The Strongest Learning System

Chapter 934: Bright sword

This concludes the first day of the game.

Xia Guo team, eight men and women, all advanced, maybe this is why Xia Guo team is called the big devil.

On Weibo.

A netizen just posted a post saying that Su Mo was paddling in a basketball game, and some netizens posted Su Mo's table tennis group record on the back foot.

That gorgeous record silly all netizens.

All four games were won by three to zero, and the score was either 11:1 or 11:5.

At the bottom of the post, all kinds of demons and monsters appeared.

"God of Uh!"

"Surely Su Mo made this record?"

"Su Mo still plays table tennis? Fake it!"

"Niu Pian! Even Teacher Su is so good?"

"I wonder if our Xia Guo table tennis team has a halo buff. As long as the Xia Guo team is named, even a pig can win!"

"If this is the case, I can do it! I think I am at least better than a pig..."


Back to school, it was already past five o'clock in the afternoon.

Su Mo didn't return to the dormitory, but called Yan Jiuxi and ran directly to the cafeteria.

After ordering the meal, he silently waited for Yan Jiuxi.

"Xiao Mo!"

Soon, a beautiful shadow sat opposite Su Mo.

With a faint smile on Yan Jiuxi's face, she watched all of Su Mo's four games today.

All in all, just four words.

so amazing!

The opponents were all professional athletes, and Su Mo was able to win the victory with a crushing attitude. She almost looked stupid.

Especially the last game, all ended in 11:1.

So handsome-

Feeling Yan Jiuxi's admiring gaze, Su Mo smiled, "Xiaoxi, today I gave you some guesses during my break, and I will bring it to you after the meal."

"Xiao Mo, your level of table tennis is so good, even better than basketball!"

Yan Jiuxi smiled, "After the game is over, can you teach me too?"


Su Mo helplessly reminded: "Xiao Xi, I'm telling you what I suspected, where did you go?"

"That's not important!"

Yan Jiuxi blinked her eyes playfully, her cute appearance was so cute.

As for Su Mo?

He didn't have any resistance to Yan Jiuxi, and when he saw such a beautiful and delicious scene, he was instantly adorable.

"Well, as long as you want to learn, I can teach you anytime."

After that, Su Mo curtly scraped the lovely Qiong nose in front of him, in a particularly good mood.

He likes the feeling of Yan Jiuxi acting like a baby with himself——

"Thanks husband!"

Compared with before, today's Yan Jiuxi is extraordinarily bold.

This husband made Su Mo very useful, and the smile on his face became stronger, "Eat first, wait a while, let's go out for a walk."

"Yeah." Yan Jiuxi obediently replied.

Facing the scene of you and me, many students around immediately felt that the food on their plates was not fragrant.

What to eat?

Eat dog food and you'll be full!

The combination of Su Mo and Yan Jiuxi is simply a killer for men and women!

Boys envy Su Mo and girls envy Yan Jiuxi. These two people are almost everyone's perfect target standard.

However, the male **** and the goddess are together.

Ordinary people like them can only envy, envy, and hate!

Envy this kind of sweet to sudden love.

Envy of this kind of fairy love.

Hate, I was forcibly fed dog food!


The next day, eight o'clock in the morning.

In the second round of the basketball group match, this time the audience at the scene almost doubled compared to yesterday.

In the Xia Guo lounge, Su Mozheng and Lu Fei were talking and laughing, while Wu Yicheng kept studying the schedule.

Lu Fei asked: "Coach Wu, you watched a schedule for half an hour. Is it that good-looking?"

"I want to tell you bad news."

Wu Yicheng frowned slightly, and said in a deep voice: "This time we are in Group A with the Dayang team. There is only one team in each group to qualify."

"In other words, we are going to meet the Dayang team in advance."

The expressions of the three players except Su Mo and Lu Fei changed. Oceania is the overlord of the basketball world. Even if it is not as good as Xia Guo's position in the table tennis world, it is not much worse.

Coupled with the hard power of the Oceans team this time, it made the three of them feel a little unsure.

"Have you heard?"

A player whispered: "I heard that the Dayang team played against the Zhou Da team. The Dayang team won 96:27, which is nearly 70 points away from the Zhou Da team!"

"Is it so scary?"

"real or fake?"

The remaining two players exclaimed.

It is almost impossible for basketball to open up to seventy points. Everyone is a professional player, and winning or losing is generally controlled within 20 points.

Even if there is a big difference in strength, if you can open forty points, you can count on the sky.

But the Dayang team pulled away their opponents by nearly 70 points to win, which is too scary!

Wu Yicheng sighed slightly and said: "Because of this, it is not a good thing that we met the Ocean team in the group stage in advance."

"If you bump into it, you will bump into it. With Su Mo and me, what are you afraid of?"

Seeing the solemn appearances of several people, Lu Fei slowly shook his head.

Being timid before fighting is a big taboo!

"Lu Fei makes sense. The Ocean Team is also human, so there is nothing to be afraid of."

Su Mo smiled slightly and comforted: "As long as we work together, defeating the Ocean Team is not nonsense."

Upon seeing this, Wu Yicheng was a little embarrassed. He was really afraid of losing. In recent years, the Xia Guo team has not won a championship.

The best place is the third place!

Not strong or weak, but it makes him very embarrassed as a coach.

Especially this year, it was still at home. He really wanted to win the championship, so he cheekily invited Su Mo to participate in the competition.

But after seeing the courageous performance of the Dayang team, I felt a little guilty inexplicably, and I couldn't help but arouse an idea.

This year, can they really beat the Oceans team to win the championship?


Seeing everyone silent, Lu Fei looked at the schedule in Wu Yicheng's hand, turned his head and blinked at Su Mo, "Captain, today our opponent is Chihan team, let us play a little bit?"

Morale is very important!

If the three of them are dragging their feet when facing the Ocean Team, he and Su Mo alone are not enough. After all, this is a team competition.


Hearing this, Su Mo shrugged indifferently.


It seems that today's soy sauce cannot be beaten.

In this case, brighten the sword——


At half past nine, the players enter the field.

The audience burst into huge cheers.

"Lu Fei, Lu Fei..."

Only a few people were calling Su Mo's name, but they were immediately overwhelmed.

In the first group match, Lu Fei performed so well, almost leading a team by one person, and almost fulfilled the idol dream of all fans.

In the webcast room, fans of Lu Fei and Su Mo directly jumped on the bar.

"Lu Fei is so handsome!"

"Su Mo is much more handsome, OK?!"

"Cut--, Lu Fei's strength is stronger!"

"Who said that Su Mo also defeated Lu Fei in the college competition."

"Then it can only be said that Lu Fei's other players are too good. It's not that Su Mo is better than Lu Fei. You watched the last game. Su Mo was playing soy sauce all the time, and he didn't make any brilliant performance.

"Yes, I also think Lu Fei is stronger!"


The scene of the game.


As the referee's whistle sounded, the second group match officially began.

Both sides jump the ball.

Lu Fei and the opposing player took off at the same time, but he jumped higher and shot the ball directly behind him.

Su Mo received the ball accurately. He just dribbled the ball and found that all the opposing players were returning to defense. He didn't mean to care about him at all.

Seeing this scene, the corners of his mouth rose slightly.

Who do you look down on?

In that case, don't blame him for being rude!

Shot in place.

In this scene, watching all the spectators who were silly at the scene directly, there were bursts of exclamation in the audience.

"my God!"

"OMG, what the hell?"

"Is this to vote?"

"What about playing around?"

Not only was the audience surprised, even the five players of Chihan's team were stupid, a question mark in the forehead.

Do you dare to vote?

It's so bold!

Everyone on the scene stared closely at the basketball in the sky.


Hollow like a net, the ball is scored.

There was an uproar in the audience.


"This is fine too?"

"That man appeared, this is Su Mo's true level!"

"Go in, go in..."

In the webcast room, there was even more howling of ghosts and wolves.

"Niu Bian!"

"Su Mo, always drop God!"

"Is it possible to invest so far? This is an eight-fold lens, right?"

"This is the true level of Su Mo. At the beginning, in the college competition, he was a good shooter, nicknamed the existence of a great pitcher!"

"Who just said that Su Mo's strength is not as strong as Lu Fei? He has the ability to stand up!"

"Cut, isn't it just a ball? Maybe it's just good luck. If you have the ability to make another shot!"

on site.

The five players of the Chihan team were not particularly surprised. Although they were surprised to score this goal, they all thought it was just Su Mo's luck.

After all, at such a long distance, no one dared to say that he would definitely be able to make it.

Without any hesitation, the Chihan team launched a counterattack, but just after the ball crossed the midfield line, Lu Fei intercepted the ball.

In an instant, three Chihan players surrounded Lu Fei. Regarding the last game against Xia Guo, they did an in-depth study and found that Xia Guo team only had Lu Fei as a scorer, as long as Lu Fei was sealed. , Then this game must be won.

However, the Chihan team did not know that Su Mo had been playing soy sauce.

When Lu Fei saw that he was surrounded by the three of them, a discouraged smile appeared on his face.

Thought it would be okay to target him?


Lu Fei is very decisive, a high jump pass, the target is Su Mo.

Su Mo had just ran across the mid-to-long line at this time, saw the basketball flying over, made a hook with his left hand, and then stood still to shoot the basket again, not even bothering to take a step forward.

The basketball made a perfect arc in the air.


The ball is still hollow into the net.

The game only started less than a minute, it was already 6:0!

The players of Chihan team only realized something was wrong. How could they be so accurate?

Two goals in a row, both shots from super long distance, and both scored!


Is it luck or strength?

Chihan team players still attribute all this more to luck!

In the audience, countless fans flushed with excitement.

"I'm going, this is too accurate!"

"Go in again!"


"Is this driving away?"

"Eight times the mirror is said to be missing, at least eighty times the mirror, it's amazing!"

It burst directly in the webcast room.

"However, I have no literacy, and I will walk the world in one sentence!"


"This is the Su Mo in the college competition!"

"My Su Mo is invincible..."

"Well, I'll give 118 points for this shooting level, and an extra 18 points, let me shout: Sixty-six, sixty-six!"

"A bit strong, at least Lu Fei can't do that."


The scene of the game.

Wu Yicheng waved his fists excitedly on the sidelines, and said loudly: "That's it, that's it, keep this rhythm..."

Many viewers who were close by heard this and couldn't help but complain in their hearts.

That's it?

I can do it too!

It's like someone who doesn't know how to scream!

The game continued, this time Chihan's offense was perfect, passing the ball three times in a row, and the last three-pointer was taken and the ball was scored.

However, the next scene is even more exaggerated.

The Xia Guo team kicked off and the ball went directly to Su Mo.

Su Mo stood near the free-throw line in his own half and flicked vigorously with one hand, and the ball flew directly into the sky.

On the other side, Lu Fei had already crossed the midfield line, and the Chihan team's players immediately reacted, and the two players went to Lu Fei's side.

The fans at the scene could not help but squeeze a sweat when they saw this scene.

Everyone believes that Su Mo is playing with Lu Fei, but the key is that Lu Fei is blocked by the opponent's player, and the right to the ball is probably going to fall into the opponent's hands.

Not to mention the audience, even the commentary thinks so.

"Oh, fast break, no, Lu Fei's route is blocked..."

But the next scene that happened directly silenced the audience.


I saw the basketball in the air accurately got into the Chihan team's basket.

A three-pointer!

The whole stadium was quiet for three or four seconds, and the cheers that erupted afterwards were almost as deafening as the roof of the stadium was lifted.

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