Chapter 476 Distribute rewards to increase the life span of all employees of Derma


The appearance of the 18th was soon spread all over the world by people who wanted to use video phone worms.

Originally, the existence of No. 18 was only known from within the Li Fan forces.

After this moment, she will be remembered by everyone in the world.

Seeing that Garp and others were afraid to say anything in front of No. 18, Five Elders and Sengoku and others immediately believed that No. 18 had a powerful force.

Can’t afford it!

These three characters are once again printed in the minds of Sengoku, Five Elders and others.

It’s just that, obviously some people don’t think so.

Brubur, Brubur!

A phone call rang in Five Elders’ office.

The blond-haired Five Elders stood up straight and walked to the phone bug.

“Hey, who is it!”

The blond Five Elders has a gloomy voice, because the introduction of Li Fan by the power list made him feel bad.

Originally, they still had hope that the World government would become the first in the [Power List].

But after seeing the Jinbang’s evaluation of Li Fan’s forces, even if their hearts are not 303 fast, they can only choose to hold back.

After all, the power of Yuexing Taoist Hall is really strong!

“Five Elders, I am Celestial Dragons!”

“I just saw that the woman on the 18th actually wants to trouble us!”

“This is an insult to us, I hope you will send troops to fight her immediately!”

A wise speech came from the phone worm, causing several other Five Elders to turn their heads and look over.

“Huh.” The blonde Five Elders took a deep breath.

The next moment, an angry roar hovered in the office.

“are you a pig?”

“How dare you still think about attacking the 18th, and offend Li Fan!?”

“Didn’t we already tell you, let you stay in the Holy Land.”

“Go enjoy your fun, don’t do unnecessary things, don’t offend Li Fan.”

“I’m so wonderful (acbb), what do your heads think.”

“I tell you, before letting me hear what you say, I propose to deprive you of your reputation as a nobleman in the world.

“Then, I will throw you into the slave pile, do you understand?”


After roaring, the blonde Five Elders detained the phone worm heavily.

On the other side of the phone worm, Celestial Dragons who called was stunned.

Then, thinking of the picture after he was deprived of his identity, his body couldn’t stop shaking.

“They dare not, they dare not.”

Celestial Dragons shook his head quickly.

What he didn’t notice was that the slave beside him was looking at him with bright eyes.

They also heard the phone call just now.

‘Throw into slavery?’

‘I really want to see that happen. ”

A pirate slave licked the corner of his mouth, expecting silently in his heart.

–Now starting to issue [Power List] list rewards.

–[Power List] 10th, Derma 66..

“Come on, here, you must give me a useful reward!”

Vinsmoke Judge folded his hands together. At this moment, he even felt that he was more nervous than waiting for his wife to have a baby.

-Congratulations to all the members of Germa 66 for a ten-year increase in life expectancy.

-Congratulations to the leader of Germa 66, Vinsmoke Judge for getting the [Black Panther Judge] and 1 ton of vibrating gold.

-[Vibration] The hardness is much higher than that of seastone, and its molecular structure is relatively static, capable of absorbing energy and kinetic energy!

–[Black Panther Battle Suit], a battle suit made of vibrating gold and nanotechnology, usually in the form of a necklace, after use, it will form an indestructible battle suit.

A ray of light descended from the sky and fell on Vinsmoke Judge and other people inside Germa 66.

Under this ray of light, Judge clearly felt that his body was much better.

At the same time, on the transport ship of Djerma 66, there was a sudden black vibration.

“Is this the reward for the gold list.”

“It’s amazing.

Judge’s eyes flashed, usually because of an increase in life span, and usually because of the rewards he received.

The molecular structure is relative to the static, such a technical term, others do not know what it means.

How could Judge, who was already a scientific researcher, fail to understand.

“Can it absorb kinetic energy, haha, good.”

“With these vibrating gold, I will be able to create a suit that is more suitable for our Derma 66.

“What about the tenth place, Teach, I will use these vibrates to create an efficient suit that surpasses your rewards, hahaha!”

With a panther suit made with vibrating on hand, Judge didn’t believe that he could not use vibrating to create other suits suitable for the 66-man system of Derma.

“Zhenjin? Can absorb kinetic energy?”

“If there is this, the pacifists will be able to carry out more reforms.”

“The bear’s body can also use this material.

Among the scientific research troops of the World government, Vegapunk put aside his work and looked at the black metal displayed on the gold list with great interest.

After a few seconds, he picked up the phone worm and dialed out.

Derma 66 has the vibrating gold on hand, he also wants it.

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