The Strongest Learning System

Chapter 961: You are thinking about fart!

Pay public food?

Yan Jiuxi was taken aback for a moment, and then his small face instantly turned red and flushed, and he squeezed Su Mo's waist with embarrassment.


The pain in the waist made Su Mo couldn't help taking a breath, and said bitterly, "Xiao Xi, are you trying to murder your husband?"

"Who made you talk nonsense?!"

Yan Jiuxi uttered a little, pretending to be very angry.

As everyone knows, in Su Mo's eyes, not only is there not the slightest threat, but it is very cute, and he can't help touching the little head of this girl.

The look in his eyes was like looking at a daughter.

Yan Jiuxi pursed his mouth and stretched his right hand in front of Su Mo, "I asked you to take out the gold medal, what are you thinking about?"

"Just kidding, just kidding..."

Su Mo smiled, and honestly put the three gold medals in his pocket in Yan Jiuxi's hands, with a hint of disapproval in his tone, "The gold medal of this International University Games is very poor, and the production materials are too stingy!"


Yan Jiuxi chuckled softly and said softly: "The gold medal is a symbol of honor, even if it is made of wood, it is also an honor!"

"My wife is right."

Su Mo raised his eyebrows, and his gaze at Yan Jiuxi gradually became fiery.

Lonely man and widow, living in the same room.

If he didn't do anything, he would feel sorry for himself.

Although it cannot break through the last step, it is still possible to collect some interest.

"Xiao Xi, let me tell you something."


"My interest today has not been confiscated."

Yan Jiuxi's beautiful eyes were filled with confusion, and said in doubt, "What interest?"

The voice fell off.

Su Mo explained to her with practical actions, he hugged her in one hand, and printed on the attractive red lips.

"Um~~, Xiao Mo, you... why are you doing this again, ah—"


For the next two days, Su Mo stayed in the school, dormitory, cafeteria, library, and research room; these four locations were all the venues for him and Yan Jiuxi.

Time flies, and the day of the basketball final has already arrived.

Early in the morning, Su Mo rushed to the competition venue. This was his last match at the sports meeting. There must be no accidents.

Of course, with him, there can be no accidents.

In the lounge.

"Captain, why did you come so early?"

As soon as Lu Fei and the three players walked into the lounge, they saw Su Mo sitting on the sofa playing on a mobile phone, and they all froze in place.

what's the situation?

Su Mo was the first to arrive?


Is the sun coming out from the west?

"Today is the final. What's so strange about me coming early?"

Su Mo put down his mobile phone and explained with a smile: "Although today's opponents are not a big threat to us, we must not be taken lightly. There are no underdogs who can make it to the finals!"

"Yes, Captain!"

The three players except Lu Fei nodded one after another.

Lu Fei was like discovering the New World, curiously approaching Su Mo, winking his eyes and said, "What's the situation? Why do you feel that something is wrong with you!"

"screw you!"

Su Mo smiled and cursed: "Why is something wrong with me?"

Lu Fei explained aloud: "Before, you didn't seem to be very concerned about the game. Today is very abnormal."


Su Mo's mouth twitched, and he said helplessly: "Today is the final. If you win, you can get the gold medal. No matter who it is, can't ignore the temptation of the gold medal, right?"

"That's the truth."

Lu Fei nodded, his eyes full of weirdness, "If others say this, I must believe it, but Captain, if you say this, I don't believe it."

"Gold medals may have a fatal temptation to other people, but to you? Tsk tsk, you have won nine gold medals, do you care about this one?"

"You must have something, although I don't know what it is, but it must have something to do with the gold medal, and it should be very important to you, otherwise you would never be like this."


Su Mo looked at the plausible Lu Fei, and said in amazement: "Why don't you become a detective? There is no one with this reasoning ability!"

Lu Fei's eyes lit up, "Captain, you mean I guessed it right?"

"Well, yes!"

Su Mo nodded. He was also surprised. He didn't expect Lu Fei to be so sensitive. He just arrived early and could guess so many things from it.

Lu Fei glanced at the three people who were discussing tactics a few meters away, and asked in a low voice, "Captain, can you tell me what it is? I'm really curious!"

Su Mo raised his brows and asked without a smile, "Want to know?"

Lu Fei nodded, "Yes!"

"miss you?"

Su Mo glanced at Lu Fei faintly, and said, "You're thinking about fart!"

Lu Fei: "..."

If you don't say it, don't say it, why do you verbally attack?

no quality!

It's not fun at all--

Looking at Lu Fei who was speechless, Su Mo twitched his mouth and asked casually, "Where is Coach Wu? Why didn't he see him?"

"The coach has gone to the venue and will see you later." Lu Fei replied.

No wonder.

Upon hearing this, Su Mo beckoned to the three people on the side, "Come here, let me say a few words."

The three of them hurriedly walked over and stood in a line in front of Su Mo, with excitement and tension on their faces; to be honest, to be able to reach the finals, this result has far exceeded their initial expectations.

Although Xia Guo's basketball is not weak, it has not been considered a strong international team for a long time.

Compared with the top teams, the gap still exists.

Before the games started, the goal of the few people was the top four, and even the top eight could accept it.

Don't watch Wu Yicheng yelling every day to win the gold medal, but the three of them are very clear in their hearts that the possibility is slim.

But right now, I really made it to the finals and defeated the No. 1 seed of the Games to advance to the finals. This made the three of them feel a little dreamy.

Moreover, the three of them also knew that everything should be attributed to Su Mo and Lu Fei. If they weren't for the two great gods, if they were only three of them, they would be able to guarantee that they wouldn't have a round trip at most. OK.

In the final contribution, Su Mo alone accounted for at least 70%, Lu Fei accounted for 20%, and the three of them together, at most only 10%.

Sometimes, the gap between people is so big.

However, the three of them were not jealous, but were very happy. They were so lucky to be able to get on the thighs like Su Mo and Lu Fei.

Therefore, the three of them were very convinced by Su Mo. Su Mo pointed out that they would never go west!

Su Mo got up, looked at the three people in front of him, and couldn't help but say in a deep voice: "The final is about to begin. Don't be too nervous. As long as you get the ball, you will try to pass it to me. Don't worry about it."



The trio and Lu Fei said in the same way.

Su Mo looked at the time and waved his hand confidently.

"It's almost time, let's go!"

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