Chapter 29 The selected Teach collapsed (please ask for flowers)

“Hey, this gold list has revealed the man-made Devil Fruit!” In Dressrosa’s castle, Diamanti, one of the top officials of the Donquixote Family, smashed his mouth with an unhappy expression.

“Don’t worry, Diamanti, Fufferfu…” On the throne, Doflamingo laughed loudly. “It’s just the man-made Devil Fruit. It doesn’t mean that we are producing Devil Fruit. Marine and the world’s zhengfu are looking for it. Not ours.”

“Compared to this, I am more curious about whom Li Fan will fight with, the people of the future, or the people of the present and the past.”

“Speaking of which, we are also Demon fruit power, which means we may come to us randomly, Fu Fu Fu…”

As to whether Li Fan would give up the challenge, Doflamingo never thought about this possibility.

Such a powerful swordsman, even if he disdains the consumption of Devil Fruit, he will not shrink back at this time.

Sure enough, after seeing this reward, Li Fan directly chose to challenge.

——First challenge, randomly selected opponents… time is determined, future scenes; coordinates are determined, Naval Headquarters;

——The opponent is determined, Marshall · D · Teach!

“Huh?!” On the Moby Dick, seeing his name appear again, Teach was completely blinded.

Why is it me again, Jinbang, are you correcting me?

If possible, Teach really wants to tear off the gold list.

The premise is that he can do it.

[Golden Lion Shiki: It’s this guy named Teach again, his luck is really good. He will be selected, which means that the black energy on this man is his Devil Fruit ability. 】

[Redhead Shanks: Hawkeye, you have fought with that guy, do you know what his Devil Fruit is? 】

[Hawkeye Mihawk: Red hair, I am not interested in Devil Fruit, so I don’t know what his Devil Fruit is. But his abilities are really great, and it’s weird enough to be able to absorb damage. 】

[Pluton Rayleigh: Anyway, Li Fan is likely to be able to get a very special Devil Fruit. I am not afraid of the sea, and I can swim in the sea even after eating it. 】

[Aunt Charlotte Linlin: It’s really strange that the battle location is actually in Naval Headquarters. Could it be said that the Whitebeard Pirates will defeat Naval Headquarters in the future? 】

[Kizaru Borsalino: Well, if this guy does come to Naval Headquarters, he will definitely be arrested too. 】

At the same moment, the Moby Dick boarded.

“Hahaha, Teach, your luck is really good.”

“I was picked by the eagle eye before, and now I am picked by Li Fan.”

“Fortunately, it’s all you in the future. If you are now, maybe you still have to get hurt a little bit.”

Ace laughed while patting Teach on the shoulder.

“By the way, why would the location be Naval Headquarters?” Marco frowned. “Even if the future Teach is not on board, he shouldn’t be in Naval Headquarters.”

“It’s really strange. When the picture appears, it will tell us the answer.” Whitebeard said.

On the other side, Teach looked up at Jin Bang with a gloomy expression, muttering in his heart:

‘Damn it, the Dark Fruit that is not afraid of sea water, if I can get it, how good it would be. ’

‘Golden List, don’t put some ugly future pictures out. ’

However, things went counterproductive, Teach just thought of this, and there was a frightening scene on the gold list.

At the same time, everyone on the Moby Dick looked at Teach, and even Whitebeard looked at Teach in disbelief.

【Golden Lion Shiki: Hey, hey, the captain of the second division of the Whitebeard Pirates fought with Teach. This time, did Whitebeard himself fight with Teach? And what’s the situation, why is Whitebeard injured so badly, but Teach has no injuries at all? That’s ugly, Whitebeard! ! It is ridiculous that you who cherish your family were finally betrayed by your son and beaten so badly. You guy, it’s really ugly. 】

[Aunt Charlotte Linlin: Hahaha, it’s really ugly, Whitebeard, you guys should abdicate now, lest you be so embarrassed in the future. 】

[Redhead Shanks: Teach, I’m really here. 】

[Pluton Rayleigh: It shouldn’t be. With Whitebeard’s power, even if this Teach has gained a powerful fruit ability, it shouldn’t be beaten like this. 】

[Hawkeye Mihawk: The location is at Naval Headquarters, and there is also a knocked down Marine at the edge of the screen. Whitebeard’s injury should have been injured by Marine. 】

Mihawk also didn’t believe that a Teach could hit Whitebeard without injury.

You know, not long ago, Mihawk also beheaded the future Teach.

Even if Teach fighting Whitebeard is a more futuristic picture, it is impossible for Teach to suddenly become stronger than Whitebeard.

At this moment, Bista, who was the only one in the Whitebeard Pirates to leave a message on the gold list, was not in the mood to leave a message.

He surrounded Teach with other members of the Pirate Group.

There was an incredible light in their eyes, and there was a trace of killing intent in their eyes.

ps: Seeking flowers, seeking evaluation votes, seeking collections, readers’ support is the motivation for the author’s update, thank you*

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