The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1118: This is a good opportunity

Because the system assists the automatic appearance to help the host resolve the crisis, violations of regulations are forced to be closed.

The results of it?

With the acceleration of the mystery of time and space, we are back in just ten days!

Especially when spraying and laughing often, the anger of the words and emotional excitement of the system all show the enthusiasm of a **** fan!


Outside the cave, Jun Chang smiled and smoked a few puffs of cigarettes, embarrassingly, "This is what it is."

Having understood the situation, he did not expect that the system was not caused by a fault, but was suspended for a period of time in order to save himself from being punished.

The protagonist of other people's house lacks golden fingers, either very sad or strenuous, he is better, question marks all the way, aggressive faces all the way, until then, the golden fingers ... come back again!

"Fortunately, the host bought the space-time mystery in advance, otherwise ..." The system calmed down and said, "The ghosts know if they can return to the astral continent alive."

Not joking.

Yi Chang always laughed ten days ago, lasting two years, and he was in danger in the soul continent.

"And the power of that stone statue," said the system again, "once it is excited, it will cause the host to lose its mind, and it will never be used again."

Of course, the top treasure from the upper world can provide powerful combat power, but if one day is really in control of the body and will always be blackened, it will become a living dead.

Jun Chang laughed and took out the stone statue that was temporarily in the dark state, and said, "Although this thing is evil, but ... without it, I'm afraid I won't be able to defeat Queen Rose."

The system said: "So, this incident also told the host that the true strong cannot rely solely on Arcana, but also needs to continuously strengthen itself."


Jun Chang smiled and nodded.

This time when I came to the Soul Continent alone, although it was related to the miscalculation of intelligence, it also reflected from the side that my strength was still too weak, and if I did n’t open it, it would not be fart.

"It's here."

"I will focus more on cultivation."

It was only with a variety of hole cards that it was difficult to defeat the Queen of Roses. Finally, the moth was almost out, and a warning bell for Jun Changxiao. He couldn't make another operation like a tiger. Check the record.

The system said: "The host has recently been on the battlefield of the plane and the East China Sea Yuzhou state. It is too smooth. You must know that in this vast universe, there are still many powerful planes and many powerful masters."

"The road is long and long, and I will search up and down."

It is difficult for Jun Chang to laugh and talk with the system in a gentle manner, and the feelings of each other are sublimated in the common adversity.

"Can you transmute your body?"

"Crap, otherwise the Soul Clan might have chopped you off."

"Imagine it quickly. Seriously, I have endured you for a long time. Hurry up and let me punch two punches to relieve my anger."

"Fuck, if there were no restrictions, you thought I didn't want to come out and kick your two feet?"

After doubling his mouth-watering water word, Jun Chang smiled and pulled the expenditure line task panel, puzzled: "I didn't take care of the woman's abuse at that time, why didn't I finish it?"


The system didn't understand, "It's weird."

The sideline mission defeated the Queen Rose, and Jun often laughed at the three hole cards that broke, and even broke the opponent ’s absolute field. It is said that it has already met the standards.

"Was it wrong? It should be killing, not defeating?"

"This kind of low-level error can only happen if the rivers, lakes, and good-byes have done it."

"That makes sense."

Jun Chang smiled and touched his chin. "There is only one possibility. I'm not cruel enough, and I can't meet the requirements for defeat."


It's almost choking people, isn't it cruel enough?


System said: "The woman's absolute domain was forcibly broken by the host. The injury must be very serious. I am afraid it will be difficult to recover without one or three or five years."

"and so……"

Jun Chang sneered and said, "This is a good opportunity!"

The system suddenly said: "Host wants to catch her?"

"The strength of the soul tribe who came to help is not just the level of Wu Sheng, and she is now seriously injured, and it is difficult to recover in a short time, I must not miss it!" Jun Chang laughed seriously.

to be honest.

Still don't want to give up the branch mission!

Not to mention any punishment for the failure of the mission, because Queen Rose wastes so much contribution value and a stamp of opening. If this is not completed within the time limit, it must be lost to the wife and defeated!

Jun Chang laughs and eats everything, but he ca n’t lose anything!

not to mention.

The worm of time and space is still asleep, and there is no way to return to the starfall continent. Why not try it and succeed if you are lucky?

The system thought about it a bit: "I hope the host will be careful."

It did not object, mainly because the Queen Rose was very seriously injured. As long as she did not appear as a strong person of this level, there would not be much danger in the soul continent.


"Go to the Queen's City!"

Some time ago, when investigating intelligence on the soul continent, Jun Changxiao already knew that the queen lived in the queen's city, which is also the most sacred and supreme city in the entire plane.

of course.

In order to avoid being found, the dog left easily into a middle-aged man with a wine gourd hanging on his waist.

"Do you want Jiuxianxian?"

"Like the evil sword fairy."



Jun Chang laughed and didn't rush to the Queen's City. Because she could get rid of the woman and walk freely on the continent of the Soul race, she would go in and inquire about the information whenever she met the big city.

Two days later.

He came to one of the famous big cities of the soul clan.

However, just after mixing in with the stolen identity certificate, I saw a lot of soul warriors gathered on the public signs on the main street, and talked about it.

Jun Chang smiled and walked in the past, and found a notice on it, which reads:-The Queen's body suffers from ill health, and he has hired Qihuang masters heavily.


Jun Chang smiled and sneered, "I'm afraid I will be injured. I can't recover for two years in three years. I can only ask for help from a senior citizen?"

"I did not expect that the Queen will also get sick!"

"Unfortunately, I don't understand medicine, otherwise I will definitely go to the Queen's City."

"The Queen has a special medical officer, but now she has issued a notice to recruit Qihuang masters, which means that it is not easy, and ordinary medical practitioners are useless."

"Please, please, please."

Just as everyone was talking, Jun Chang laughed and squeezed in from the outside, without hesitation to remove the notice.

"Who is this guy?"

"Simply removed the notice like this!"

"Is it a capable Qihuang master?"

Looking at the back of Jun Changxiao's departure, the soul tribe warriors all worked hard to think about it, and the final answer was that they had never seen this character.


City main house.

Jun Chang smiled standing in the Yanwu field, put his hands on the wrist of the seriously injured person, pretended to make a diagnosis, and laughed: "Master Ke Cheng, this person is not injured seriously, a certain elixir can cure him."

Since Yi Rong definitely has an identity, he is now called Night Star!

If Pei Aniu knew that the suzerain used his own name to deceive in other planes, he would be so angry that he would drink several altars.

"is it?"

Ke Chengzhu questioned.

During his cultivation some time ago, his own man was distracted and turned into a demon. He was sentenced to death by many doctors. He can be cured by elixir, which is really incredible.


Jun Chang smiled and waved his hand, and threw the first-in-treatment healing dan into the patient's mouth, and then buckled it on his wrist again.

In order to prevent the other party from jumping up and down immediately, he deliberately suppressed the opponent's meridians with psionic energy, and temporarily placed him in a semi-shock state.

After half an hour.

Jun Chang smiled and retracted his hand, the meridians were no longer suppressed, and the medicinal effect broke out in full. The injured opened his eyes and then “嗖” jumped up.


Ke Chengzhu suddenly widened his eyes.

After repeatedly confirming that his wounds were healed, he was ecstatic: "Mr. Ye is really a **** doctor!"

Jun Chang laughed: "The Queen is suffering from chronic illness. As a child, it can be described as painful. If the Lord Ke Cheng has no doubt about Ye a medical path, please allow him to go to the Queen's City for treatment."

"Now, right away!"

After confirming that the person who unveiled the list has the true ability, the owner of Ke Cheng hurriedly arranged it and took Jun Changxiao to the Queen's City in the afternoon.

On the way.

Thinking of the doctor he brought with him, he could cure the queen's ills, and he would definitely go to court in the future, flying Huang Tengda.

Sitting in a luxury car pulled by a special spirit beast, Jun Chang laughed and looked at the scenery while secretly saying: "Queen Rose, there are a hundred ways to mix into your dormitory, and then reverse your day. "


A few days later.

Jun Changxiao followed Ke Cheng into the Queen's City. Even after watching the scenery, he came to the magnificent Palace of the Emperor.

The forbidden guards of the palace are all female, and they look good.

Because Jun Changxiao has no interest in beauty, he is too lazy to describe them one by one.

"Master Ke Cheng."

In the main hall of Dongyuan, a heroic woman will look at Jun Chang with a smile and said, "This is the healer you bring?"


Ke Cheng shivered and said with a smile: "This person has good medical skills, and a severely wounded person who goes into fire can also be cured in half an hour!"

"So amazing?"

Strong doubts arose in the female eyes.

However, the Queen's illness could not be delayed. Since she was certified by Ke Cheng, there should be no problem, so she said lightly, "Come with me."

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

As soon as the words fell, dozens of fully-armed soldiers leaned in, surrounded Jun Chang with a smile, and then led out of the main hall to the Queen's sleeping palace. The posture was like escorting prisoners.

"Master Queen."

The girl will go to the fragrant palace of roses and salute, "The owner of Ke Cheng has found a Qihuang master."

"Let him in."

Hearing the sound from the inside, Jun Chang smiled and immediately affirmed that this is the Queen of Roses, and her voice was weak and her injuries were serious.

"Ugly woman ~ ~ You can't escape the palm of this seat."


The door opened, and Jun Chang laughed and was escorted in.

The female general and the soldiers then withdrew to guard the dormitory.

The room where Queen Rose lived was very large, especially the bed covered with red veil.

Jun Chang laughed and estimated that it was okay to sleep five or six people, and he could not help but secretly exclaimed: "This is really luxury!"


A delicate jade hand protruded from the gauze, weak and weak: "You should understand the diagnosis of hanging silk?"

"Huh! Huh!"

At this moment, the internal array of the palace was silently presented, and the outside was isolated!


Jun Chang walked with a big smile, buckled directly on his delicate wrist, and sneered, "That would be troublesome."


The gauze was blown away by the erupting air waves, and the queen of roses with a look of weakness and blue silk appeared in the field of vision. She saw the other party so rudely, and said in a deep voice: "Bold! Indulgent!"


Jun Chang smiled and scratched his face, and smiled like a splashing monkey: "You can run a monk but you can't run a temple, you still want to bet to lose the old lady's daughter.


My host, I'm so cheap!

The Queen Rose's beautiful eyes flashed strangely, and she said, "You are ... Jun Chang laughs!"


PS, 3200+ words.

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