but ... when drunk, he doesn't know that this is the most terrible thing.


The system wondered: "How did your wife sleep at the desk?"

Jun Chang smiled and turned his head quickly, and saw the Queen Rose falling asleep at the desk, and three thousand blue silk scattered randomly on the approved memorial.


Jun Chang smiled with relief.

Depending on the situation, nothing should have happened last night.

He got out of bed gently, then took the scented coat and boots, and stepped out of the palace like a guilty conscience.


Open the door slightly and drill out gently.

However, looking back at the woman, there was something in her heart, and she covered her with a blanket on the bed.

After Jun often laughed away, the Queen Rose opened her eyes lazily, and found that there was something more on her body, and could not help laughing: "My husband, there is still a tender side."


"See my king!"

"See my king!"

"Uh, uh, uh ..."

Jun from the palace often laughed and walked all the way to the knees of the imperial guard's servant, kneeling all the way, he was embarrassed.


"This is a prison cell, you can't ..."

Jun Chang laughed and stopped in front of the dungeon, and said coldly, "Get away."


The dungeon general quickly retreated.

Jun Chang walked in with a smile and stopped in front of the cell where Empress Ling Ping was being held.

The Queen of Roses still has to deal with a lot of things. For the time being, she has not considered how to deal with the three generations of Queens, so she can only lock her here first.

"What are you doing?"

The Empress Ling Ping glared at Jun and smiled.

If it weren't for this man who brought the three main hall masters, how would he be where he is today.

To be honest, if you do n’t laugh often, she's afraid she won't sit on the throne forever, even if it's a few days.

"I can spare you not to die, but only if I surrender that worm of time and space." Jun Chang smiled lightly.

When he broke into the palace, he saw the space-time worm from the Emperor Ling Ping. This was a good thing. If there was one more, it would be an opportunity to go to other planes.

"Give me to die?"

Queen Lingping sneered, "What do you think of yourself?"

Jun Chang smiled and took out the token, and said, "Regent King."

The Empress Ling Ping inspected it, and seemed to understand what it was, and laughed: "The flower rose was originally used for beauty in exchange for your help!"


She caught in the iron railing, as if going crazy: "As long as you can help me take back the throne, I can also serve you!"


Jun Chang smiled and collapsed.

Does this block look very nasty?

"It's very good that you can live now. As for the throne, don't think about it for a lifetime." Jun Chang laughed.

The Empress Ling Ping said unwillingly: "My appearance is not worse than that woman, she can give you, I can give you!"


Jun Chang smiled and waved his hand to control the opponent, forcibly peeling off the space ring from his finger.

Queen Ling Ping has become a prisoner of the ranks. Naturally, she doesn't care about the space ring. She grabbed the iron bars and said loudly, "I can give you whatever you want ... Come back! Come back!"

Jun Chang smiled and walked to the door of the prison, shook his head and secretly, "This woman is crazy."


Inner court of the Royal Palace, green area.

Jun Chang laughed sitting in the stone pavilion, and then easily broke the seal existing in the space ring, took out the sleeping space-time worm, and said, "The living thing can be stored, this ring is not low in grade."


My heart moved.

The space-time worm entered his space ring.

"The woman said, this guy hasn't awakened after sleeping for ten thousand years, wouldn't I also have ten thousand years, right?" Jun Changxiao collapsed a little.

Really so, when can I return to the Starfall Continent!

The system joked: "If you have done all the important things in life, wait slowly, and you may be able to go back when your children and grandchildren are full."


Jun often laughed and cursed.

At that moment, the queen of graceful roses came with the help of her son-in-law and laughed, "Father, what are you thinking?"

"Thinking about leaving."

"Hui meteorite continent?"


"I can help you go back."


Jun often smiled suspiciously.

Queen Rose said: "I have fought in all major planes these years, and it is not a worm of time and space."

"What do you rely on?" Jun Chang smiled quickly.

The rose queen sat down quietly, scented with roses, she held her face and smiled, "please ask me, I'll tell you."


Jun Chang smiled and clenched his fists. He didn't understand the style and said, "I'll hit you, all right?"


The Queen Rose covered her mouth with a smile, then preached: "I have cultivated a magical power, and I can shuttle freely in the universe."

Jun Chang laughed: "How about cheating a three-year-old?"

There may be power in the world to shuttle the universe, but he never believes that a woman who can't even break a broken void can shuttle the universe!

"If you do n’t believe me, ~ Rose Queen said:" You can stay here forever, we do fake work, um ... I think the name of the child is good, the name of the boy is perfect, the woman Called Qian Qian ... "


Jun Chang laughed, patted the table, stood up, and growled, "Don't children follow their father's surname! Is there a mother's surname!"


"We are acting on the scene, we don't do fake things!"

The Queen Rose looked at him resentfully: "Are you a woman outside? So you won't accept me?"


"Yes! I am romantic!"

"Wife and concubines have long been clustered on the continent of stars, you ... have to be at least 3,600 rooms!"

Systemically said: "This kind of blowing method without kidneys, the host is served without anyone!"

"That would be better."

The Queen Rose blinked and smiled: "You have recovered my injury, I will go to the starfall continent with you and see 3,599 sisters."


Jun Chang smiled and stuck her face to the stone table, and collapsed, "She's sick."

However, the dog left was also understood. The Queen Rose told herself that there was a way to go to the starfall continent, and she had to take care of her body.

This woman has a lot of routines, no wonder it will become the fourth generation.


PS, 4th more, ask for votes.

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