The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1120: It's you! Caused me to have nothing!

It was a little bit interesting to hijack the Queen of Roses, but she turned her back and followed her ex-queen to overthrow her.

Jun Chang laughs absolutely to see that the excitement is not too big, and simply integrates himself into the identity of the doctor Ye Xingchen to do something meaningful.

So-called meaningful.

You came to fight her, then I came to save her!

Maybe she can use this opportunity to build a revolutionary friendship and convince her to be a maidservant.

Jun Changxiao has conceived a perfect set of scripts in the shortest time, and even thought of a big ending to help the Queen Rose regain the throne, becoming the regent himself, and manipulating the entire soul plane.


The queen of roses rose cold.

Only she knew that this guy was easy to look at. It wasn't a night star, but suddenly he wanted to protect himself.


The old man said in a deep voice: "You are looking for death!"

He contacted the former empress and led a crowd of civil and military officials to force the palace. He was in charge of planning. Seeing that the situation had become a reality, the doctor who came to see the doctor suddenly showed loyalty.



Behind the two soul-clan powerhouses rushed forward, the powerful energy gathered together, as if they could crush everything!

"call out--------"

Jun Chang smiled holding the Empress Rose in his right hand, waving the blue dragon and the moon knife in his left hand, and chopped out an extremely powerful and overbearing sword!

"not good!"

The two Soul Clan strong men realized that the knife from each other was terrible, and turned away on both sides.


The gate of the palace was broken!


Jun Chang laughed and took the opportunity to hold the Queen of Roses and flew out of it.

Outside, the female generals and soldiers who had previously guarded the palace carefully fell to the ground.

It can be seen that the rebellion of the Queen of the Rose is only part of the civil and military affairs, and in fact there are people who will defend the contemporary Queen with their lives.

"Where is the kid!"

Just when Jun Changxiao just flew out and had no time to slip away, the old man chased out from the dormitory, the old man's hand suddenly waved, and a horrible palm print instantly gathered.


The dog left a curse, and then tried to turn her body forward, embracing the rose queen to greet the palm print with her own back, but listened to the sound of ‘嘭’ being hit!


The mechanical wing was excited, and with the power of bombardment, Jun Chang smiled into a streamer and flew out of the imperial palace.


The old man landed, frowning.

He never imagined that this seemingly inexperienced doctor could take his own hand and run so fast!

"Tuo old."

The Queen Lingping came out and said, "Why not chase it?"


Tuo Lao shook his head and said, "It's too late."

Queen Ling Ping frowned: "The woman is injured now, it is a great opportunity. If she is injured, she will suffer endlessly."

This principle is old and natural, but it really ca n’t catch up with Jun and smiles, and can only sigh: "She is very injured, and it takes time to recover. Let's discuss the matter of ascending the throne first."


The Empress Ling Ping turned and ordered: "Notify the owners of the major cities and let them come quickly to the Queen's City."

This day.

The forbidden area of ​​the palace was overcast, and the representative was about to change.


"call out--------"

In the endless sky, Jun Chang laughed to use the power of flying and the wings of the armed forces together, the speed has reached the extreme.

Not to mention that a strong man who is comparable to Wu Sheng's great success wants to catch up, even if the Queen of the Rose is in perfect condition, I am afraid it will take a bit of effort.

It flew for thousands of miles.

Jun Chang laughed and landed in a dark mountain forest. Just holding his body, he burst out of blood.


"That old man is really heavy!"

The Queen Rose, who was always pinched, said lightly, "Can that guy hurt you? It's less loaded."


Jun Chang growled with a smile: "I was seriously injured in the fight with you. This has only just been restored and it didn't take long for me!"

"..." The Rose Queen was silent.

She is in a very complicated mood now, because she was saved by the guy who almost killed her!


Jun Changxiao first placed the Queen Rose on a stone, then removed the clothes remaining on the palm print behind her, and smiled badly: "I'll let you see if I am a man!"

"You ... what do you want!"

The Queen Rose saw him undressed and panicked.


Jun Chang leaned over with a smile and smiled strangely: "There is no one here, what do you say?"

"You ... don't mess around, you ... don't come here!" The Queen Rose held her chest with her hands, her face was already pale and pale.


At this moment, Jun Chang laughed and grabbed her leg, then lifted it and took off the boots, the other hand ... two more feathers out of thin air, and the operation was like a tiger scratching towards the foot.


The system said silently: "The man said we don't carry the dish."

The Queen Rose now looks like an ordinary person. She can't hold her feet at all. She smiles suddenly, leaning back and forth with tears in her eyes, especially laughing, and cursing: "Jun Chang laughs ... you ... you are shameless ... a big **** ... "

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha……"


What a man hates most is being told by a woman that he is not a man.

Therefore, in order to show her innocence, Jun Chang laughed and scratched the heart of the Rose Queen for an hour, and made her laugh for an hour, which is very cruel!


Ending the punishment, he stood up.

Just at dusk, the dog's back is pulled for a long time, all highlighting what a man is!


The night is coming and the sky is full of stars.

The Empress Rose leaned against the stone wall with her hair in a shawl, and the flames of the fire beating on the weak cheeks looked really beautiful.

Jun Changxiao was cleaning up a pheasant and said, "I just went to a nearby city, and the Empress Ling Ping will take his place tomorrow, and you sneak away with a medical doctor."


The rose queen was so gritted.

It's okay to lose the throne, but it's too grand to say that you ran away with others!

Jun Chang laughed and cooked the whole chicken skewer, then grilled it on the fire, and said, "You have no rights, reputation, or wealth."


The Empress Rose spurted blood.

She succeeded the Emperor for thousands of years, and countless fierce battles for the soul continent ~ ~ As a result, she blinked nothing, which really made her unacceptable.

"It's you!"

The Queen Rose raised her head in pain, and glared at Jun Chang with a strong grudge: "It made me have nothing!"

In theory, this is indeed the case.

Without a constant laugh, she would not be injured, and she would not give the Empress Ling Ping any chance, after all, the strength is enough to crush any rebellion!

Jun Chang smiled and shook his head and said, "Who wants you to pester me?"

Queen Rose no longer spoke.

Jun Chang laughed: "If you don't guess wrong, when the woman comes to power, you will be caught all over the world."

"I blame me for being too kind and defeating her without killing her. Otherwise, how can I have the trouble today." The Queen Rose resentfully said.

"There is no regret medicine in this world."

Jun Chang laughed tumblingly at the chicken that was gradually roasted to a better condition, and said, "But ... I can help you to regain lost rights, fame and wealth."

"you help me?"

The Queen Rose laughed.

Jun Chang laughed and said, "I came to your continent this time just to report the hatred of the invasion of the starfall continent.



Jun Chang laughed and handed the roasted chicken to him, and said very earnestly, "We have a common enemy, why can't we cooperate sincerely?"

The system chanted: "Ding! Your buddy strategy Deputy Director Jun Hujun is online!"

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