Chapter 570 : Artist on court (below)

The artist on the court is talking about Hiromi Iwasa.

Both his parents are painters, so he likes painting since he was a child. It stands to reason that this kind of inheritance can be inherited from his father’s work, and the next generation has the same hobbies as the previous generation, which is a very happy thing.

However, Hiromizu Iwasa’s parents banned him from painting, and instead hoped Hiromizu Iwasa engages in other careers and hoped that Hiromizu Iwasa could cultivate other hobbies.

However, Hiromi Iwasa really likes to paint, and he also has a good talent, so he can’t paint at home, so he started to paint with tennis balls on the court.

Does it sound ridiculous to paint with tennis balls?

However, this person named Hiroshi Iwasa did it. Using the trajectory of the tennis ball flying over the court, as a line, under the racquet in the hand of Hiroshi Iwasa, the lines interweave each other, and finally formed a picture. A famous painting handed down from the world.

Iwasa Hiromizu is a tennis genius. He has the ability to control the ball with precision comparable to those of the elite players in the Prince of Tennis world. At the same time, he also has the perfect action of Shiraishi Kuranosuke in 26 Prince of Tennis.

He even has the imagination to order!

It’s a pity that such a genius doesn’t like tennis, he likes to paint.

However, everyone has their own ambitions, and Echizen does not want to be nosy.

Did not arouse the opponent’s fighting spirit, let the opponent play tennis, and then play a world second, such an idea.

On the contrary, thinking about the information of Hiromi Iwasa, Echizen has already written a script for this person as an artist, a super interesting script.


Following Echizen’s swing, after a muffled sound, Hiromi Iwasa’s serve, with a click, flew towards Hiromi Iwasa’s court.

The angle of this ball is very ordinary. If you look at Echizen, who is located near the right sideline because of the idea of ​​a normal person, he should immediately attack Echizen’s left space. However, Iwasa Hiromizu’s move, But it is completely incomprehensible.

Woolen cloth!

After hearing a soft sound, Hiromi Iwasa made a lob after easily using the tennis ball, and it was still hanging in the center of the court.

However, maybe others can’t understand it, but Echizen, who vaguely remembers the story of Wangyou, understands what Iwasa Hiromizu is doing. He is now painting with the trajectory of the ball.

Although Echizen doesn’t know what Hiromi Iwasa is drawing, as long as he knows, just hit back all the balls hit by Hiromi Iwasa.


I saw that Echizen ran to the center of the court in three or two steps to catch the tennis ball, then lightly waved the racquet and hit directly next to Iwasahiro.

Now that Echizen doesn’t want to attack, let’s experience it for himself, the artist’s tennis on court!

Echizen’s counterattack made Hiromi Iwasa also a little surprised. Today, he has heard a lot about Echizen. If the rumors are true, this person should be good, but why did the ball just hit him? It’s as if the coach feeds himself the ball in normal practice.

However, if you don’t understand it, you don’t want to. Now, nothing is more important than drawing by yourself.

The eyes of Hiromi Iwasa who was thinking like this in his heart instantly became firm, and then he lightly waved racquet towards the tennis ball, and then hit a lob.

“Is it still a lob? This person is so weird!”

Just as Hiromi Iwasa kept hitting lobs in the field and Echizen kept feeding the ball, Maruo Eiichiro, who was in the field battle, began to wonder, and asked the coach next to him: “Coach, it is said that lobs are generally not for the sake of It’s over the top, or change the tempo to play, right? Why does Iwazuo keep playing? Even though it looks great!”

Iwasa’s lob is like art, and his swings are almost the same, but he can hit the tennis ball in various places on the court irregularly. This kind of ball control is not possessed by Maruo Eiichiro.

“It’s not just Iwasa, but even Echizen is very strange. Shouldn’t this kind of lob be a chance ball for Echizen? Whether it is a short shot, a smash, or a smash, it can be done. Why do you keep hitting it? Kind of a slow ball?” Miyagawa Table also said strangely.

Although Iwasa’s lob was irregular, it was here for a while, and there for a while, allowing Echizen to run around the court in order to catch the ball.

However, judging from the action of Echizen’s return shot, it doesn’t look like he was barely receiving the ball. With time to posture, should he be able to hit the ball hard?

Moreover, on the court at this time, although Hiromi Iwasa was still lobbing, but the dangling became shallower and shallower. It stands to reason that such a ball should be a point goal!

“I might know about Iwasa, but I don’t know what that kid thinks!”

The coach explained with his arms folded: “Tennis is a sport of mind, body, and skill, so it is very common to add psychological training to the training of players. However, a long time ago, there was a coach who used the training method. Use the ball to paint!”

“Using a ball to paint?” Nazu Takazaki blinked and asked suspiciously.

“Well, instead of giving specific technical guidance, giving guidance such as drawing a line with a ball can achieve better results!”

“For example, to practice ball control, generally you want to start with the action, and then the sense of direction, wind, ball, distance, etc., all of which must be instructed one by one. In between, draw a 107 line with a ball to connect the two, isn’t it very simple and straightforward to think about it?

Coach Miura looked at Court’s Kami Iwasa Hiromi, and continued: “Although this method is not suitable for everyone, Iwasa Hiromi is obviously such a person, and it is said that his family is a painter, so Iwasa is often in court. I used the trajectory of the ball to draw, and now his movements should be drawing!”

“Then, Ryoma knows that Iwasa likes to draw, so is I reassuring to draw?” After hearing the coach’s words, Nazu Takazaki said suddenly.

“Is it possible?” Maruo Eiichiro didn’t believe it.

It stands to reason that this approach is a bit disrespectful to the opponent, and this is a match, Echizen will make it easier for the opponent to draw instead of attacking, and keep feeding the opponent like this?

“I don’t know, I guessed it too, but”

Takazaki Nazu really just said casually according to the thoughts in his heart, but looking at Echizen’s smile on court, he said solemnly: “But I know that Ryoma at this time seems to be very happy, it seems to be enjoying Same!”

ps: Everyone can guess, which trick will the protagonist use to deal with this artist? There is a prize for winning the guess. Before the next update, just enter the answer in the comment area. .

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