After Mito finished speaking, her body turned into a burst of golden light and disappeared into the challenge field of Jinbang.

And after that, Namikaze Minato also disappeared from the gold list.

At the same time, a golden prompt text appeared on the screen of Jinbang.

-- Fourth Hokage Namikaze Minatovs Vortex Mito, winner Namikaze Minato.

—— Namikaze Minato will replace the whirlpool Mito-tailed beast Jinchūriki at No. 7, and the pre-order reward 'Primary Conqueror's Haki Awakening Potion'

——Vortex Mito won the 8th position on the Namikaze Minato tailed beast Jinchūriki list, and the pre-order reward 'Intermediate Armament Haki'

- Note: Namikaze Minato has already used a chance to challenge Vortex Mito, and will no longer have permission to challenge Vortex Mito; instead, Vortex Mito has a chance to challenge Namikaze Minato.

[ Uzumaki Kushina: Well done 673, Minato, now Conqueror's Haki's reward is ours. 】

【 Uzumaki Naruto: Great, father. 】

[Namikaze Minato: Hehe, Naruto, you got Kurama's approval, so I can use Kurama's Chakra like an arm. Otherwise, I might not be able to defeat Mito-senpai. 】

[Onogi: Having said that, the two rewards of Intermediate Armament Haki and Junior Conqueror's Haki really can't tell who is good and who is bad. The two have different advantages in different battles, and Mito's opinion is very reasonable. Losing the 7th place is not necessarily a bad thing. 】

[Inuzuka Flower: Indeed, Armament Haki is quite powerful, because of it, the physical skills of our Inuzuka clan have become even stronger. 】

[Han: Although Conqueror's Haki is better at clearing miscellaneous soldiers, there are many ways to clear miscellaneous soldiers. I wouldn't want to fight tens of thousands of ninjas like Third Raikage. If it was me, I might choose Armament Haki's reward Bar.

The mid-level Armament Haki can already arm his entire body into steel. 】

[Old Purple: According to what Jinbang once described, the middle-level Armament Haki does have that kind of power. 】

【Vortex Mito: So, do you want to challenge me?】

[Yagura: Vortex Mito said it before, she has not shown all the secret techniques of the Vortex family, if you want to challenge her, you may need to think carefully. 】

[Killer Bee: I know, this should be fox-like cunning. 】

【Tsunade: You bastard, are you courting death for saying that about my grandmother?】

[Vortex Mito: Don't get mad at such casual words, little Tsunade. 】

【 Tsunade: Grandma Mito, are you really going to give me the reward? I don't really need it. 】

[Vortex Mito: Besides you, I can't think of anyone to give the reward to, Tsunade. After all... The Senju clan has been (afcc) ruined, and Hashirama, there is no need to have this booking bonus now. 】

Uzumaki Kushina understands that although the intermediate Armament Haki can improve a certain attack power.

But Senju Hashirama is really good at Wood Style, and his physical resilience is already strong, so he doesn't need Armament Haki to defend.

Tsunade is more suitable for her to hand over rewards than Senju Hashirama.

【 Uchiha Madara: All right, who is going to perform next? 】

【 Senju Hashirama: Is that what you want to see someone fight, Madara? 】

[ Uchiha Madara: Hmph, if I hadn't been able to appear, I would have already left the battle. 】

[Ghost Lantern Moon: Tsk tsk, just now Jinbang said that a person can only challenge another fixed person once. This time, I am afraid everyone will be more vigilant. 】

[Onogi: This time, Jinbang has learned the lessons of the last Shadow Ninja period, so that no one will continue to challenge the same person. 】

[Senju Tobirama: I have to say, this rule is not bad, so everyone has to be more careful when they want to challenge. 】

【 Terumi Mei: The rules are good, but now I think it will take a while to see the battle continue. Forget it, I'll go deal with the village affairs. 】

[Onogi: Makes sense, I will also deal with the village affairs. 】

On the other side, the manor.

Li Fan stood up from his position and stretched.

"This time the battle doesn't look very lively.

Rubbing his shoulders, Li Fan decided to leave.

"Teacher, are you planning to go outside?""

Uzumaki Kushina looked over curiously.

"Hmm! It's boring to wait. 35

"I thought, it would be a good idea to go outside and collect an outer disciple.

"It can be regarded as stirring up the atmosphere for this gold challenge field.

Li Fan smiled and gave his answer unabashedly.

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