【 Uzumaki Naruto: Huh! There is someone who is side by side with me. This person is amazing. He obviously doesn't have the teaching of Teacher Li Fan. Wait, Uchiha Obito, isn't that the guy just now?]

【Uzumaki Kushina: Obito, you...not only became the Jinchūriki of the Three Tails tailed beast, but also fully controlled it?】

【Hatake Kakashi: Mangekyō... Sharingan? Obito, you actually turned on Mangekyō?】

【Namikaze Minato: Obito, you... 】

【Senju Tobirama: The eyes of the Uchiha clan want to become Mangekyō, and they need to experience unforgettable pain. This Uchiha Obito and Rin Nohara... He is probably the Mangekyō that started because of Rin Nohara. 】05

【Uchiha Fugaku: Unexpectedly, the former Uchiha Obito is not only still alive, but also opened the Sharingan of Mangekyō. 】

【 Terumi Mei: Good boy, I underestimate you a little bit, no wonder you were able to take away the Three Tails tailed beast, you actually have the power of Mangekyō. 】

【Yagura: Uchiha, this Uchiha Obito, who is living abroad, is not the one who controlled me before. 】

【Ghost Lantern Moon: What, are you controlled by this guy? Uchiha Obito, come out and say a few words, let me see if you did it?】

【 Terumi Mei: Hmm? It seems... that there is indeed such a possibility. Interesting, so Uchiha Obito is Kirigakure's enemy. 】

Once upon a time, Kirigakure fell into a brutal blood fog policy.

And it all started thanks to Fourth Mizukage Yagura being manipulated.

Thinking that Uchiha Obito might have done something like controlling Yagura, Terumi Mei couldn't help but feel a killing intent.

But soon, she thought of the relationship between Uchiha Obito and Uzumaki Kushina and Uzumaki Naruto, and she couldn't help but feel a little tangled for a while.

After all, Uzumaki Kushina and they are the same family, and Uzumaki Kushina and Uchiha Obito have a considerable relationship.

All these things made Terumi Mei feel a little inconvenient.

What she didn't know was that although Uzumaki Kushina and Uchiha Obito originally had a relatively close relationship.

But this relationship ended when Uchiha Obito put Nine Tails in Konoha.

‘Forget it, let’s do a careful investigation first. ’

'It won't be too late to make a decision until it is truly confirmed that this Uchiha Obito controls Yagura-sama. ’

Terumi Mei thought to herself.

[Fourth Generation Ai: This kid doesn't seem to plan to speak on the gold list. 】

【Yagura: Hmph, I'm getting more and more suspicious of this kid. Well, anyway, he will definitely participate in the next challenge, and then I will see if it is this man who controls me. 】

[Onogi: But, didn't you say that the person who controls you is a guy with a mask? You probably haven't seen his face. 】

630 [Yagura Yagura: Having said that, you can still see some things from a person's body shape, and I remember some of his abilities. 】

[Ghost Lantern Moon Moon: So it turns out, Sharingan's abilities all have considerable characteristics, especially Mangekyō. Perhaps, it is indeed certain that he is controlling the Fourth Generation's purpose. 】

【Namikaze Minato: Obito, did you really do such a thing?】

【 Uchiha Obito: Sorry, teacher, I don't want to say anything right now. 】

Looking at Namikaze Minato who was once killed by himself, Uchiha Obito couldn't help but leave his own message on the Gold List.

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