Chapter 662 : Fashion show on court

“Sorry, Kimishima-senpai!”

Shiraishi felt a little ashamed of his judgment Turnover.

“Don’t blame Shiraishi!” Kimijima smiled faintly, and said, “The other party’s fashion show is too tricky!”

Although Di Modi’s movements seemed a little weird and redundant, but in the seemingly flashy movements, there was a tricky murderous intent.

“Hehe, this match is our fashion show!’

Tristan chuckled and tossed the tennis ball again.


At the moment the tennis ball fell, Tristan stepped on the ground and then swung hard.

The collision roared, and the tennis ball swept a graceful arc over the court. “One Six Seven”

Before Shiraishi came to the tennis ball, he swung back.



Shiraishi’s face changed, and a huge force surged in his hand, almost making him not hold the racquet.

“What a strong power!”

Because of his first experience, Shiraishi never thought that Tristan would have such a huge power, so when he realized it at this time, Shiraishi had no time to gather power.


With this emotion left in his heart, the racquet in Shiraishi’s hand was knocked to the ground.

Fortunately, Shiraishi used his last strength to fight back Tristan’s serve.

However, without waiting for Shiraishi’s reaction, an enchanting figure leaped in front of the net.


Di Modi made a dunk before the net, the roar sounded, and the tennis ball flashed behind Kimijima.

“30-0! ”

“Hehe, sink in the next fashion show!”

Tristan lightly fluttered his long hair between his forehead, and his every move drew the hearts of countless audiences.


“This game was won by the French team, the score was 1-0!”

Cheers came and went, and the audience was attracted by the fashion show of Tristan and Di Modi.


“This game was won by the French team, the score was 2-0!”

One after another poss posed under the demon-burning and charming postures of DiModi and Tristan, letting them win another round.

“I can’t fall down either!”

The jacket that Kimijima wears around his waist turns into a long skirt as his body turns, making him look like a dancing elf. boom!

“This round was won by the Japan team, the score was 2-1!”

“Huh? A bit capable!”

Tristan was slightly startled, and racquet in his hand snapped down immediately.


“This game was won by the French team, the score was 3-1!”

“Paris show!”

“This game was won by the French team, the score was 4-1!”


“This time it’s a handsome guy hitting the ball boldly!”

Excited audience members watched the figure of Tristan jumping up in tennis, and the excitement continued for a long time.

“This game was won by the French team, with a score of 5-1!”

“Ah, it’s completely suppressed!”

Outside, in the rest area of ​​the Japan team, Echizen shook his head.

“It’s only Shiraishi who doesn’t have the chance to pose!” Kintarou Tooyama was a little depressed.

“On the world stage, playing against world-class high school players, Shiraishi’s Bible tennis is no longer useful!”

The faces of all junior high school students are a bit ugly. After all, Shiraishi’s strength is among the top among the junior high school students, otherwise he would not be selected for the Japan U-17 team.

Now that Shiraishi is playing soy sauce on the court, their faces, who are also junior high school students, are naturally unsightly.

Prosperity and prosperity, loss and loss!

Bulge one by one

With a crisp sound, Tristan gently waved the racquet, sweeping a short arc

“Oh, it’s a perfect lob before the net!”

“Don’t think about it!”

Shiraishi slammed back and hit Tristan’s short shot back hard.

But the moment Shiraishi fell, a large shadow suddenly enveloped Shiraishi’s eyes.


“This set is over, the score is 6-2, the French team wins!”

In less than 30 minutes, the French team easily won the crucial first set.

“It was completely targeted!”

Kimijima watched Shiraishi walk out of the court with an ugly face, and couldn’t help but think of Tanegashima Shuji’s entrustment to him yesterday.

“Buy time, before hiding Haginosuke finds his tennis ball!

Tanegashima Shuji’s request still echoed in Kimijima’s ear, but

“Unfortunately, the time limit has come. It is very dangerous to continue like this. You can’t let such an important player defeat the French team!”

Kimijima was thinking secretly in her heart. Suddenly, the broken thoughts in Shiraishi’s mouth made him startled.

“Tristan’s 4.8 items should be six, Di Modi’s technique should be seven, speed, spirit, and physical strength should be six, and strength should be five!”

Shiraishi propped his head and analyzed in his heart.

Although DiModi and Tristan shouldn’t have awakened mysterious powers like Selfless State and Asura Shinto, so the five-dimensional data is a little bit watery, but the average of six data is much stronger than Shiraishi’s average of four.

“Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh, I thought I would be downcast!”

Kimijima on the side looked at Shiraishi who was calmly analyzing, and in his heart the plan that he was about to give up, came up again.

“Shiraishi-kun, do you want to negotiate with me?”

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