The centre of the Duke of Roenstein's territory.

Collar capital Allah.

It is the largest city in the north and can be called the centre of the north for both fame and fame.

the center of that Allah. We were in a giant hall.

"Dear Charlotte, One moment, please. The Duke of Roenstein is in a meeting."


Charles nodded without complaining about the butler's words.

Look at that. I snap unexpectedly.

"My granddaughter's back, but it's a conference priority."

"That's what grandpa is like. There is no public or private confusion. Unless the royal family is involved."

"Oh, shit."

"You'd better throw away your optimism. Thunder will fly when you find out who you are. Definitely the one who's willing to kill me."

"Don't be scared..."

"I'm not kidding. I'm a serious person. Be very careful when you reveal yourself."

I snort at Shall's words.

I've dealt with as many people as I can with a runaway prince and an insult, but I don't have much experience dealing with people with grudges.

That's all the royalty is strong in the empire.

Don't be alarmed. That doesn't have to be said.

The opponent is "Thunder God Lowenstein.

I've only met him once. At a feast opened to celebrate his tenth birthday, he spoke only a little. I still remember that power.

A Trail Son of the Duke, but a Magic General who joined the army and acted as a general.

An ancient strong man who continued to defeat his enemies on numerous battlefields and committed himself to the expansion of the Empire.

Its achievements are undefeated for life. Even though he was never inferior to his enemies in quality and quantity because he had taken the elite of the Roenstein family as his own side and led a strong army called the Imperial Army, it is nonetheless an unusual achievement.

It's not like the Emperor is undefeated. The battle for the emperor is different from the battle for the general. There will be no emperors in high-risk battles, and the emperors will lead the Kingsguard knights in the first place. It's harder to lose.

He is the only one in the current empire to surpass Sister Reese in terms of merit.

When you are at a distance from an enemy army, show your side as an intelligentsia who is good at strategy, and once you are in contact with an enemy army, show your side as a majesty who shows you the martial courage to lead your own way.

A general who is both intelligent and courageous.

That is the Duke of Roenstein.

"Are you nervous?

"I don't know. I don't think it's a good idea if I fail."

"... I'll protect you if your grandfather gets angry. Because you should be able to stop it."

"I'm counting on you"

When I smiled and said that, Charles turned his eyes round and immediately frowned.

I guess I thought you were optimistic.

"I knew you were weird."


"Who in the royal family today has the temper to stand alone in front of his grandfather?

"I don't know. Well, isn't it about Sister Reese standing alone?

Make it Erik, make it Leo, stand in front of me alone. I'm in a position of trouble if anything happens. I do not prioritize my intentions as an individual. I would definitely put on an escort.

With that in mind, Charles sighed.

"I'm confident General Princess will never beat me. But what about you?

"I'm confident too."

"Like what?"

"I am confident that you will protect me. Guard, nice to meet you."

"Ha... you don't consider the possibility that I won't protect you?

"You're gonna protect me, aren't you?

"What if it's just words?

"I'd give up if I didn't have eyes to see people. Nor would the Duke of Roenstein kill a prince. One or two of your arms should forgive you."

Charles looked at my words.

I try to say something, but that's when the butler came back.

"The meeting is over. Go ahead."


"You're not going?

"I'm coming. Stay behind me. Absolutely?"

"Yes, sir."

That's what I answered with my shoulders flattered.

■ ■ ■

It was a large lookout room that was guided.

Usually the people would pass on requests to the lords here.

The deepest part.

There was an old red-haired man sitting on a chair.

Big as Gordon's grandfather, his spine stretches out exactly like a former general.

The red eyes were sharp and he looked at me first after he saw Shall.

The old man is the Duke of Victor von Roenstein, known as Thundergod.

"Charlotte has come to greet you on your return. Grandpa."

"- Thank you. Did the Marquis Zweik say anything at the end?


"Right... you thin lover. He said he promised to drink."

That being said, the Duke of Roenstein slowly meditated his eyes.

You must be mourning the Marquis Zweik.

It's a pattern that can be described as an ally who has long supported the north.

Children married each other and also became relatives. Had it not been for this situation, the Duke of Roenstein himself would have gone to see him.

Do the ministers know that? The viewing room was surrounded by a quiet atmosphere.

"... are you feeling all right?

"Yes, I had a seizure once, but then nothing happened"

"Right. That's good."

"Grandpa, there's actually someone I want to introduce you to. During the funeral of the Marquis Zweik, a bandit appeared. Where I couldn't deal with the seizure, Schwartz and his mercenary regiment behind me dealt with it. Marquis Zweik owes me a favor, and he's doing me good too."


That's what Duke Roenstein expressed his interest in me.

I say hello with my head down.

"I'll see you first. My name is Schwartz."

"Right. You took care of my granddaughter."

"No, the Marquis of Zweik had a great favour. I've come this far to repay that favor, but I couldn't make it. I would like to return the favor to Miss Charlotte."

"That's a good heart. So? Is it your business that Charlotte is sending letters to nobles everywhere?

Duke Roenstein's gaze sharpens.

Seeing it, Shall hurries and opens his mouth.

"Oh, Grandpa! That's my decision! Marquis Zweik thought that in this northern matter, the northern marquis should agree. That's why I was writing letters to nobles everywhere asking them to endorse the meeting!

"I see. So do you have a letter to Nong?

"No... I'm going to persuade Grandpa"

"You know the Marquis Zweik very well. No matter how many letters he writes, he doesn't move. So you want me to entrust it to Charlotte? I know that... I know, but it was a failure to bring a rat"

"Schwartz is an escort. I'll persuade you!

"That's not the point. Damn, it's licked. Would you like to meet me first? Don't be ridiculous. When you celebrated your tenth birthday, nobles from all over were gathered. I see him then. If I may say more, I was a breastfeeder. Have I even held you?

That being said, the Duke of Roenstein slowly rises out of his chair.

The air got heavy all at once.

Even the neighbors around me are cold sweating.

"Huh... I didn't think you'd get a light nurse"

"If you want to hide who you are from Non, you should have hidden those eyes, right? You look just like the man who took my daughter just to strengthen her blood muscles. At first glance, I can tell. I don't think any man hates his eyes as much as Noon!

That said the Duke of Roenstein roughed up his voice.

Hearing that rough voice, I got up and took the hood.

"Let's apologize for trying to conspire. I didn't want you to kill me."

"Hmm! You've grown up to be a nice guy, haven't you? The attitude, the oral gesture. You look just like the Emperor when he was younger.

"I'm a parent and child. I didn't think you remembered we met back in the day. We should have just spoken a little... that's a big deal. resentment toward the royal family."

"With a good understanding of that, what are you doing here? Arnold Lakes Ardler!"

That's what the Duke of Roenstein told me exactly who I was.

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