Chapter 485 What about people?

Chapter 485 What about people?

“You will know, but now is not the time.” Li Guofeng made a sloppy look, trying to fool the past.

“Then let’s go first.” Director Wang said hello, got up and prepared to leave.

“Yeah.” Li Guofeng replied with a desolate expression. He didn’t know if the decision he made was right or not, but he still did it, even if it was wrong, he still did it.

So Director Wang and Yi Yun left, preparing to return to the Supernatural Administration.

“What do you think happened to Li Guofeng?” – Jimen Yi Yun asked.

“He must have been poisoned just like those cultivators, but after the last incident, he was extraordinarily strict with amazing protection, and it should be even more so after being poisoned. He should be afraid if he If we start to ask us, the person who poisons will be detrimental to his own people, but he will definitely not compromise like this, he should have made an effort, it is probably useless, so at first this canister pretended not to know , but he just said that, after seeing our attitude towards Li Baomeng, his mind changed, and he felt that it was not impossible to entrust him to us, so what he meant now should be to have a gap with us, Work together to investigate. Director Wang said to Yi Yun after thinking about it.

“Well, that’s what I thought too, and he just asked us to take him to investigate to force him to question the man behind the scenes, but he didn’t dare to gamble before, and now he chooses to gamble.” Yi Yun also expressed his opinion.

“Let’s go back first, and then let Lao Zhang come to “catch Zhou to go” to Li Guofeng, and see if the mastermind behind the scenes will show up.” Director Wang also said later.

So the two of them got into the car driven by Director Wang again and were about to return to the Transcendent Authority. With Li Guofeng’s personal admission, the entanglement between the two was finally not random speculation, and they vaguely felt that the matter could be resolved this time. After all, the main players in this matter have already acquiesced to Yi Yun and their guesses.

Because of what to do next, the two of them didn’t feel how slow the time passed. It was a ten-minute drive, but the two felt that it passed quickly.

After returning to the Supernatural Administration Bureau, Director Wang called Lao Zhang over and said to him, “Now you can hand over your work to the following people. There is something you need to do yourself.”

“Okay, what’s the matter?” Old Zhang also felt a little puzzled. He has been making more efforts to appease the witnesses. Isn’t this important enough? When I handed it over to his son, Director Wang still warned him again and again, for fear He will screw up, but now listening to Director Wang, he seems to have more important things to give to himself, what would it be? Lao Zhang asked.

“Bring a few people to the city government now, and take Li Guofeng to the Transcendent Authority. I will give you the approval procedures later.” Director Wang instructed Lao Zhang.

“Now? Go to the city government to arrest someone? Is Li Guofeng…the secretary of the municipal party committee?!” Lao Zhang couldn’t believe his ears. Director Wang even asked himself to arrest Li Guofeng. If I remember correctly, this Li Guofeng was the municipal party committee. Secretary.

“Yes, right now, arrest Li Guofeng, Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee of Jingzhou City, and come to the Supernatural Administration.” Director Wang said to Lao Zhang almost word for word. He could also understand Lao Zhang’s mood at this time. In fact, at that time When he was just walking around the road, he was still thinking about whether to do it or not. He also felt that it was a little bad, but after thinking about it, he was relieved. It was a special treatment in a special period, and he would not really arrest Li Guofeng for interrogation. , I just wanted to show it to the mastermind behind the scenes. This was also to find out the case. In addition to this method, he also thought of a better method. This method can be said to be the fastest and most effective at present.

“Okay… I’ll call someone right now.” After making sure that he didn’t hear it wrong, Lao Zhang responded to Director Wang, but if it was so, Lao Zhang was still shocked to say something and arrested Jing. Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, this is such a big deal, but it has been given a gap by Director Wang’s understatement.

“Well, come to my office later, and I’ll give you the formalities.” Director Wang took Yi Yun and turned around and walked out of his office.

After returning to the Superhuman Administration, Yi Yun remembered that noon had passed again, and he had promised Yi Yao and the three of them that they would go to dinner and go shopping, but it was already one o’clock, but he had not gone back.

Thinking about Yi Yun, he made a phone call back, explained the reason, and comforted the three of them, saying that he would definitely take them to cut them next time, and that he would definitely accompany them to go shopping after this storm passed. People are willing to give up.

After more than half an hour on the phone, Yi Yun hung up the phone reluctantly. At the end, he did not forget to tell the three of them to be careful. The situation outside is so chaotic. What if the three of them catch something unexpected?

After calling Lao Zhang, he also came to the director’s office, took the formalities and immediately went to the city government.

Seeing that there was nothing to worry about at this time, Yi Yun greeted Director Wang and said that he would cut it and turn around. In fact, Yi Yun went to look for Zhang Yizhu under the woods, and remembered that Zhang Yizhu was also in the underground passage. It’s been a long time since 753. I don’t know if I have found a mechanism that can open the prohibition, but Yi Yun just thought about it and didn’t hold out much hope, because a few of them had been watching it for a long time before, and there was no Find out what mechanism can open the forbidden one.

But when Yi Yun came to the underground passage again, he no longer found the shadows of Zhang Yizhu and Xiaohong, leaving only the opened restrictions and messy footprints on the ground.

Seeing this, Yi Yun was no longer calm, and immediately called Zhang Yizhu and Xiaohong, hoping to get some answer, but after calling for a long time, it was still to no avail.

In addition, Yi Yun also found something suspicious. If Zhang Yizhu and Xiaohong entered, they would definitely leave a mark to tell Yi Yun that they had entered, so Yi Yun looked around carefully and found nothing.

But no footprints were found at the other end of the passage, so Zhang Yizhu and the others must have entered the ban. Did they encounter something urgent?

It is estimated that it is. Although Yi Yun has just contacted Zhang, he thinks that Zhang Yizhu will not go in without even making a sign, which means that Zhang Yizhu and the others have encountered some emergency and chose to risk it. of,

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