Chapter 327 Advanced Vivi and Domino

Gymnasium, in the epiphany room.

“Ms. Li Fan, do you want to train me and Domino further?”

At the request of Li Fan, Vivi who came to the epiphany room with Domino asked suspiciously.

No wonder she would be confused.

After all, after she was fully capable of Master Mangekyō Sharingan, Li Fan hadn’t given her any special training for a long time.

Moreover, the Epiphany Room is a room for disciples to advance, and Vivi really can’t think of where he needs to advance.

Although there is a permanent Mangekyō Sharingan on top of Mangekyō Sharingan, the reality is that no one in this world can transplant Sharingan to her, and Vivi does not have much desire to own Mangekyō Sharingan.

In ordinary battles, Vivi can even retreat perfectly without opening Sharingan, just using Water Style ninjutsu.

Aside, Domino has taken off his sunglasses and military cap.

She looked at Li Fan with a serious face, unlike Vivi, she was able to guess why Li Fan called her here.

Once, when training in time, Li Fan told her that her double [Platinum Star] could be one step closer.

One of them, just like Ain later, let the double become 【Platinum Star Soul Calming Song】.

The other is the ability to re-enact another form of Li Fan’s stand-in [World] [World-Beyond Heaven], allowing [Platinum Star] to become [Platinum Star, Beyond Heaven].

Domino still remembers that Li Fan once said that he does not have the power of the Master or the latter.

“Could it be that I have the power of Master now?”

Domino thought to himself.

“Vivi, I thought about it, and thought about a way that might make your eyes evolve into permanent Sharingan…” Li Fan said with a smile, “Although you think it may not be too necessary for permanent Sharingan.”

“However, in order to make it more convenient for you to use Sharingan, I decided to help you.”

“It just so happens that the list after the previous gold list preview is a list of capable people, and the ranking is still based on the intensity of ability development. Your two abilities are likely to be included in it, so I decided to help you two. Improve and improve.”

“Nico Robin and Ain have already used the power of Wood Style and the stand-in to their limits, respectively. Don’t fall behind the two of you.”

“It just so happens that you haven’t used the epiphany room, so I simply call the shots and help you improve your own strength.”

Even with the current abilities of Vivi and Domino, as long as the gold list puts their abilities on the list, the ranking will never be low, but Li Fan feels that it is better to do the best of the two.

Vivi tilted his head: “But, Teacher Li Fan, Mangekyō evolves into a permanent Mangekyō Sharingan, but someone else’s Sharingan is needed. In this world, besides me, there should be Teacher Li Fan. You have Mangekyō Sharingan, right? , Is it Mr. Li Fan you!”

Vivi exclaimed and ran to Li Fan’s side quickly, grabbing Li Fan’s hands.

Domino, who was standing on the side, looked at Li Fan in the same incredible way. She and Vivi thought of the same place.

“Huh? What are you worried about, Vivi?” Li Fan glanced at Vivi.

“Ms. Li Fan, you don’t want to give me your eyes just to let me have a permanent Mangekyō. I won’t agree with such a thing.” Vivi looked at Li Fan firmly.

Li Fan has done a lot for her and for Alabasta.

Vivi will never ask Li Fan to give her his eyes for strength.

“You are worried about this.” Li Fan rubbed Vivi’s head, “Don’t worry, I just plan to give you my pupil power.”

“Eyes are hardware, and pupil power is software. As long as you have software, your Sharingan should be able to evolve into a permanent Mangekyō.

“Moreover, even if I dig my eyes down and give them to you, don’t forget, I have a special system that does not destroy the flesh, and I should be able to grow new eyes in a second.”

Hearing Li Fan’s words, Vivi breathed a sigh of relief, but recalled that Li Fan said that he would give his pupil power to himself, Vivi raised his head again in surprise.

“Ms. Li Fan, you gave me Mangekyō’s pupil power, what about you?”

“Didn’t I say that, I have a special system, and I will definitely recover soon.” Li Fan smiled, his eyes automatically changed to Mangekyō Sharingan’s gesture, “Okay, let’s stop here, let’s start directly. .

“”Although Sharingan evolves into Mangekyō, in general, a brotherhood in person is more appropriate.

“But this is the epiphany room, and it should make up for this defect.”

After that, before Vivi refused, a blue Chakra energy floated in Li Fan’s eyes and floated into Vivi’s eyes.

As Li Fan’s pupil power entered, Vivi felt a sting in his eyes.

The intense pain forced her to close her eyes, but before closing her eyes, Vivi seemed to see that Li Fan’s eyes had lost their light.

“Ms. Li Fan, your eyes.” Vivi said worriedly.

“Don’t worry, after a short period of black, you have recovered the little effort of your speech. Of course, the pupil power has also recovered.” Li Fan waved his hand and pulled out a bandage to wrap Vivi’s eyes. “Stop talking, Vivi, sit down and take advantage of this new power Master.

“After Master’s permanent Wan (Zhao) flower tube, you don’t have to worry about whether you will wear glasses in the future.

When the words were over, Li Fan turned his head to look at Domino, who was watching, and smiled:

“Domino, you and I go aside. Next, it’s time for you to make a little progress.

Domino stepped forward two steps to Li Fan, his eyes fixed on Li Fan’s eyes.

“Ms. Li Fan, are your eyes really okay?” Domino asked.

“Relax, it’s okay.” Li Fan waved his hand, “I even think that relying on the indestructible power of the flesh, I can mass produce Sharingan.”

“Well, don’t talk about it, let’s start your special training.”

While talking, Li Fan pulled Domino to the side.

However, in order to take care of Vivi, Li Fan deliberately left a clone beside Vivi, instructing her to hold new pupil power.

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