It wasn't until a while ago that I felt something was wrong with the front line.

Even though William is no longer visible, his enemy's morale has not dropped at all. On the contrary, morale is on the rise.

I thought you were backing down and taking command, but apparently not.

"Bring the main formation forward. Rendezvous with the Duke of Roenstein"

"Ha! HQ forward!

As I give instructions, I wrap my tongue around the actions my enemies would have taken.

Perhaps the enemy did something more sophisticated.

"The commander has changed at some point."

"Replacing Prince William means"

"Oh, I guess Gordon came out of HQ. Gordon is compatible with the Northern Alliance of Horse Riding Subjects. Meanwhile, Leo's army has an aviation unit, and Leo himself runs the sky. William is better suited than Gordon."

Having said that, it is an advanced craftsmanship for commanders to take turns without the enemy understanding them.

Coming out of the main force, Gordon meant that William took over the command he had been doing along the way uncomfortably.

It's hard to take over after what others were doing.

We can't do this unless we know exactly what we're going to do with each other.

"You're my best friend even if you rot"

"So you're saying Prince William went to Master Leonardo's, right? Will you be all right?"

"You're fine. For Leo in terms of compatibility, William is better compatible than Gordon. He's a balanced opponent."

I arrived on the front line saying that.

Did the Duke of Roenstein also think something was wrong, the attack has stopped.

"Duke, Gordon's out."

"Again, well... couldn't you tie the dragon prince off"

"Not bad if you think you pulled out the General"

Seeing the enemy formation as they pull their horses over to the Duke of Roenstein.

Then the enemy soldiers began to cheer.

Did you see this one come forward, and the other one came forward?

"Can you make my voice fly?

When I asked him that, the Duke of Roenstein called the Magic Master.

The magic of loudness is not that difficult. But on the battlefield, we have to save magic.

I still need the Duke of Roenstein to work for me, and I guess he's going to do that over there.


"Okay...... long time no see, huh? Gordon. Since the Empire?

My voice reaches the enemy.

My voice returned against it.

"Well, you're still busy, aren't you? Arnold."

That's what Gordon showed up on the horse.

I can afford to float on that face.

Apparently, as for Gordon yet, the situation is within the assumptions.

"How is it that you, who hated to live as a prince and who was not always like a prince, would bring together the northern lords as a prince?

"I still hate living as a prince. I'm not from the Ardler clan, am I? But you can't prioritize individualism in ordering more than 10,000 people to die. Until this war is over, I'm determined to be Ardler."

Ardler has the charm to attract people.

It's an easy-to-understand charm.

I think you're stupid about that. Some of me. But some of them say they prefer such an idiot.

The same goes for the northern lords.

By his father's realistic judgment, they licked the bitterness.

That's why I need to dream.

It's best to be like Ardler for that.

It's not like playing.

Should I put my side on the table?

No matter how far I go, I'm royal.

Because of the bloodshed of a nasty, greedy Ardler.

"What do you mean, like Ardler?

"I'm not giving up. Always continue to seek the best results in any difficulties. This war is Ardler's inner circle. That's why we settle like Ardler"

I'll put the North together, and I'll win the war. Let Leo give you a hand, too, and stand around so that the imperial feud is in your favor.

And I can help. Let's save lives.

As Leo always does.

"Don't make me laugh! Waiting for you is not the best result! Worst possible outcome!

"Then show it to me. I even rebelled that I was worthy of an emperor. Why don't you show me that vessel!?

"Let me show you, even if you don't tell me! All units, prepare to attack!

That's what Gordon said, and he's launched a fierce assault.

■ ■ ■

"Right wing retreat! The enemy's offense is intensifying!

"The left wing is in a good fight! Pushing in!!

I close my eyes while listening to the report.

Drawing in your head is a battlefield from the sky.

What is happening now if I look at it from the sky? Reproduce it completely in your head.

"The enemy forces are concentrating their attack on the right wing, right? Still letting him back down?

"Still retreating. The central unit maintains the status quo. Left flank, let's move on."

"What are you gonna do? If we keep this up, they're pushing the right wing too far, and they're gonna poke us next to the main unit, right?

"I don't give a shit like that"

As I say, I look at the enemy and predict the timing.

The aim is the moment the enemy puts his back on the attack on the right wing.

This one has the right wing pushed in and the left wing is moving forward.

It means it forms a diagonal of the left ascent.

This one is still in formation, so the enemy wants to crush this one with their main hips. So focus on the right side somewhere.

And it's the moment when that moment becomes the enemy's most vulnerable.

"Come, come, come..."

That's what I whine about as I look at the enemy's main line.

Did you get caught up in that voice, or the enemy's main unit showed only a little movement?

I'm not sweet enough to miss that move.

"Send a signal to the third party waiting on the mountain side!! Let them penetrate the side of the enemy!!

"Roger that!

This one is diagonal up the left, which means the enemy's left wing is protruding.

An aspect that is supposed to be protected by the mountains. I'm out of that protection.

And the greatest strength of the Northern Alliance of Horse Riding Subjects is assault.

Horseback riding is the only way to run. I'm not good at stopping and defending myself.

Somehow it was necessary to create a situation in which the assault lived.

A diagonal formation was laid for it. As the enemy pushes in.

Mandarin Gordon hooked up and concentrated his attack on the right wing. William hasn't abandoned his insults to me yet.

So even while I doubt the possibility of a trap, I'm easily attacking that I'll be able to go.

At that moment, the enemy's consciousness is poured only into breaking through the right wing.

So the response to the third formation, which has stormed from the side, was greatly delayed.

Poke the enemy's flank and ravage the enemy as it is.

Along with that, I rebuild my formation and push my enemies in.

"Come on! Retreat! Retreat!"

"You can't retreat! Friends behind us!


I hear the screams of my enemies.

The third formation was a force to hold down an enemy coming down the mountain.

Without it, the enemy sees it as a chance and goes down the mountain. Because I've always wanted that opportunity.

But then there's no room for front-line troops to fall back.

The formation of the enemy is disturbed by the inability to retreat temporarily.

Then what awaits is annihilation.

Ahead of the enemy's rear army. Roughing it all around, seeing the enemy in havoc, I temporarily lower the Third Formation.

"Duke, give the soldiers a break. The other side takes time to rebuild. Let's rest in the meantime."

"Got it. What are you gonna do next?

"It depends on the enemy. You won't attack me cheaply anymore. We'll be seeing each other again."

"Is it still empty to decide the war situation"


That's how me and the Duke of Roenstein looked up into the sky.

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