The Strongest Learning System

Chapter 124: Three questions for death!

Su Mo took a bite of the steamed buns, and as soon as he looked up, he saw An Ran staring at him.

How did you offend this young lady?

How do you feel An Ran's eyes, as if to kill him?


"What did you talk to the senior sister just now?"

An Ran's lips lightly opened, and there was a hint of coldness in his voice.

"Nothing to talk about!"

When Su Mo heard An Ran's question, he explained helplessly: "I was running, the senior sister took the initiative to say hello, and then I just chatted with her."


An Ran looked at Su Mo with a disapproving look, and couldn't help but snorted coldly, "What is there to talk about with such a girl?"


"Is she beautiful?"


"Is her figure good?"


"Is her temperament good?"


Faced with An Ran's death, Su Mo immediately shut himself down. What is this all about?

Su Mo is now a little doubtful whether An Ran took the wrong medicine, this is not the An Ran he knew!

"Miss Ann, why are you so wrong today?"

"I...I just want to remind you that you have Xiaoxi, don't walk too close to other girls, what would she think if Xiaoxi saw it today?"

There was obviously a trace of panic in Yan Jiuxi's eyes, but Su Mo didn't notice it.

"Xiao Xi is fine when I see it. I just chatted casually with that senior sister. Have you done anything wrong? What am I afraid of?"

Facing An Ran's reminder, Su Mo couldn't help but mutter, but his voice was small, but An Ran still heard him.

"Do you know girls or do I know?"

An Ran's beautiful eyes were full of murderous aura. She didn't expect Su Mo to even dare to talk back. When she saw Su Mo and Liu Ruoruo talking and laughing this morning, she was annoyed!

"You know you know, Miss Ann, I know I was wrong, and I will pay attention in the future."

Su Mo was stared at by An Ran like this, and instantly felt a tingling scalp, and he admitted his mistake very bachelor's.

No matter what, don't hold back with women, especially beautiful women, or they will die miserably.

Su Mo understands this principle very well, anyway, admitting a mistake will reduce the meat.

"If I find the same thing again next time, I will tell Xiaoxi directly."

An Ran could see the perfunctory expression in Su Mo's expression, and immediately released his own ultimate move.

Su Mo's face suddenly turned black, he really just wanted to curse now.

Who on earth did he provoke?

Didn’t you just chat with senior sister?

Is this wrong?

"You really are Xiaoxi's good girlfriend!"


After Su Mo returned to the dormitory, the whole person was still very depressed.

If I knew this, I might as well lie down in bed for a while.

What steps are you going to run?

It's so idle!

"I put breakfast on the table. Don't forget to eat the three of you."

Su Mo looked at the three people each holding their mobile phones, but also very speechless.

These three guys are really lazier than the other. If there is anything better than laziness, the three of them can definitely take the top three.

I would rather be hungry than eat in the cafeteria.

It is also famously said that this is to save food for the country.


As soon as the three of them heard Su Mo's words, they immediately put down their phones, put on their clothes as fast as they could, and started a food fight. Su Mo also rolled his eyes.

Zhao Tian: "Boss, you are so kind. To have a boss like you is really a blessing to me in my last life!"

Wang Ye: "That is, not only can I help with homework, but I can also help bring meals. I am afraid that the entire National Taiwan University will never find a good person like the boss."

Zhang Xiaochuan: "If the boss can help wash the clothes, that would be even better."

When Zhao Tian and Wang Ye heard Zhang Xiaochuan's words, they looked at Su Mo very much.


This is the voice of Su Mo gritted his teeth. He really regrets now why he brought food to the three of them. It's really cheap!

"Boss, Ogawa said this idea. I have never thought about it like this."

As soon as Zhao Tian saw Su Mo's appearance, he quickly hid aside.

Wang Ye nodded as well, looking extremely scared.

Can you not be afraid!

If Su Mo is not happy, even Zhao Tian, ​​the young master of Seven Pinxuan, would dare to beat him, Wang Ye would naturally be extremely afraid.

The actions of Zhao Tian and Wang Ye made Zhang Xiaochuan dumbfounded.

Is this really a brother?

It was just pushing him into the fire pit!

"Old... boss, I... I was joking with you just now, you must..."


There was another scalp-numbing scream from the 403 dormitory. Fortunately, it was morning. If it were at night, people would think it would be haunted.

Su Mo had no class today, so he just lay in the dormitory for a day.

If the principal Li Renhui knew about this, he would definitely jump his feet with anger.

This is the so-called no time?

What are you talking about!

In fact, Su Mo said that he didn't have time, so he just refused, he just didn't bother to explain it.

Although Su Mo lasted all night and finally solved the BDY conjecture, he was dizzy for several days afterwards.

This is obviously overuse of the brain!

Anyway, after Brain Kings is broadcast next week, his popularity will definitely increase explosively, so Su Mo didn't bother to work hard to crack the five major mathematical conjectures.

The reason for guaranteeing like Li Renhui was that it was forced to be impossible.

Otherwise, with Su Mo's temperament, he would never agree to such troublesome things.

People are big guys, how can they give the big guys a little face!

At 7:40 in the evening, the three people in the dormitory were already holding their mobile phones, waiting for the first episode of Brain King to air.

The same thing is happening in countless places. It can be said that recently because of the popularity of Su Mo, more and more people are paying attention to the brain king competition.

When eight o'clock arrived, many people quickly switched to Dadongtai.

"Welcome to the recording scene of the first episode of the fifth season of Brain King..."

The voice of supporter Wang Tao resounded through thousands of households.

When those abnormal projects were successfully challenged by the players one by one, all the audience in front of the TV also exclaimed.

However, until the end of this period, I still didn't see Su Mo, which made most of the viewers in front of the TV unavoidable disappointment.

Because many people came to see Su Mo, they only cared about whether Su Mo passed the knockout match of Brain King.

Without seeing Su Mo, I would naturally be disappointed.

But the program team of Brain Kings had already anticipated this, so at the end of the first period, there was a ten-second preview.

There is only this sentence in the trailer, "Let us invite No. 1 player Su Mo, where is the applause?"

All the spectators were suddenly covered. Is Su Mo going to play in the second period?

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