Chapter 394 Outer disciples take the form of a lottery to determine

[Whitebeard Newgate: Hey, hey, hey, is this the power of a human master? How can such a powerful force be mastered by a single person?][Sengoku: Impossible, impossible, how could Li Fan be so strong, impossible. 】

[Black Arm Zephyr: Is this Li Fan, haha, even though I think I have overestimated Li Fan, but now it seems that what I see is too narrow. 】

[Redhead Shanks: Is Li Fan really a god~?][Hawkeye Mihawk: The world-beyond heaven, has the same power as the platinum star, but Li Fan has a permanent life, and I am afraid that it is much more than Domino in terms of soul power. When used, there must be not too much limits. In other words, even if someone like us stands in front of Li Fan, he can be wiped out with one punch. 】

[Pluton Rayleigh: The magic eye of straight death, the ability to intuitively see the “dead line” of living beings and non-living creatures and attacking. Looking at the demonstration of Jinbang, Li Fan only needs a touch on us, maybe it can Take our lives away. ][Tekken Garp: Reincarnation Sharingan has both the eyes of Sharingan and Rinnegan. These eyes can cast a ninjutsu called “Infinite Tsukuyomi” on the moon and can control everyone in the world. Pulled into the illusion. Such power is already the power of God

Everyone was silent. As the abilities held by Li Fan were displayed in front of people one by one by the gold list, people knew just how terrifying power Li Fan possessed.

That is a force that people can’t resist at all. Apart from anything else, it’s just the world-transcending heaven and reincarnation Sharingan. Such an ability is not a force that humans can resist.

That is the power that can make the world tremble.

[Pluton Rayleigh: I think I should re-examine Li Fan’s strength in kendo and martial arts. “Sword Twenty-Three”, and the “Freedom of Extreme Yi Gong”, is it just having the power we see? When Li Fan fully exerts his power, will Li Fan’s power in kendo and martial arts also make everything tremble? 】

‘Leave aside Sword Twenty-Three, if I really fully exert the power of my free and extreme kung fu, I’m afraid I won’t be able to stay in this world. ”

Li Fan thought to himself.

At this time, Li Fan couldn’t help but feel a little grateful that he hadn’t been busy destroying a planet after he learned the Freedom Kungfu, otherwise, the people in this world would be even more frightened.

[Hawkeye Mihawk: Kendo, martial arts, superpowers, Li Fan really has reached the top in any field, Li Fan, are you really human?]

At this time, even Hawkeye Mihawk couldn’t help but doubt Li Fan’s identity.

After all, Li Fan’s ability has far exceeded the limit that people can imagine.

[Revolutionary Army Dragon: I now understand why Li Fan did not definitively attack the World government who offended him. Perhaps, in the eyes of His Excellency Li Fan, whether it is the World government or the big sea pirates, they are just a group of little ones. A little bit of strength. 】

[Sabo: Powerful, able to live forever, Your Excellency Li Fan, is already a god in this world. 】

[God-Enel: Hmph, it’s just that the power is a little special. In a real contest, this Li Fan may not be able to beat me. 】

0…For flowers…

[Kizaru Polusalino: Sit, you are quite ambitious. I just don’t know what gives you the courage to say this, is it your title with the prefix?][Aokiji Kuzan: If you meet Li Fan later, I hope you can say something like this. 】

Because Li Fan’s superpowers were exposed by the Gold List, the message area of ​​the Gold List began to revolve around discussions about Li Fan’s power.

Even though people have thought that Li Fan might be at the top of the list of capable people, they are still shocked by the power of Li Fan’s master.


Not only the outsiders, but even Li Fan’s own disciples were equally shocked.

Those who have just signed up to become disciples of Li Fan are looking forward to becoming disciples of Li Fan.

} “Well, don’t you guys look at me like this.” Li Fan, who had returned to Dressrosa from The fish men island, waved his hand to everyone who looked at him.

In addition to the original face, Shirahoshi, the twelfth disciple of Li Fan, was also accepted as Jinbei, the outer disciple of Li Fan.

“Since the gold list has determined the ranking of the [Abilities List], then I will also determine the candidates for the outer disciples.”

With that, Li Fan raised his hand, and a box with a hole on the top appeared in Li Fan’s hand.

“Except for Sadi chan, Nuoqigao, Jinbei, Charlotte Castad and Charlotte Charlotte Pudding who have already been determined to be my outer disciples, I will decide on the rest of the people in the form of a lottery. You guys, don’t you have any comments? ”


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