"Tell the whole army! My name is Charlotte von Roenstein! There's a trap in the enemy formation! Retreat as far as you can!

When he heard his voice, the Duke of Roenstein was exhaling roughly on his horse.

Its right hand is holding its chest.

"Duke! Miss Charlotte!

"I know... I'm here...!

The Duke of Roenstein shakes his head again and again to heal his blurred vision as he manages to answer.

I went out to the front with my old body and used magic many times. Because of that fatigue, the seizure of the disease was imminent.

It's still early.

It can't be over yet.

Saying that to his own body, the Duke of Roenstein moves the horse forward.

But I couldn't stand the light shake.

Out of balance on the horse, the Duke of Roenstein nearly fell off the horse.

A minister who was nearby rushes to support him.



"Come on! It's a seizure! Duke to the rear!!

"Don't... you have to..."

"I'm impotent with that body!!

That being said, the Duke of Roenstein was unloaded from his horse by a minister.

The minister tries to carry it backwards as it is, but the Duke of Roenstein desperately resisted.

"Non... stay back...!

"It's life-threatening!

"I'm throwing my life away, etc!!

"At least wait till the symptoms settle!

"My granddaughter dies while I'm calm!! Why is the lightning barrier on the main force when there is a trap......!? Charlotte's still out there!

The Duke of Roenstein crawls and tries to move forward, but his body doesn't move satisfactorily.

I can't breathe well and my vision gets cloudy.

I never felt more sorry for myself than I do now.

Reaching toward the main formation, my heart shudders knowing that I will not reach it.

I still can't follow my body to the point where I think it is.

So the Duke of Roenstein raised his voice.

"Anyone! Save Charlotte! Save me! Give me the granddaughter of Non and Marquis Zweik!

Called the Thunder God, he has sent many enemy soldiers to hell.

I thought the disease was its punishment.

I killed myself too much.

But Char's not.

Born as an iridescent discoloration, he grew up feeling the difference from around him. Still grew up straight with me. Yet he was invaded by the same disease.

I lost my parents early and my beloved grandfather too.

And my remaining self is gone.

At least I thought I was happy.


I can't believe we're waiting for this to end.

I won't admit it. No.

With that in mind, the Duke of Roenstein manages to move forward.

That's when I heard voices.

"I'll go. Don't give up."

Hearing that voice, the Duke of Roenstein stopped moving forward.

Shake your body instead.

And grumbled against the minister.

"... put it up"

"Yes? What!?

"Raise the double sword flag......! His Royal Highness is out...!

So the Duke of Roenstein shook his strength and stood up with his horse as his support.

■ ■ ■

"I'm not scared... we're all in this together..."

Charles kept talking about it all the time in the walls.

A large number of demon mentors appeared in the main unit to try to eliminate such a shal.

That number was over twenty just visible.

Where the hell did you hide such a number of demon mentors?

Not bad quality for each and every one of them.

I would have bounced it back if I had put it on the front.

With that in mind, Charles stares at the Wizards in the face of the wall.

"This is your work?

"Whatever. It's our work."

That's what one magician answered.

Charles revealed his anger at the answer.

"Works? What do you think kids are!?

"Tools, though?

Without even thinking about it, the Wizard returned it so naturally.

Evidence that I have no doubt about my thoughts.

It's crazy.

With that in mind, Charles was beginning to think it was a bad idea.

Because it's crazy, I'm not even lost in action.

The magicians turned their hands on Schal's wall of defense.

We're magically going to break Schal's fence.

"It's not something that can be prevented by that level of fence, but it's hard to suppress the power."

That's how the Magic Instructors begin their magical chants.

But the chant was immediately interrupted.

"Dear Sieg, magnificently ascend!

"What no!?

As Zeke descended from the sky, when he landed on the head of the Mage, he slit the neck of the Mage who was nearby and also snapped the neck of the Mage he had landed on.

Two people were instantly hit.

That switches the target of the Magic Instructors to Siege.

But in the meantime, another was coming.

"Are you all right? Dear Charlotte,"

"Lynphia... why...?

"That's right! Why are you here!? We're gonna get caught in an explosion!?

How long will it take to reach the limit?

Unlike the wizards who have that information.

This was supposed to be a dead place for the Sieges.


"I was told not to give up."

"I don't have a hand to hit! Get out of here!

"Sounds like the kid's not, huh?

Sieg, who was fighting the Magic Instructor, retreats once beside Lynphia.

And the two put up their weapons.

"Master Al will not come forward without measures."

"I don't know if that will work! Even now, let the whole army down! Stop him, too!

"If you want to stop and listen, you won't have a hard time. Neither."

Yes, the moment Sieg said it.

A black eagle lion descended from the sky.

"Stupid! Until the General!?

"I'm sorry if I didn't come forward."

That's what Leo said. He slashed the amazing magician.

And the battle began.

Leo and the others are at a disadvantage on the number, but the number of the Mages is reduced while protecting each other's backs.

And only one magician was left behind.

A black robe wizard, a wizard beside Gordon.

"I'm surprised. Prince Leonardo."

"What do you want?

"The stupidity."

"They often say that."

With that said, Leo descends from the noir and slowly turns to the Magic Instructor.

The Wizard manipulates the black shadow like a whip, attacking Leo, but Leo slashed it with one blow.

The Wizard opens his eyes to the act of slashing magic, but still cannot afford it.

"It's a big deal... but you can't stop it"

"I know. I have no hitter."

"So why did you say you were here? If the general dies, the army will take you on the road, right?

"I guess. But my brother seems to have a knockout."

"It's just barbaric. No one will be helped."

"How about that? I believe in my brother."

"Do you believe in the outcast prince? You don't seem to know the weight of your life."

That's what the Wizard activates the magic.

A black shadow covers the perimeter of Leo.

And the shadow struck from all sides.

"You idiot! This is what happens because I believe in my brother!

"Good for you. I'm the other guy."

"What no...?

Leo broke through the intact, black shadow.

And dive into the poetry of the Magic Instructor.

"If Erna was the other guy, she would have died of pain. You make fun of your brother because you hate him."

"Goddamn it! We're on the road anyway! There is no escape for you who cannot enter the mountain junction!

I believe in my brother.

That's what Leo said. He slashed the head off of the magician.

Having eliminated the enemies around Shall, Leo slowly approaches Shall.

"Your Highness..."

"My brother will be here soon. Let's wait till then."

"Then at least just stand back, Your Highness!

"Not now."

Leo replies with a laugh.

Gordon's voice reached the ears of those Leos.

"All generals! Stop Arnold! Never let them move forward! If this operation succeeds, victory becomes our thing! We're Ardler's army! Let's take what we want! Let's take away the victory and country like usurpers!!

That's what Gordon set out to do to stop Al.

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