The Strongest Learning System

Chapter 896: Fuck him!

At the recording site, under the bright lights, Wang Tao strode onto the stage, and the audience cheered.

"I'm coming!"

"Teacher Wang is still so handsome!"

"After waiting for a year, it's finally about to start!"

"Where am I?"

"What's the hurry? It's not yet for the judges!"

Wang Tao is dressed in a formal suit. He looks like he is in his thirties when he is nearly fifty years old. He said in a deep voice, "Welcome to the recording site of the first phase of the 6th Brain King Contest. Wang Tao."


There was a round of applause.

"Compared with last year, this year's competition system is newly upgraded, more cruel and more tense. Whether it is the audience or the audience in front of the TV, you must prepare quick-acting heart-saving pills in advance!" Wang Tao joked solemnly.


There was a burst of laughter at the scene.

"Compared with last year, not only the competition system, but also the judges lineup has changed."

Wang Tao said: "This year's lineup of judges can almost be said to be the strongest in history. I believe everyone has heard of it, not much nonsense. Here are three judges."

The music plays.

The big screen slowly opened, revealing the figures of Su Mo, Su Xiaofei, and Wen Yuxuan. The two women stood on both sides of Su Mo, obviously Su Mo dominated.

Cheers on the scene sounded into a film.

"Su Mo Benmo, excited!"

"Brother, excited, excited, chicken... don't move, come to me!"

"Wow, Su Xiaofei is also a judge? I'm going, the show team is big enough!"

"That's right, the ratings of Brain King Competition this year are estimated to scare a lot of people to death. With the terrifying popularity of Su Mo and Su Xiaofei, the ratings are not much lower."

"I am ashamed of Su Mo, I can obviously rely on appearance, and I must rely on talents willful, he deserves to be hot!"

"Three teachers, please wait a moment."

Wang Tao walked up to the three and asked aloud: "Three teachers, I believe you are all familiar with the variety show Brain King. Here I would like to ask the three teachers what are their expectations for this year's contestants." ?"

"Let's start with Yuxuan first."

Wen Yuxuan heard that she was named, and a hint of tension flashed across her small face. She was nervous not because of the battle at the scene, but because of the two big guys beside her. She cleared her throat and said: "I almost I have watched every episode of the show several times in each session. I like this variety show so much. The players are all geniuses at the master level. I hope they can conquer my brain!"

It was Su Xiaofei's turn. Compared to Wen Yuxuan, she seemed much calmer, and slowly said: "Mr. Wang, there is an evildoer standing next to me. What else can I expect from this year's players."

"Can't be compared, can't be compared."

Wang Tao chuckled and waved his hand: "How can our Su Da genius be comparable to ordinary people? We won't play with him!"

Su Xiaofei smiled softly and suddenly said, "By the way, I remember that there was a player named Shizun among the contestants this year. I heard that he and Su Mo were from the same school. They were the top scorers in the college entrance examination in Jiangbei Province this year. Looking forward to the performance of the World Honored Players."

As soon as he said this, Wang Tao's expression instantly changed, and he gave Su Xiaofei a wink in secret, but Su Xiaofei didn't seem to see it, and he didn't mean to remedy it at all.

There was a lot of discussion in the audience.

"Huh, didn't Su Xiaofei watch the latest news?"

"Yeah! Why mentioning the Blessed One at this time is so ruining the atmosphere!"

"Actually, I don’t think the World Honored has done anything wrong. As the saying goes, everyone has a heart for beauty. Yan Jiuxi is so beautiful, and he hasn’t married Su Mo yet. It’s not too much for him to pursue it. On the contrary, It's Su Mo, who beat World Zun like that, without a trace of seniority at all."

"Haha--, brother, are you lunatic?"

"A man harassing your girlfriend, what would you do?"

"Nonsense, of course I chopped him off with a knife!"

"Huh, really ** double standard!"

Su Mo's eyes flashed slightly, his expression remained unchanged, as if he hadn't heard Su Xiaofei's words.

Upon seeing this, Wang Tao said quickly: "This year's players are very strong. Even last year's runner-up Song Lixin also participated again. In my opinion, Song Lixin is a strong contender for this year's championship."

"As far as I know, the World Honored player ranked first in the audition, and Song Lixin was only second, right?"

Su Xiaofei said without realizing it: "Moreover, the difference in the audition results of the two players is not so big, I think this year's champion must be the World Honored One."


At this time, Wang Tao didn't know how to pick it up. Wen Yuxuan on the side looked up at the headlight above, and said silently in her heart: "Don't ask me, don't ask me..."

But, the more you are afraid of something, the more something will come—

Wang Tao really didn't know how to pick it up, and Su Xiaofei's coffee position was so high, he couldn't say anything to refute. In desperation, he could only put the topic aside and watch the light, Wen Yuxuan, and asked: "Yuxuan, Which player do you like?"

Wen Yuxuan: "..."


Why do you want to ask her?

Obviously it was a fight between the gods, so why did she drag her in as a mortal?

No disaster!

Although very reluctant, Wen Yuxuan still whispered: "Teacher Wang, I think this year's players are very strong, and they are all in the middle of the field. This is really hard to say, hard to say..."

After spending so long in the entertainment industry, she still knows how to talk to Xi Mu Wen Yuxuan.

Seeing the look of begging in Wen Yuxuan's eyes, Wang Tao secretly gave a look, as if to say: "Sorry, I can't help it, forgive me."


"Okay, then it's Teacher Su Mo's turn."

Wang Tao introduced: "For Teacher Su Mo, I believe everyone is already familiar with him. He is the well-deserved first person among the younger generation of Xia Guo, and he was also the champion of last year's brain king competition, and he is also leading the Xia Guo team. In the Brain King World Championship, he won the world championship with a crushing posture. Everyone welcomes applause!"


There was an unprecedented cheer on the scene, especially those girls who seemed to be crazy.

"Su Mo, I love you!"

"Su Mo Su Mo, No. 1 in the world!"

"My male **** is so handsome!"

"Fart, this is my male god, go cool while you~~~"


No, girls are not bad either!

In the face of idols that I worship, I have long forgotten how the word ‘reserved’ was written.

Wang Tao nodded to Su Mo and asked, "Su Mo, what do you want to say to this year's players?"

"I want to say a lot."

A smile appeared on Su Mo Gujing Wubo's face, "Then I will pick some more important things to talk about. Personally, I have high expectations for this year's players."

"Believe the contradiction between me and the World Honored player, everyone has also seen some on the news. I am not a generous person. On the contrary, I am still stingy.

The corner of Su Mo's mouth rose slightly, and he said, "I make a promise to all the players this year. If anyone can eliminate the world-honored person, I can do something for you within my own ability!"

"Anyway, just one sentence, **** him!"

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