The Strongest Dull Prince's Secret Battle for the Throne

Lesson 339: The Forty-Seven Gates of the North

It was not until two days later that the northern nobles assembled in a formation strewn on the hills of Gnarde.

There are forty-seven nobles in the north. Commonly known as the forty-seven northern gates.

Of which seven nobles went under Leo, and gathered together forty.

Already the Duke of Lowenstein family has finished the battle support, and you will see that the other nobles are also fights.

The question is which one to fight.

A long desk will be provided in a huge tent, with the Duke of Lowenstein in the upper seat. From there, Zlari and the northern nobility line up, and at the end of the seat, Charles sits. Behind that I was holding back.

Char is the last seat only to represent the Marquis of Zweik. And for consideration of other northern aristocrats.

Schal's blood muscles are the best in the north. But if the little girl takes too big an attitude, she feels distrustful.

Only the presiding officer took the form of Duke of Roenstein. It's all up to Charles to decide.

"Ladies and gentlemen, thank you for your time from afar."

"Say what. Now a letter from the late Marquis Zweik. And the presence of the Duke of Roenstein. There are no such people in the northern Forty-Seven Gates as those drawn to the Territory in response to this."


"Duke! Show me your policy!

"Let's unite in the north and get to the problem!!

Words are spoken one after another.

I don't think Leo's request was ever met by anyone who didn't look forward to it.

Waiting to settle down, the Duke of Roenstein made a statement.

"Non plays war. But this is the decision of Non, not the decision of the Northern Marquis. Now the late Marquis Zweik hoped that the Northern Marquis would agree, and sent a letter to everyone. Under these circumstances, what do we all think?

"The way His Highness Gordon behaves is beyond my sight!

"Absolutely right! Drawing blood from the north, I don't even think about the north and other fine dust!

"But the Emperor is also the Emperor! He's sending a prince with little experience in a massive battle, prolonging the battle! We should form an alliance with the Empire early and solve domestic problems, but we are taking the North lightly!

"Not at all! If General Princess was coming up north, we wouldn't have had to check on her! It was the Emperor who created a situation where neither could win!

Half opinion.

But I don't have an opinion about Gordon.

I only don't want to be attached to Gordon, but the opinion is that the emperor is unhappy too.

Gordon should have joined forces with northern aristocracy when he entered the north. But shortly after entering the north, Gordon apparently wasn't in a situation where he could move properly in the defeat of the Imperial Capital.

That's why William took all command. As a result, there was no consortium with the northern nobility.

You won't be able to blame William. If we do not consolidate our ground in the north, we will have to flee into the clan. The only way to avoid that was to forcibly but to take the territory of the northern aristocracy.

In the end, it is arguably the limit of William, the prince of another country, but it is also arguably holding up to this point because he is William.

"May I ask what the Duke thinks?

"It's Non's idea... Gordon is my beloved daughter's son. He is a grandson, albeit royal. But it's no big deal compared to northern ties such as blood ties. I'm not going to Gordon."

"Then to the Emperor?

"Hmm... as abominable as it sounds. My daughter appeared long before the war. I've asked Gordon for help. Speak for yourself. Non's daughter was not that ugly. This is also because I went into the demon cave of a woman called the Back Palace. The cause lies with the Emperor."

The Duke told him to throw it away.

When I heard that, we all got a look of confusion.

No one will think you will be emperor when you hear about it now.

I can't even get to Gordon. I can't even be an emperor.

So, who do you mean?

The answer to that question lay ahead of the Duke's gaze.

Still ahead of the Duke's stare, there was a chal, and the gaze of the northern aristocracy began to be directed at the chal.

"It looks like Miss Charlotte has the answer. Can I ask you something?

"Now let me give you a suggestion from me. I am currently here in the name of the Marquis of Zweik. I'm the one who sent you all the letters. I propose - to form a coalition of the Northern Hordes. To discuss Gordon, the culprit of the Northern chaos."

"... does that mean you'll be emperor?

"No, we will be the next emperor. The General of the Union will also serve as his companion."

That's what Charles gave me his place.

The road is ready. I'm just saying I left the rest to you.

Surely there will be no disobedient nobility if you get this far. Because there is no other way.

Morale is also high in the Duke's appearance.

But as long as I'm involved, there's no denying morale. That's all the Northern aristocracy's distrust of the royal family is huge.

That's why I don't know what to do with it.

It's impotent and impossible... but the consideration paid by Charles is huge.

I can't say no. Don't say it.

"I guess most of us will meet first. Let's start by introducing ourselves. Seventh Prince of the Empire, Arnold Lakes Ardler."

Picking up the black hood I was wearing, I named myself Northern Nobles.

At that moment, my resentful gaze focused on me.

So much pressure that if you're weak, you won't be able to speak.

But I'm used to that extent.

"... you wiped out prince!

"What do you mean? Miss Charlotte?"

"As it is. As for Prince Leonardo, we will form the Confederation of the Northern Marquis with Prince Arnold as the Alliance Leader. This is the only way to make the North cheap, including after the war."

No one disagrees with Shall's words.

The means of becoming the next emperor is not uncommon. It is not uncommon to say that it is in a local area.

'Cause it's huge in return.

No matter how dissatisfied he is with the current state of war, Leo is fighting with Northern considerations in mind. Compared to Gordon, it's the difference between cloud mud. I guess that's why there's no objection there either.

But not without objection.

"Guys, you have a face where you think. You don't like the royal family that much?

"Hate it? I'm sorry about that. Your Highness."

"You look like you want to kill me. You want to try?

"Just what I want! Send your neck to the Emperor!

One nobleman rises in blood, but the nobility around him suppresses it.

That's the answer, their strength.

"What's up? You're not gonna do it? It's not like you can't force yourself to shake it off, is it?


"... let's apologize for the disrespect. I fooled myself when I knew I was going to stop."

"What no...!?

When I lowered my head gently, I slowly walked out.

Each and every one of them, to see the face of the northern nobility.

"You have been treated colder than the center of the Empire. Three years ago, the Crown Prince died on the northern border. Sorrow turned to anger and turned to the northern aristocracy as a gateway."

Nobody says anything.

Just staring at me.

"You have endured it. Marquis Zweik stood on the arrow, but there would have been many other hard things to do. Still - you guys did nothing. I chose to endure. Why not? It should have been a humiliation for brave northern aristocrats from generation to generation. There should even have been an option to start a revolt. Why?

Arriving at the end of the long desk, I had eyes with the Duke of Roenstein.

Its eyes remained sharp, but somewhere it seemed to enjoy this situation.

Pushed back by those eyes, I look back.

"The answer is because you are aristocrats who have taken root in the North and defended the North. I couldn't forgive my pride! that the land of the north shall be burned by war, and that the people of the north shall suffer. So you took the choice to endure. But...... now its northern land is a battlefield. What you defended against humiliation is being trampled upon and vandalized. Is that good? There's no way it's good!!

I fist myself in the chest.

They look a lot like me.

It moves with my beliefs. For non-transferable objects.

"The people of the Empire will wipe me out and behave with the prince. It is with you. And I think I am, too. My brother took a lot of things. But I'm not zero. Not nothing. I still have things like this. Responsibility of the royal family, responsibility to his brother, responsibility to the people. If I give it to you, I don't have the chili. There are things left where they are squeezed out. With you, right? There must be a mind to think of the land of the north because of the loss of loyalty to the royal family. There must be a mind to think of the people of the North because there is no more respect for the royal family. I endured humiliation because I couldn't give it away! Brilliant - I'm impressed!

I give the words I once gave to the Northern aristocracy.

It feels good to be admitted. Whoever it is, it is.

If you stand for it, I want you to admit it. Naturally as a human being I want you to notice.

Sometimes you can work hard with one word.

That's what I once was.

They've gotten used to enduring it.

The northern nobles were always passive. If the Marquis of Zweik doesn't send out a letter, we won't get together, and if the Duke of Roenstein doesn't show up, we won't get morale.

I can tell you my opinion, I don't act.

There is no strength in following the strong.

If you move, the fire powder falls all over the northern area. Probably because of the situation that continued.

It really limits my movement.

But that shouldn't happen.

Don't let me reign over the Alliance. They'll take care of it.

To protect what I want to protect myself.

"We should have had enough to endure! The northern lands are being vandalized! That's enough to give you a hip! How long are you going to be a weak man used to being beaten up!? Why didn't you stand first when the north was vandalized!? I'm static until my brother comes and I'm static even when my brother comes! Whose land is the North!? It's royal land!? Then why did you bear it!? If it's not important, I just should have thrown it away! You must have endured it because it's important! How long are you going to keep your hips down when the people of the north are suffering!? I can't even defend my own territory, what a nobleman! The bravery of the northern aristocracy began in this land! The descendants won't even be floated by this!

"Let me tell you!!

"What does a prince who grew up muddy in a castle know!?

"You know what I mean! But here I am! It is coming against the challenges of the North! You have fallen behind the prince! If you want to get rid of me and laugh with the prince, laugh! If you want to mock me, mock me! But there's no reason for me to be ridiculed for incompetence!! I'm out, Prince! You're an incompetent fool to be ridiculed from all over the empire! But I don't - I won't allow anyone who laughs at me to fall behind me!

That's what I say. I slap the long desk hard.

And I told him the last time.

"Make a decree...... the enemy is the rebel Gordon! I will surely destroy it for the North! Form the Northern Alliance of the Hordes!! The spirited nobleman who may have fallen behind the prince! Proudly share your family name and endorse it!!

A moment of silence.

It was Schal who knelt first.

"The Marquis of Zweik will obey His Highness."

Two young aristocrats also knelt when they saw it.

"The Viscount Bornefeld family. I will obey Your Highness. There are only less than a hundred knights, but working on the battlefield is unbeatable to any nobleman. I need you to know me."

"Count Zenkel's house. I will obey Your Highness. If you're worried about the vanguard, leave it to my house."

It was skinned followed by northern aristocracy began to kneel.

Everything you say is a positive word.

And finally, the Duke of Roenstein knelt.

"Below the House of the Duke of Roenstein, follow the forty-seven northern gates, His Royal Highness Arnold and Leonard. I would like to ask His Royal Highness for the Alliance of the Northern Hordes, could you take it on?

"Let's take it on. He's the first tentative ally. I entrust full powers to the Duke"

"Thank you. As a matter of policy, we will wait for the forces to be aligned on this occasion. At the same time, we will send the nobles close to the front line as reinforcements under His Highness Leonardo."

"I'll take care of everything"

The Duke of Lauenstein nodded and told all the nobles to gather their soldiers.

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