The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1113: Purple Sword

Jun Changxiao always thought that Queen Rose was Queen Ling Ping, but the latter abdicated for thousands of years.

The news is a bit fucking.

Or is it that the No. 1 and No. 2 souls deliberately low the realm in order to trick themselves into codifying a non-existent empress?

Jun Chang laughed and said, "What are you?"

The Queen Rose proudly looked up at her with her nostril and said, "The fourth Queen of the Soul Continent, Queen Rose."


With a sneer, Jun Chang said faintly, "Whether you are Ling Ping, Rose, or Peony Lily." Take back the Sky Gun, talk about the hard-to-reach sword, throw it from your left to your right, and from your right Left hand, said: "Offended Jun, someone must pay the price ..."

and many more!

What about my knife?

"call out!"

The Queen of the Queen swayed her sleeves in a cheerful manner, her fingers pinching the hard-to-reach knife, and smiled: "This thing is very delicate. Is it for cutting apples?"


Jun often laughed with twitching in the corners of his mouth.

I didn't even look at my weapon!

Don't worry, don't panic.

Jun Chang smiled and held up his hands, and said with a light face, "My weapon is dangerous. You better hand it over as soon as possible."

As the first wish weapon sent by the system, if the seal was not opened, the sword will be bitten back, let alone an outsider.

Pull the knife!

Maybe there is still a printed sign!

The Queen Rose played with an unreliable knife and laughed, "How dangerous?"

"This one……"

Jun Chang laughed and considered it seriously, saying seriously: "It's not my concealment. This is my natural weapon, the purple sword. In this world ... I can only be pulled out of the universe today! And, I once made a poison oath, who can Pull out my purple sword, who is my master! "

Systemically said: "Tampering with classic lines is apologetic!"

The Queen Rose came to her interest and said, "I just pull out the purple sword, and you become my servant. Will you always obey me?"


Jun Chang smiles tangled.

Hurry up, I can't wait to see the picture of you being seriously hurt by backwash!

The Queen of Roses held the hard-to-receive knife with her **** and said, "Look, how did the Queen pull out the knife."

"And slow!"

Jun Chang smiled in pain and said, "Do you have to do this?"

"Since you made your vow, I have to pull out this purple sword."


Jun Chang laughed as if he had made up some kind of determination, sighed his head and said, "If you can pull it out, you are the Lord of my destiny, and I will naturally obey you."

Pull it up!

Hurry up!

No, no, let me hide a little.

"锵 ——————————————”

When Jun Changxiao just turned around, there was a sheath sound behind him, so he hurriedly looked back, and his expression collapsed instantly.

At this moment, the Queen of the Rose was holding a pocket scabbard with her **** in her left hand, and her pocket-sized pocket knife with her index finger and thumb on her right hand.


how can that be!

Why can she pull out my hard-boiled sword and why she hasn't suffered backlash!


Must be dreaming!


Jun Chang slaps himself with a smile. After feeling the pain, he determines that this is not a dream, nor is he fantasizing!

The system is incomprehensible: "The hard-to-receive knife is the first weapon the system sends to the host. It is equivalent to signing a contract. Outsiders should not pull it out."


It paused and said solemnly: "This knife is the same as the Ziqing sword. Whoever can pull it out is the host's favorite person!"

Jun Chang growled with a smile: "If it's my favorite, I might as well take a dog!"

The empress who is in power must be extremely extreme. It is okay to appreciate beauty from afar. She really wants to be a favorite. The picture must be ...

The dog's left mind suddenly appeared the situation of Erya tuning the soul clan, and even brought himself into the first and second roles, so he hurried back to reality and shivered involuntarily.

The Queen Rose played with a wooden knife that was difficult to collect, and laughed, "I pulled out the purple sword. What do you say?"

Jun Chang smiled lightly and said: "You must have used any means, otherwise there is no possibility of unplugging."

The Queen Rose said coldly, "Do you want to cheat?"

Not bad.

The dog leftover is to play tricks.

Let him be a servant, the dignity of the iron skeleton is definitely not allowed!


The Queen Rose rushed over with an unreliable knife and said, "My emperor hates most people who don't believe words. Today you either kneel and surrender, or die!"


Suddenly, a faint light flickered.

"Huh?" The Queen of Rose lowered her head, and found a breath, a very unpleasant breath, coming out of the hard-to-receive knife in her hand!

"not good!"


Suddenly the mid-air exploded, and Wei Neng shattered more than ten miles of space instantly.

Jun Changxiao happened to be in the range, unavoidably affected. The whole person suddenly exploded to the rear, stayed ten miles away, and asked with a question: "What's the situation?"

"The hard-to-reach knife blew up," the system said.


Jun Chang smiled and almost blew out blood, and said, "Well, it's gone!"

Although the shape of the weapon that I was willing to give is a bit strange, I have always been with me over the years, and even after encountering a crisis, I can always help him to avoid the danger. If it suddenly disappears, it will definitely be difficult to accept!

"The hard knife ..."

"My hard knife ..."

"call out!"

Just as Jun Changxiao's emotions were brewing, a stream of light flew from the air waves in the explosion area, and then quickly fell into his hands, waiting for the light to dissipate.

All right!

Hahaha! It's fine!

The hard-to-find sword is fine, the Queen Rose is fine!

Because the explosion was too sudden, there was no time to hide or throw it away, until the mid-air smoke dissipated, and the shawl appeared in sight.


The queen of roses spit out blood, her face looked very weak.

The power of the hard-to-reach sword explosion is no less than that of Jun Changxiao's mad bombardment of hundreds of punches, and it is similar to a sudden sneak attack. Naturally, injuries are unavoidable.

Jun Chang's first wish weapon, even if someone pulls it out, is like a time bomb, and it will blow up unexpectedly.


The system sighed: "It's been a long time with the host, and the hard-to-find sword has become shameless!"

Looking at the woman who was embarrassed by the wolf, Jun Chang smiled tremblingly and shrugged. "I said it was dangerous. Do you believe it now?"


The Queen Rose wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth, and said angrily, "Despicable!"

She already knew at this time that the small knife had hidden mystery ~ ~ and he also deliberately pulled himself out!

"Master Queen!"

"Brush! Brush! Brush!"

Seeing that the Queen Rose was wounded and vomiting blood, the strong souls of the Soul Clan suddenly ignored the order just now, and rushed to the fighting area, their eyes flickered with anger, as if to burn Jun Chang laugh alive!

"Don't ever ..."

"锵 ——————"

When the Queen of Roses wanted to drink to make her do not come over, the sound of crisp drawing of the knife sounded, so she hurriedly looked at Jun Chang and found that the guy was holding a handle with grotesque writing on both sides and exuding the majesty. Great sword!

The dog remnants that crushed the amulet of Qiankun are like the mighty God of War, and the unsealable sword is like the supreme god!

"Ugly woman."

Jun Chang smiled and lifted the hard-to-receive knife with sixteen characters engraved, his eyes flashed with a sharp luster, and said, "A thousand years ago, you invaded our continent with stars and caused the heavens and earth to collapse and the aura to wither. An old debt, today I always smile and ask for it all! "


The power of terror binds out instantly.


Those soul fighters who rushed over first and had strength at the level of Wu Sheng settled in the air, and their eyes were horrified.

The queen of roses also raised a stormy sea, because of the special power that pervaded her, she had a strong restraint. Although she can still resist, if she continues to penetrate, she will soon be bound to be bound to be difficult to move!

"Is this purple blue sword the upper world artifact ?!"

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