The Strongest Sect of All Times

Chapter 1110: The emperor's personal remnants were stolen by you!

I thought I missed it and missed it. I didn't expect that the woman and the dogskin plaster could not be thrown away and then chased.

In this case, don't blame Jun someone for being ruthless!

As for delays.

Sorry, no longer needed!

As long as you subdue the soul empress, let alone any intelligence related to the soul continent, there is no problem in controlling the entire world!


In the land of yellow sand, howling winds.

Jun Chang smiled proudly, and the Qingyang suit was already worn.

caveat! caveat! This is not an exercise, nor is it any illusion. It is a real battle.

The Queen Rose laughed. "Your equipment is pretty good."

The so-called man wears a horse and a saddle on clothes, plus Jun Changxiao is handsome, and with the same equipment as Tiance school uniforms, he is so handsome and weep.

"Less nonsense."

Jun Chang smiled lightly and said, "Show me your weapon."

The Queen Rose shook her head and said, "My Emperor always likes punching with bare hands, because I can only feel the punch when I hit the opponent."


Jun Changxiao pulled out the real sword and said, "Fight then!"

"call out----"

Casting into the body, turned into a streamer!

Ling Jianshenjue uses the first and second styles together. First, gather the sky's sword potential, and then cut out the dense swordsmanship!

This is definitely the most serious and serious battle since Jun Chang laughed and broke through Wu Sheng, because he could not fight at all!

The Queen Rose shook her head and said, "It seems there is no difference between your combat effectiveness after healing and before your injury."

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

"Hmm! Hmm! Hmm!"

Each jade hand appeared in mid-air, and it was easy to grasp the incoming sword gas, and then crush it. 35xs

"Kakaka ——————"

Jun Changxiao still burst out, condensing mechanical wings behind him, and arming right fist steel.

In the normal battle, offering the true sun set and armed wings, for him, it is already showing the card.

However, with this outbreak, it is difficult to defeat the Queen of Rose above Wu Sheng's great consummation, so the idea is in the space ring, and the charm of Qiankun has been held in his hands.

Jun Changxiao didn't use it immediately. First, he used the current practice to give the other party the illusion that his strength was not so good, and then he broke out when he was not prepared for the operation.


I thought very well, but when I was close, I was attacked by the fist-to-meat attack and flew out.

The Queen Rose shook her head and said, "This is your true strength?"

I thought he would give himself a big surprise when his injury was healed, but the result was a big disappointment.


Jun Chang laughed again and felt that he was despised, so he held the sword with his hands in anger, the body of the Holy Flame broke out, and various flames gathered in the sword body in a colorful streamer color.


The Queen Rose was rather surprised. "So you are still repairing?"

This is quite a surprise, after all, there are very few warriors in the soul tribe to repair swords and fire.

"Brush! Brush!"

Jun Changxiao once again exhibited the sword skill!

With the blessing of the fire department, the bursting sword gas suddenly carried hot flames, and wherever you passed, space left burnt marks.

The Queen Rose did not dare to carelessly, and stepped on the graceful body movement between the sword and fire.

This is to be replaced by a man. The picture must be spicy, but it is interpreted by a beautiful woman. It is like dancing under the special effects.



Jun Chang laughed unreservedly instilling the power of sword fire into Zhenyang Sword, madly exerting Ling Jian's tactics, and the endless sword energy swept away in a torrential rain.

"call out------"

The Queen Rose hid from the left and rushed to the right. She draws an arc in the air with her right hand, and a powerful spirit can burst out through the air.


Jun Chang laughed and stood the sword in front of him in time, under the bombardment of powerful forces, and flew towards the rear like a shell.

"too weak."

In the course of the action, the Queen Rose appeared out of thin air, and her right hand gathered strength again, sending out the palm print from top to bottom and directly photographing him on the ground.

The speed of these two combos is too fast. If a warrior is present, he will definitely look aggressive.

Jun Chang laughs and doesn't know what level the Queen of Rose has reached, but she clearly understands that the gap between herself and her is like a big gap!

"Oh shit!"

"call out--------"

He flew up, held up the real sword, and exclaimed, "Red Sky Slash!"


The flames rose, and the large area seemed to instantly turn into a sea of ​​fire, and then violently rolled together to form a huge flame cut!

Ye Xingchen used the weapon to perform my chop, which provided him with a large brain hole. Therefore, when managing the sect door, he often wondered whether the spiritual martial arts such as the red sky chop can be used with weapons to play a stronger role. power?


It really made him research it!


"Woohoo ——————"

The hot flames and cold swords tear apart under the blessing of the sword. The power is indeed stronger than ever!

It would be a shock if I changed to Lan Jingting.

But at this moment, she was facing the Queen of Roses. Instead of being scared, she was relieved. "It's kind of patient."


Raising your hand gently, a drop of water droplets appeared in the air, and then gradually gathered in front of you, forming a similar soft water flow, saying "The hotter the fire, the water will extinguish."

I go!

Does this woman know the water system?

With a smile, Jun Chang couldn't care less about the fire, he raised the sword of the real sun and cut a red flame again!



Two huge flaming flames swept back and forth, and the powerful earthquake caused the space to collapse in black.

"call out!"

The Queen's right hand waved lightly, and the water properties gathered in front of her splashed out, and gradually gathered two looks like phoenixes.

The flame is like a dragon.

Clear water is like phoenix.

Two forms and two strengths, a battle of dragons and phoenixes!

"Kaka Kaka Kaka!"

The space is embarrassed, and it can only be broken to indicate that I am uncomfortable and want to cry.



In the end, two different forces collided violently in mid-air, and immediately formed an extremely hot and refreshing atmosphere.


Jun Chang smiled slightly.

After the fight, he can clearly feel that the power of the other party's water system has the upper hand ~ ~ Although the power of his own fire system can still be countered, sooner or later it will be completely suppressed.


Jun Chang laughed and retracted the sword into the space ring, and then took a horse step in the air. He snapped his hands together, his index finger and **** protruded, and his black hair roared and shouted "Seven Xuanxiaguang-"



Between heaven and earth, two special energies, red and orange, are instantly gathered, which instantly diffuses the whole body, gradually compressing between the two fingers, forming a dazzling light.


The Queen Rose frowned.

This light is a bit familiar!


Shouting with a word of echo, the beams of two colors of red orange burst out from the tip of Jun Changxiao's finger, and the speed was as if it instantly penetrated the space and rushed to the eye in a blink of an eye!


The martial arts on the gods and from the one or two volumes, the impact is very strong, directly hit the Queen Rose to fly thousands of miles away to stabilize her body.


The enchanted defensive enchantment in front of him gradually dissipated.

She raised her head, her face angrily angered. "The remnants of the emperor's personal collection were stolen by you!"

Remnants? Stolen?

Jun often smiled at the question mark.


At this moment, the space suddenly oscillated, and the Queen Rose appeared in front of him. Fengyan opened his eyes and said, "Look at you like a dog, it turns out to be a thief!"


In an instant, dozens of miles of the earth sag in the sky for a few moments, and the dust rises, covering the sky!


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