‘Seven Tails Jinchūriki is indeed Li Fan’s disciple.

Is the 'Master famous for the power of 'Qi'? ’

‘Could it be that the power that killed Kakuzu at that time was chi?

Uchiha Obito frowned, looking at the words that appeared on the golden list in the sky.

He didn't have any idea about Maple's scheduled reward 'high-level resurrection ring'.

Although that thing is powerful, just being able to resurrect itself is enough to make Uchiha Obito give up.

Soon, he set his sights on the words 'Uzumaki Kushina' on the gold list.

【Senju Tobirama: Seven Tails Jinchūriki? So this Kaede is from Takiyin Village? I didn’t expect Li Fan’s disciples to exist in Takiyin Village. 】

[Onogi: Sure enough, this village is not simple. Back then, that village had a very strong energy. 】

[Terumi Mei: Hehe, a guy who wants to capture Kaede's tailed beast will of course be easily killed by Kaede. 】

【Uzumaki Kushina: As expected of Kaede, he won the second place. 】

[Feng: Hee hee, they are all taught by Teacher Li Fan. However, my second-place reservation was established, and Kushina sister must be disliked. 】

【Uzumaki Kushina: Well, after all, I still have people who want to be resurrected. 】

[Ghost Lantern Moonlight: Really hammered, as expected, this Seven Tails Jinchūriki is Li Fan's disciple. 】

[Killer Bee: Another perfect Jinchūriki, after becoming Li Fan's disciple, it seems that he can become a perfect Jinchūriki. 】

【Lao Zi: Hmph, isn’t this normal? After these guys become Li Fan’s disciples, their own strength can be stronger than the tailed beast, and the tailed beast can only surrender at this time. 】

[Han: Yes, it makes sense. 】

[Uchiha Madara: The girl in the second place has appeared, and there is still the last position left. Sure enough, this position is the man. 】

[Vortex Mito: I don’t know what the scheduled reward for the first place will be. 】

[Ye Cang: This time, I don’t know if there will be a mechanism to compete for the only one, and if the ‘Immortal Body’ will be released at that time.

Ye Cang was also quite envious of his immortality.

After all, with that ability, she can always be by Li Fan's side.

When this ability was obtained by Uzumaki Xiangrin, she was already quite envious.

0.....for flowers...

But she also knew that even if Li Fan obtained the body of immortality, I am afraid this reward would not fall on her head.

After all, after eating the fruit of the divine tree, her vitality itself is very strong.

On the other hand, the lifespan of other disciples is only a hundred years.


"Hey, Mr. Li Fan, it's your turn.

"What kind of rewards do you think the Gold List will give you?"5

Uzumaki Kushina asked with a small face.

Apparently, she was quite happy to receive the pre-order bonus of the premium resurrection scroll.

"Well, I hope it is a reward that can help you achieve longevity.

Li Fan said with a smile.

"Mr. Li Fan, you really think about your disciples."

Ye Cang walked behind Li Fan and said gently.

"After all, with your master and apprentice, I don't want the white-haired person to send the black-haired person. 99

"Power-type props, as many as you want here.

"It is the props that can increase the lifespan, but I am quite lacking here.

Li Fan shook his head and said helplessly.


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