The Strongest Learning System

Chapter 950: Zheng Changdong

Four to zero.

Simply, neat!

All of them ended in one round, and the two players from Qian Zhouguo couldn't even struggle.

Completely crushed by Su Mo alone.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, Qian Zhouguo's coach called a timeout.

When his own player came to the front, he directly yelled: "What are you playing? It's less than three minutes since it started, and it's four to zero. It's all cheering me up!"

"Coach, we are not to blame! That Su Mo is simply not a human being. Who can catch the serve just now?"

"That's right, where is playing table tennis? It's all about playing bullets!"

The two players also felt aggrieved, and they wanted to fight, but Su Mo didn't give them this kind of opportunity at all!

"It doesn't matter if you can't catch that serve."

Coach Qian Zhouguo said in a deep voice: "When you served just now, Su Mo was always fighting fast. You should pay attention to this and don't give him a chance to fight. He... the cost of fighting is too low!"

"Try to control it when you serve, lower the height, and serve short, understand?"

One of the tall players hesitated and explained: "Coach, wasn't my serve short enough? Isn't it low enough?"



The game continues.

I don't know if it was because the two serve of Su Mo were too domineering, which caused the two players from Qian Zhouguo to be obviously out of state.

Three games, all ended in 11:1!

Three to zero, the game ended easily.

Zheng Changdong walked to the rest area with a wonderful expression.

Because from the start of the game to the technique, he never touched the ball from start to finish.

This situation is simply ridiculous!

This is a doubles match!

I can't even touch the ball?

Could it be that this is the legendary lying win?

But why is he not happy at all!

Deng Xuduan saw Zheng Changdong who was silent and unceremoniously rewarded him, "Why, are you still happy after winning the game?"


Zheng Changdong clutched his head and said bitterly: "Coach, haven't you noticed that I haven't touched the ball since the start of the game?"

Deng Xuduan was obviously taken aback, he did not notice this.

Just now I was only concerned about appreciating Su Mo's football skills, how could I take these details into consideration.

Now when he heard Zheng Changdong say this, his eyes widened, and he asked in disbelief, "Isn't it? I didn't touch it at all?"


Zheng Changdong curled his lips aggrievedly, and almost cried out.

Deng Xuduan: "..."

Can't touch the ball in a doubles match?

It really refreshed his cognition!

Su Mo walked over and saw the appearance of the two of them. He couldn't help asking: "Coach Deng, Chang Dong, why do you all have this expression, we won the game, shouldn't we be happy?"


Deng Xu's mouth couldn't stop twitching.

Zheng Changdong said quietly: "Teacher Su, you let me play somehow. I won't be allowed to touch the ball in normal games. Don't play like this!"

"Hi, it was because of this?"

Su Mo smiled awkwardly, and explained: "I just hit the head a little bit, completely forgot that you are still behind me, next time you must pay attention, you must pay attention."

Deng Xuduan: "..."

Zheng Changdong: "..."


From the beginning to the end of the relationship, Su Mo didn't think that he still had a teammate.

This is too bad!

Su Mo looked at the silent expressions of the two of them, gave a dry laugh, and hurriedly fled the scene of the match.

He really forgot about it just now. Looking back on the whole game now, Zheng Changdong did not touch the ball...


It's so embarrassing!

Looking at the back of Su Mo leaving, Zheng Changdong was a little bit dumbfounded.

Deng Xuduan patted him on the shoulder and comforted: "Okay, it's not a big deal. In fact, this is also a good thing. At least you can get an extra gold medal!"

Zheng Changdong shook his head, "Coach, even without Teacher Su, I can get the gold medal in men's doubles."

Deng Xuduan: "..."

It is indeed the truth!

But he just wanted to comfort this kid, who knows that this kid is so bad.

He couldn't help but glared at Zheng Changdong, and said in a bad mood: "Then you can slowly sad yourself!"

After speaking, he turned and walked to the contestant channel.

Upon seeing this, Zheng Changdong hurriedly chased up, "The coach waits for me, in fact, this feeling is quite good..."


Xia Guo team lounge.

As soon as he walked in, Su Mo was surrounded by three women's team players.

The three girls looked at him with eagerness, admiration, liking, and even a trace of obsession.

This made Su Mo a little embarrassed, and he quickly raised his hands and surrendered: "Three sisters, what are you all looking at me doing like this? Is there a flower on my face?"

"Where is the flower like Teacher Su?"

"Yes, Teacher Su is much more beautiful than flowers!"

"Ms. Su, your serve just now was too good, and you couldn't see it clearly at all."

The three girls were chattering non-stop. Su Mo, who listened to him, had two big heads, and hurriedly stopped: "Stop, stop, three sisters, just call me Su Mo. My age should be younger than you. No need. One mouthful, Teacher Su, sounds weird!"

"Okay, Teacher Su." Xiao Leng smiled mischievously.

Su Mo: "..."

The woman is really hard to deal with, but her own Xiaoxi is cute!

He quickly turned away from the subject and asked aloud: "By the way, how did you play in the three games?"

"I was eliminated by Xiao Leng."

A girl with a prickly head said helplessly: "Except for me, Xiao Leng and Panpan have both advanced to the quarterfinals."

Hearing this, Xiao Leng was a little embarrassed and couldn't help but reminded: "Sixin, the game is a game, and it cannot affect our friendship."

"rest assured."

Sixin smiled and patted her head suddenly, "By the way, I have to report to the coaching area. You guys talk first."

With that, she turned and ran out of the lounge.

Xiao Leng stared at Su Mo and chuckled: "Mr. Su, at half past four, don't forget that we have another game."

"You are the one sent by the women's team?"

Hearing this, Su Mo was visibly stunned, but immediately realized the meaning of the words.

At 4:30 in the afternoon, the men's and women's doubles went eight to four.

It was said that it was eight-to-four, but it was actually just the first men's and women's doubles match, because only players can enter the quarter-finals to participate in the men's and women's mixed doubles.

The top eight players in the men's and women's groups included players from ten countries, but because of some reasons, two of them gave up the right to participate in the competition.

So the schedule that was supposed to play the group stage was directly changed to the knockout stage by the tournament group.

"Of course it is me!"

Xiao Leng smiled brightly and whispered: "Mr. Su, you may not know that after finishing the World Championships this year, I am already the number one female player in the world."

She is currently the No. 1 seed player of the Xia Guo women's team, none of them!

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