Chapter 302 Nightmare Forces (4/4)

A simple sentence made the whole field awe-inspiring.

Although it was only the strength of Ming Jin period, the strong murderous aura made everyone feel awe-inspiring.

“I know you are very angry, and I also know that the Chinese people are very angry, but it is not yet time for a full-scale war, this time, thanks to the help of Mr. Yi Yun, please rest assured that this kind of thing will never have a second chance. Second-rate!”

The voice of the top chief sounded slowly, and after a while, he continued to speak again: “Our army is already preparing, and even nuclear weapons have begun to target the Japanese country, but at the same time, the nuclear weapons of the United States and the European Union are also aimed at So I need you to go to the Japanese country, and as long as their army hooks hands, we have a reason to go to war with them!”

The words of the supreme chief caused everyone present to nod slightly.

The same goes for Yi Yun.

Although he is not clear about politics and the comparison of combat power among the various forces in this world, he clearly knows that war can never be solved with a single sentence.

Once a decision is made, it is equivalent to tying the entire destiny to the chariot.

Everyone knows that the incident this time was provoked by the 660 movement of the Japanese lord.

However, the Japanese country’s approach is also absolutely perfect. At the same time as the incident, the Japanese country thoroughly captured all the people of the Miyamoto clan and sent them directly to the **.

This approach is equivalent to throwing the whole thing out of Miyamoto, and leaving the relationship between the Japanese country itself.

If the government directly sends troops now, it will be greeted by the alliance of the entire Japanese, American, and Tang porridges.

And such a war is definitely not what ** wants.

Glancing at Yi Yun, the top chief continued with a smile: “I know that if I do this, many people will call me weak, but it doesn’t matter, as long as Mr. Yi Yun stirs up trouble in the Japanese territory, as long as they force their army to do it, we will We can go to war, and at that time, no matter what the United States and Tang Porridge say, there is no way to stop us from sending troops!”

Yi Yun gave a low laugh, he understood the supreme leader, after all, in his several books, except for Chen Muqing, among the various officials, only the supreme leader described the most specific, and the most rhythmic outline.

This is a person who has the world in his heart and wants to make the whole *(bbbf)* rise at all times, and he is also a strong man with a strategy, enough to be called a strategy.

Don’t you see that in the years when the top leader was in power, the United States has repeatedly suffered from borrowing porridge, and the country’s national strength has become more prosperous, and it has directly become the most influential national shock in the world today.

And now, the other party’s decision-making is as wise as ever.

After all, it’s pretty simple.

Since the Japanese country denied the matter with Miyamoto, he wanted to put this matter out and wrestle with the **.

Then ** just come with a heavy fist hook.

Didn’t you deny it? Well, according to the international agreement and the rules of the martial arts world, if you lose, I have the right to accept your power.

As long as the Japanese government dares to be diligent, and as long as the Japanese army dares to intervene in this matter, then there will be enough reasons to hook the soldiers.

At that time, even if the United States and Tang Porridge wanted to help the Japanese country, they could only stare blankly.

After all, no matter what, this matter was provoked by the Japanese country first, and whether it was morality or fishing reels, they were all at a disadvantage.

Looking at the people around him, the top leader continued in a low voice: “Mr. Yi will lead the team in this case. After the success, we will always remember your contribution!”

Yi Yun didn’t speak, but nodded heavily.

The Daoist Changxu said with a light smile: “Don’t worry, the head, I have already had this idea, but the international treaty you signed makes us unable to go to the Japanese country, otherwise he has nothing to do with the Japanese country. Jumping up and down for so many years!

“What the Taoist said is very true. Although I am a fisherman in Pudu Temple, I also hate these devils to the core. This time, the poor monk will start a good killing!

“Several police officers in a hurry, and us…”

For a time, the whole meeting was full of anger.

After everyone had been discussing for a while, the top chief Xiong raised his hand slightly to stop the conversation, and then continued: “The numbers have been counted, we have five more people in the Returning Realm, and thirty-three in the Innate Realm. , There are one hundred and ninety people in the Grand Master Realm, plus other warriors and extraordinary people, a total of eight hundred people, I will arrange your itinerary immediately, if you have no objection, then you can inquire tonight!”

“The chief only needs to make arrangements, we are all ready!” Yi Yun’s words were equivalent to showing everyone’s attitude.

Daoist Changxu said in a low voice with a slightly excited expression: “I am afraid that the Japanese country would never have imagined that we would only respond to inquiries so quickly after one night! 33

Yi Yun also felt the same way.

He also did not expect that the orientation of the fishing reels would explode so much this time, as if the hatred for the Japanese country for so many years had all surged up at this moment.

**The reactions of the leaders were also beyond Yi Yun’s expectations.

No one would have imagined that the ** who always likes to shout for peace would play such a hand at this time.

If the powerhouses of the eight hundred martial arts world were thrown into the country of Dongying, I am afraid that Tianhuang in Dongying would be awakened from a dream.

And this method of the ** is to force the Japanese country to use the army, that is, to force the Japanese country to go to war with the **.

When the top chief left, there were already a large number of staff leading Yi Yun and others to the military airport by car.

Several passenger planes are parked at the airport quietly.

Looking at Le Qingcheng next to him, Yi Yun said in a low voice, “Go back to take care of Xiaoyao and Shiyan first, and let them not think too much!

Le Qingcheng nodded, took a few steps forward, and ignoring the gazes of everyone around him, he gently hugged Yi Yun and said in a low voice, “Our hero, don’t forget that we are all waiting for you!”

Yi Yun smiled, but he didn’t have too much love between his sons and daughters, he just boarded the plane first.

Behind Yi Yun, the 800 warriors and the extraordinary, all followed with excitement.

This tyrannical force capable of sweeping across a country rose to the sky and headed straight for Dongying.

However, in the East Yingwa Kingdom, when the politicians of Huang and Wa Kingdom were still glad that they promptly dumped the blame on the Miyamoto clan, they never dreamed of it.

A nightmarish huge force descended slowly above their heads,

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